Obama extends some PATRIOT Act provisions
Associated Press reports that the President has extended some of the provisions with which Democrats, including Campaign Obama, beat up the previous administration and Republicans, in general.
Three sections of the Patriot Act that stay in force will:
–Authorize court-approved roving wiretaps that permit surveillance on multiple phones.
–Allow court-approved seizure of records and property in anti-terrorism operations.
–Permit surveillance against a so-called lone wolf, a non-U.S. citizen engaged in terrorism who may not be part of a recognized terrorist group.
Obama’s signature comes after the House voted 315 to 97 Thursday to extend the measure.
I’m certainly not complaining that the provisions were kept alive, for the sake of our national security. However, I sure wish the Democrats had been honest about their intentions over the last eight or nine years in regards to this and not used the issue to agitate the tin-foil hat crowd. It does illustrate the Democrats’ dishonesty with their own constituents. Not that the idiots will stop sending the thieves back to Congress or anything.
Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Congress sucks
Hypocrisy, thy name is politician.
I questioned the nature of the Patriot act but have changed my views too. Time will tell us in history how the act worked for or against citizens. If the provisions are not abused it is a good thing for national security. Autonomy is getting rare these days and that is a double edged sword. We have to trust the right decisions are made for our good and not evil intent. Some decisions are dificult to make when you know there will be losses. It comes with the responsibility. Politicizing this topic will always lend itself to controversy.
I agree with Door Kicker. I also think that time alone can tell whether the President’s decision to extend the provisions will do good or do more harm to the people.
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