Al Gore speaks
After being chastised for remaining silent during the investigation of climate scientists for purposely altering facts to maintain their respective cash flows, Al Gore has finally spoken up in the pages of the New York Times. I suspect his carbon credit voodoo has suffered mightily and his own cash flow is stalling. But here’s what I read;
It is true that the climate panel published a flawed overestimate of the melting rate of debris-covered glaciers in the Himalayas, and used information about the Netherlands provided to it by the government, which was later found to be partly inaccurate. In addition, e-mail messages stolen from the University of East Anglia in Britain showed that scientists besieged by an onslaught of hostile, make-work demands from climate skeptics may not have adequately followed the requirements of the British freedom of information law.
But the scientific enterprise will never be completely free of mistakes. What is important is that the overwhelming consensus on global warming remains unchanged. It is also worth noting that the panel’s scientists — acting in good faith on the best information then available to them….
Um, they lied about the actual data, conspired to defraud the UN and used irrelevant anecdotal evidence and called it Science! The scientific enterprise might never be free of mistakes, but it is too much to ask that it be free of lies and fraud?
The heavy snowfalls this month have been used as fodder for ridicule by those who argue that global warming is a myth, yet scientists have long pointed out that warmer global temperatures have been increasing the rate of evaporation from the oceans, putting significantly more moisture into the atmosphere — thus causing heavier downfalls of both rain and snow in particular regions, including the Northeastern United States.
The most often repeated phrase in discussions about the weather this year around the US is “I blame Al Gore”. In this paragraph, Gore explains why there is more moisture in the air, but he doesn’t explain the most important part – why does this evaporation return to earth as snow, rather than rain, as it would if we were really experiencing warmer temperatures?
Al Gore is either a retard or a snake oil salesman. Anyone still listening to a word he says?
Category: Global Warming, Liberals suck
Let’s put an impenetrable dome over The Left Reverend AlGore’s house, – aka – “The Simpson Movie”.
And to those who would complain that we would be depriving AlGore of his rights – No, he can practice them all he wants, inside his Dome of Doom. We just don’t have to let him out to inflict his particular practice of his rights upon us.
Hey, I’d vote for that!
Gore needs to be dragged in front of Congress to explain why his Nobel prize shouldn’t be taken back from him, and he prosecuted for fraud and fear-mongering.
[…] View, The Lonely Conservative, Gateway Pundit, The Page, American Conservative …, This ain’t Hell, and Climate […]
Again, you make the flat earthers proud. I’ll give you a clue – in Arizona, where I used to live, the snow line has risen for years. It used to snow down to 3-4,000 feet, now the snowline is more typically 7-8,000 feet. Places we used to XC ski in feet of snow are now dry all winter long. They get rain, but little snow. Capiche?
“It is true that the climate panel published a flawed overestimate…”
I think that was a transcription error. “Fraud” and “flawed” sound a lot alike!
“Overwhelming concensus”? Not likely. Joey, Joey, insulting those that the Warmers are trying to convert(steal from) isn’t likely to help you in confiscating more wealth, now is it?
Care to explain the current dust-up about the temp. measurement instruments, you know, the ones where they’re mounted over a concrete apron, or at the edge of aircraft parking apron, you know where they’re exposed to jet exhausts? I doubt you can, but try, we need a good laugh today, Joey.
Hey Joe,
Wanna take a stab at explaining the cooling ‘trend’ in Greenland for the past 600 years? Ya know, like explaining how it was named GREENland by the Vikings because it was, upon a time, verdant and green and not covered in snow and ice several feet thick? But I’m sure that’s just an aberration and, to a religious nut like yourself, pure heresy that need not be explained…
Sorry Joe, but you just talked about weather, and that is not currently allowed by the global warming advocates.
I would be curious to know the Goracle’s logic here- global warming is supposed to make ocean levels rise. That is the claim we have been hearing for more than a decade. But now it turns out that global warming has been “increasing the rate of evaporation” for those same oceans, lowering the level of the oceans.
I know the loonies changed ‘global warming’ to ‘global climate change’, now are they going to change ‘rising ocean levels due to global warming’ to ‘fluctuating ocean levels due to global climate change’.
Afternoon all. The key question in this whole Global warming/cooling debate is whether or not it’s man made. That’s where all the money is. If the left can prove it’s man made then they can redistribute wealth from north to south while taking a skim off the top for themselves (well, select members of the left and some of the wall street boys) that the mafia would admire. Don’t let the pressure on these guys up for one moment because while for a lot of them the goal is riches through fraud (Gore for one) too many others see this as a way for the west to get it’s long deserved comeuppance. Also, I’d pay cash money to see Gore being grilled by a discovery team when the SOB gets the first (of hopefully) many lawsuits.
There would not be any more problems if Al Gore would just STFU and stick a widmill up his ass! That is how I see it folks…
My bust,that should say windmill,I blame it on my freezing cold fingers!
Most people aren’t denying there has been some climate change. The problem we have is that they are blaming it on humans. They have carefully glossed over previous periods in history where the same thing has ocurred and man can not possibly be blamed. It is a scam designed to punish this country for being successful and I refuse to take a step backwards for any reason. To be truthful, after finding out where many of the so-called weather stations have been placed, in direct violation of rules I might add, I don’t even believe the raw data which they have already manipulated.
“heavy snowfalls this month have been used as fodder for ridicule by those who argue that global warming is a myth”
“weather is not climate”…then what exactly is climate???
“scientists besieged by an onslaught of hostile, make-work demands”…otherwise known as gathering and recording actual data.
I believe it was Hitler who said that you can get away with any lie as long as it is big enough.
Weather is short term changes, where as climate is weather over long peroids of time. And that is where the AGW crowd truly fails. Their own arguments against taking our day to day experiences as proof against AGW comes back to bite them in the ass. On a geological scale the patterns we are currently experiencing fit with the natural cycles of the planet. Those cycles may harbor bad things for our current society, but rather than trying to “fix them” mankind should be looking for methods to adapt to them.
Well, you know, it’s been so hard on Al lately, what with those endangered arctic polar bears raiding his garbage this winter in Tennessee. 🙂
Anon, I though that Algore was trucking his garbage up to the White House, so they could pile it out back, and embarrassing guests could walk by it as they leave by the back door.
But, I agree, the best solution would be if Algore would just STFU.
Woodman, years ago in high school (when earth was young and dinosaurs roamed the plains), I proposed domes over DC (Congress in particular) and many statehouses. Ventilated, with wind-powered electric turbines on top. The calculations showed that the hot air would produce enough electricity to power the US (off DC alone) and America would grow economically and otherwise from both the power and the lack of politicians. More than ever, think it a good idea…
Why doesn’t anyone take Al Gore for serial? You all know that manbearpig is the greatest danger to the earth. Excelsior!
The sun expands, and the earth ( and all the other planets) warm up. The sun con tracts, and the earthy (and all the other planets) cool.
So easy a cave man can do it!
Gore is just a televangelist. He’s Jimmy Swaggart in Green.
Why the Left can’t spot their own snake oil salesman I don’t know. I guess we all are blind to our own failings.
I love how the left prides itself on being sexually liberated, unlike the supposed uptight, puritanical right. I thought it was supposed to be the churchy right that hated the human body, but it’s the eco-left that is telling me I’m polluting the earth by simply breathing.
So the left is cool with me watching porn 24/7 and sleeping around, they just don’t want me exhale while I do it.
Hopefully Gore will sell me some indulgences, I mean breathing credits.
AW1 Tim….I thought that that you airdales were smarter than that….if you had just shut up and played your cards right,you could have parlyed your true and simple observation into at least a 300 million dollar grant of taxpayer dollars and not have to prove anything…just sayin!
Before I speak on a subject I like to try to find out a little bit. When Gore started talking I smelled something fishy. So I have read from cover to cover, “An Inconvenient Truth”, “Unstoppable Global Warming (Every 1500 years), and “A Skeptics Guide to Global Warming”, and just about every article for and against I could lay my hands on. I have decided that the “Goracle” is an opportunist, more concerned with his place in history (and his own pocket), than really trying to save anything or anyone. The lies, deceit and twisted science used to backup his claims fail to support even the slightest indication that;
1. Human produced CO2 is the cause of warming
2. That even indeed, in the last decade, there has been any significant global warming.
3. That global warming is anything more than a normal cycle of the earth and its macro-climate.
I would love to debate Al, or any of his minions, based on the actual science, not touchy feely emotions based on their special connections to earth mother Gaia.
20,000 years ago (21,000 to 17,000) you could have skied to Mexico from Arizon. It was part of one of our ice ages sometimes called the Upper Pleniglacial or the Last Glacial Maximum. Wait around long enough everything changes.
As ECM said Greenland was at one time, well, green and tillable, thanks to the middle age warming period, where it was warmer than it is now, no thanks to CO2.
Only real science rules.
Well, Jerry, you could not have skied from Mexico without scratching the hell out of your skis on all that sand and rock – the continental glaciers never made it that far south. There were some alpine glaciers in the Rockies, and even in the San Francisco peaks in AZ, but they were tiny, very limited in size compared to the continental glaciers. I guess my problem is with Jonn’s childish “I’m cold in W. Virginia, therefore the earth is cold, therefore there is no such thing as global warming” way of looking at things. In fact localized warm spells can occur even in a time of global temperature drop. Some geological evidence supports the idea that when the northern hemisphere is having an ice age, the southern hemisphere is in a warm spell, and vice versa. It’s not about what the temperature is at any given location, it’s about the earth’s total heat budget and how the ocean currents and weather patterns pump heat around. The earth is warming, even doubters agree with that, and at a very fast pace, very probably faster than natural processes can account for.
Joe,chill out dude..the REAL cause of “Climate Change”are armpits.yes,you read it correctly,armpits.armpits and hairy legs…All caused by dirty,unwashed,hippie chicks…therefore you can only blame yourself and your “people” for the temperture change and that foul odor that has increasing over the years…
Warmest winter on record, snowfall in W. Virginia notwithstanding….
Hey Joe,
How many carbon credits do I need to buy for my diesel truck? If God thinks we are messing up His Earth too much, He will set us right, not the algore.
Great, a chart of about 7 weeks of data for the year….don’t forget about el nino this year…..
Everybody is talking about the WX but nobody is doing anything about it!
Pattent approved March 26, 1991. From the summer of 1990 to the end of March 1991 GWB mentions NWO 42 times~
On September 8, 1992, the US president George Bush transmitted the UNFCCC for advice and consent of the U.S. Senate to ratification. The Foreign Relations Committee approved the treaty and reported it (Senate Exec. Rept. 102-55) October 1, 1992. The Senate consented to ratification on October 7, 1992, with a two-thirds majority vote. President Bush signed the instrument of ratification October 13, 1992, and deposited it with the U.N. Secretary General.
This later brought Gore his Nobel. The climate thing is about linking economics to each transaction through a carbon tax. Gore’s movie tells us indirectly that the climate and world population has a correlation. Now the really interesting part about the Genetically Modified crops and climate change:
There is going to be a food crisis that will shadow the economic crisis. A conspiracy? Thinking it’s lefty’s cause is conspiracy. There is no left or right in a NWO. Overpopulation demands for foods will be directly linked to climate issues. GM crops are patented and by law, non-Gm crops will be outlawed so they do not contaminate and offend the patented crops. This whole thing is about economics and control.
Seed banks are not just a new fad for a few nations. They are for real. But don’t take my word for it. Gore had much larger shoes to fill than the Presidency, he was selling the dream while the skies are awash in patented chemtrails.
Weather is made friends. The chemtrails not only reflect heat, they trap it. The scientists are tracking water vapor. As for the climate well, in the last ice age there had to be some warming of the oceans to make the moisture that was transported to the landmass for precipitation. All I know is the weather is screwed up and a bit extreme. The southern hemisphere has been a hot one this year but we don’t track that much here because that is far away. The trails have been observed all over the world, even after 911 over N. America. I know it’s a lot to digest but look at the facts before you judge me and brush this off. Consider all the new airborn tanker contracts made and filled throughout the world since the early ‘90’s. Consider who has the most freedom to fly over international borders. Consider the facts.
Door Kicker….WTF are you babbling about…please logically explain your view,thanks…