But we’re prudes

| February 27, 2010

After Canada’s women’s hockey team beat the US Thursday, they took a little time to puff a stogie and drink some Canadian beer.


Team Canada then apologized for the behavior of these brazen hussies after the executive director or the International Olympic Committee complained;

“The members of Team Canada apologize if their on-ice celebrations, after fans had left the building, have offended anyone,” Hockey Canada posted in a statement. “In the excitement of the moment, the celebration left the confines of our dressing room and shouldn’t have. The team regrets that its gold medal celebration may have caused the IOC or the COC any embarrassment.

Give me a break. I’m guessing that the first time these ladies have won a Gold Medal, and it’s also the first time they drank beer and smoked cigars on their playing field. What better time and place to celebrate?

Category: Politics

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Old Tanker

You’re right, they waited until after the US team left AND all of the people in the stands left before coming back out on the ice…this is way over blown. 1 of the skaters out there drinking was 18 and the drinking age in BC is 19 but you can overlook that as a simple mistake, there home ice is in Alberta where the drinking age is 18.

You know what was TOTALLY unacceptable…..they were smoking indoors!!!!!(que the anti=smoking Nazi’s)

B Woodman

Smoking and drinking, AWAY from the public, personal and semi-private, AFTER a massive Olympic gold victory. . .


Not inviting me to the celebration . . . .



I agree this is a lot about nothing. However, IF this had been the American women’s team I’m sure we would have heard howling from the media about the arrogant Americans. How insensitive the American’s are while blowing their own horns. It would have been an America bash fest and this is not happening with the Canadians.

Paul Salvette

Oh no! There are people in the world who enjoy the inebriating effects of alcohol, just as civilization has for the last 5,000 odd years. Besides, in Canada, what else is there to do besides drink Molsons and Labatt’s?


It’s hockey, not figure skating!!! Let ’em have a stogie and coldie, eh.

Frankly Opinionated

Canada gets castrated because the best of the best in hockey players has a beer and a smoke in celebration; yet no one says shit when they allow Muslim honor killings……….
Gotta keep those priorities in place. Send the violating players to the most northern penitentary in the frozen assed country.
This is serious shit here, folks. Why, they were even smiling as they committed this horrendous act of disobedience in the guise of a victory celebration. Don’t most Canadian kids know the taste of Molsons about the same time as they learn to tie their hockey skates?

Nuf Sed


The only ‘people’ who seem to be offended by this is the fricking media. As far as I am concerned this incident was the most enjoyable event of the whole damn Olympics. And I don’t even like hockey.

Bill R.

Of course the director said nothing about the emergency resupply of condoms that was sent to the Olympic Village. On the basis of evidence, I would say there is a lot more than just beer drinkin’ and stogie smokin’ going on! Wish I was there.


Wait until BNG and I win olympic gold in curling 4 years from now. It’ll be so hedonistic even folks from Amsterdam will be saying, “Damn, that ain’t right….”

AW1 Tim

Those women were morons, for certain. They had beer and NO donuts? What the hell is Canada coming to? Sadly, I was unable to reach Bob & Doug McKenzie for comments.


Old Tanker


There’s more to do in Canada than drink Molson and LaBatt’s….there’s Bradore beer too!


I think the “members of Team Canada” made their point, with the dig about “after fans had left the building”. How can anyone be offended if no one was there? This is just a BFD moment.

Jon The Mechanic

Media and nanny state: But, what about the Children??

Me: Make sure they get weaned on O’Douls and when they are old enough to get on the bar stool, give them the good stuff.

Jesus, Mary, Joseph, and all the saints. Get a life for the whineasses.


Well, I was gonna compare the antics of those crude hockey players with the calm class of the curlers, but TSO has ruined curling for me now.

To envision the curling sheet turned into a bawdy house is painful.


All the people who got upset about this probably never won ANYTHING in their lives…

adelphi 418

Some people just don’t leave well enough alone. These girls have been locked in a nunnery preparing for these games. Nothing more than some harmless celebration on what was apparently a slow news day.

Adirondack Patriot



To have.

Her baby.


Considering it was the Canadian press who broke this story, I think the press thought they should say something in case the story got out in American press. Unfortunately, the girls are being made an example of. They played their hearts out, won a gold medal, and if they want to celebrate, I say GO FOR IT!!
Just wished Team USA could have won. Let’s hope the USA men’s team brings home gold.


Eh, big deal. The U.S. snowboard winner went home after pictures of him having cute female groupies suck on his bronze medal at an after-party went public. The Canadian women’s hockey team smoking cigars and drinking beer (their gold medal, their country, their country’s beer even) so what? There was less controversy about our snowboarder.


Of course you must ask yourself what the reaction would have been from the world press if it had been the American women doing this very same thing. Call it a hunch but I think they wouldn’t have been particularly complimentary to the women or Americans in general.


I 100% agree with everything the IOC says. This incident is absolutely terrible and does have a negative effect on everybody that sees it. Why, I saw these pictures Saturday morning and then went out and got trashed that night and ended up with an annoyed fiancee and a suit that badly needs to be dry cleaned. Obvious connection.