Cracked brings the funny, military style
In 1943, Jan Baalsrud and some fellow commandos went to Norway on the very specific mission of destroying an air traffic control tower with a fishing boat. Fearing that a fishing boat alone may not be sufficient, they also filled it to the tits with explosives.
Unfortunately, the Germans caught wind of Operation Fishing Boat Bang Bang Explody Pow and were lying in wait. Jan and the others, seeing how fucked they were, lit the fuse on the explosives and tried to escape in a smaller boat; a plan which resulted in them having exactly zero remaining boats (approximately one less than the recommended amount for seafaring adventures).
Jan and his buddies were now in freezing waters and being shot to pieces. They all swam for the coast, but only Jan got away. Because his luck hadn’t been shitty enough up to this point, he was immediately shot in the foot upon reaching land. Caught between freezing to death and bleeding to death, Jan also had the Germans behind him. Capture seemed imminent and, quite frankly, preferable.
Go see how this one turns out…
H/t to a red little M&M.
Category: Politics
Wonder what they call the highest medal, what one must do to be awarded same, and if there have ever been any living award recipients?
hehe…..hehehe….hehe (channeling Beavis and Butthead laugh) His name was Baalsrud….’cuz he had really big Baals…hehe
Alright, enough Beavis and Butthead, go check this dude out. The whole “Badass of the Week” site is pretty good!
I am now naming my first born (male or female) Leo Majors and the wife be damned.
Those are all some pretty bad dudes. #1 struck me as especially bad, or just plain crazy, laughing maniacally while he crawled through German lines with shattered legs, only to insist on artificial limbs and a return to flight status. His opinion of being a national hero says it all, “There is nothing extraordinary in what I did. The fact that I’ve been turned into a legend irritates me” Cracked’s final sentence is hilarious as well: “To drive this sentiment home, he made it a point to die just moments before a national celebration commemorating his 85th birthday.” VIDEO STORY FROM RT TV PLAY GAME HERE
……This story is so hardcore that I kind of expect my monitor to start growing chest hair any moment now. Marcus Luttrell, the Navy SEAL badass, had survived a four-against-the-world gunfight, willed himself through grievous wounds, and continued to not die no matter how much bullshit and ammunition was thrown at him….
This was the right up of Marcus Luttrell
I don’t think this guy was military but he kinda writes like it…..
‘scuse me……”write up”…..
I read David Howarth’s book We Die Alone about Jan Baalsrud 6 or 7 years ago and have always been amazed how little his story is known.
Since I first read this post, I’ve had six or seven tabs opened on the computer between Badass of the Week and Cracked.