General Casey Breaks Ranks

| February 23, 2010

I’m not a George Casey fan. His handling of the Ft. Hood massacre and its aftermath were absolutely horrible. But I need to give credit when credit is due and commend him and for breaking ranks with his bosses in the administration by raising legitimate questions about the repeal of DADT in front of the Senate.

From Reuters:

A key senator suggested a possible compromise: suspending discharges of gays from the military under the current policy, known as “don’t ask, don’t tell,” for a while.

“That would mean that if for some reason it is not repealed, down the road, the current discharge policy would stay in place,” Senator Carl Levin said.

Some polling says most Americans favor repealing the policy requiring gay service members to keep quiet about their homosexuality. But any change must be approved by Congress, and some lawmakers say they will be guided by the military brass.

Both Army General George Casey and Air Force General Norton Schwartz told lawmakers they were worried about the impact of such a change on a U.S. military under stress after years of war in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Like I said in my last post about DADT, this is not a priority for the Obama administration. They punted by saying it was up to Congress to repeal the ban and the closer we get to the elections the less we will hear about it.

Category: Military issues, Politics

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Frankly Opinionated

When Bill “The Zipper” Clinton put the DADT policy in, I questioned it.
As I see it, he was asking our military, (who we expect to be 100% honest in their dealings), to lie about their sexual preferences, and that their buddies should lie about them too? And, the Unit CO, if he were asked from above if he has gays in his unit- would have to lie as well. So much for integrity in the ranks.

Nuf Sed


I`ve been reading this site for close to a year now.I`m an Infantry soldier/Big Red One/86-90/ I would really like to become part of the every day fodder.I`m with you guys.Yes I can take a ribbing like everybody else.I`ve got tough skin.Might not be the place to post this,but sue me.I think Old Trooper, was defending the Fulda Gap with Me.1/16 inf.


No, I`m not a peter Puffer!I think {they} should just leave it alone, before they really open up a big can of worms, that can`t be recapped.I was in the Reserve Army, after active,Clinton,said I was half inch too short to be in my MP unit.I don`t have much to say about Him.Moved to a Medic unit with state EMT,Clinton cut that too.I did my time tryin to stay in.I`m 42 now,I`d love to go back.I`ll never pass the physical again.


I stand corrected.41 Years Old.Congrats to TSO.


Well it is almost 10 am here and I decided that I would do a little honest work before I go out and goof off for the rest of the day. I am going to tell you the story of how a baby, a white baby, (me) born in to a middle class American family and raised in middle America turns out to be an anti-American, and liberal. The story begins around 1968, no I was not born then, that is when my mother told me that my cousin was reading the newspaper every day. That made me feel bad so I started to read the newspaper everyday to. I was around 8 years old give or take a half year. What my mother did not tell me was that my cousin was only reading the sports section. So here I was a child taking in a daily dose of propoganda that was intended for adults. What happened was I became not just a patriot and a conservative but a patriot and a conservative on steroids so to speak. But then around 1973 a critical event in the history of our country occured. Just months after ending a long war in Vietnam to defend freedom our government, UNDER THE REPUBLICAN NIXON, imposed wage and price controls because infation was perhaps 10% per year. As a person around 13 I thought, what the hell is this!!! we just killed millions of people to defend freedom and now we are taking away very imporant freedoms at home!!! If wage and price controls in not communism then what the hell is it!! I could not understand why there was not an immeditate revolution. This was a huge disallusionment for me. From that point on I had a new perspective from which to view events in America. America was not the world leader of freedom and democracy but the world leader of fraud. Once you start looking at things through this perspective you can find new evidence almost daily to support your hypothisis. Then when I was around 16 I heard of a new… Read more »


This is what I was referencing last week about why I am not a libertarian.


Why did I feel compelled to read that bit of batshit crazy nonsense. Curt, allow me to be succinct, your an idiot or a compulsive liar. Either is not an admirable quality.


hell, we are already wearing the ghey beret, might as well start wearing panties too.


As to #6 and the asshat/douchenozzle who posted it, who cares? Looking that over is akin to sniffing ground glass.


The following is a comment about CNN public opinion polls about repealing DADT that was posted another website. It is a great response to what the gay movement has been able to do regarding public opinion. Really nailed it.

Gotta hand it to the social phenomenon that is the gay movement. Sure, sure, there’s is no such thing as a “gay agenda” and all that, but give the folks props for completely turning around public sentiment in 15 or so years. It’s really quite beautiful in an Alinsky kind of way. Change the terms, change the words, prevail upon winning stereotypes, and marginalize the detractors. Next thing you know, an entire crowd of conservatives boo you for bristling at it. Pretty amazing!

Can’t help but wonder what’s next. Seriously, the sand’s are shifting, we’re evolving. We might as well take a long hard look at other once-called aberrant behaviors. The odds are very high we’re wrong about many others.


have you watched television in the last ten years? Can you name one year that didn’t have at least two shows with a gay cast, lead, storyline, if not the entire show based around gay? Will and Grace for example.

The people have watched how it’s ok to be teh ghey for a decade on TV. Indoctrination…


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