Adam Kokesh: Unfit for Office

| February 16, 2010

Jonn discussed this briefly the other day, and last night I had some fun at Adam’s expense.  He used to have a thing that put up every Tweet that used Adam’s name, until the lovely Boston Maggie and I Tweet bombed his page.  Anyway, this morning I thought I might address a few things.

First off, I don’t know if I want Kokesh to win, or lose miserably. I can see merit in both. I mean really, who has been covering Adam longer than us? Hell, Jonn even had to correct Adam on his own friggin bio. It would be great fun for us if he won. On the other hand, the man is the worst possible individual anyone could ever choose to elect for a whole host of reasons that I plan to bring up.

But let us start with this fact: Adam Kokesh has the same chance of winning the New Mexico Third Congressional District as I do of becoming the next Laker Girl. We can dispense with the rest after that, but it is important that you realize his campaign has zero chance. The Cook Political Report (and everyone else who tracks races) list this as a “Solid Democrat” seat. The registration is D+7, and Kokesh will not pull all the GOP vote. The incumbent has not unduly pissed anyone off, so you can start with a solid D vote. Now look at Kokesh, does anyone who knows this guys background really believe him to be a GOP? I mean, set aside all policy considerations, does he act like a Republican?

Adam is a libertarian. He and others like him are the very reason I am not one. Because they are so inexcusably smug, so arrogant, and so blind to any other rational viewpoint. If you looked at issues, Adam may be right on the vast majority, but he is such a pompous ass that you want to disagree. Either way, how many Republicans do you know that share the stage with ANSWER, CodePink et al?

Adam States:

From the absurd to the twisted, the attacks on me have been coming with increasing frequency lately, and we welcome them. When you are truly challenging the established order, there will always be a pushback. While some of the attacks of a personal nature have been disturbing, at the same time, it is very reassuring to know that we are being attacked because we have become a credible threat!

This to me is the sort of brither approach. [I am not talking validity, so can it.] When half-baked attacks on Adam take place, it only makes him look better. And it is so unneccessary. THE MAN STORES HIS OWN URINE IN THE REFRIGERATOR. And being able to label them “attacks” is classic. There are some very, VERY valid questions about Kokesh we have documented here, and since Adam is the one seeking office, it should be him responding to them.

Either way, he is not a “credible threat” and I am loathe to even treat him as such.

None the less, some of the very valid reasons to question Adam include:

Maturity. Just a year ago he was living as a frat boy in the IVAW house which was rampant with drug use and other such recreations.

Honesty. Adam brags on his site that he “receiv[ed] an honorable discharge in November of 2006” yet fails to mention in the bio that he subsequently also received a General Discharge. Would that not be pertinent to the voters there?

Stability. At one point Adam was blogging about how he was mixing Gin and Xanax, about how he stored urine in his fridge, about how the DC police were following him, and how if law enforcement agents legally sought the arrest of a deserter (Matthis) that…well, let’s let him tell it:

Should any military or law enforcement personnel come here, to MY house, they will not be welcome, nor will they find removing him from the premises to be physically tenable.

Is there anyone out there who thinks you can entrust law-making powers to a man who would be willing to physically repel the legal actions of state actors? Does that strike you as appropriate?

Anyway, over the next few days, I will cover some of the bio points that Adam seems to be forgetfully omitting. I hope that some voters in the New Mexico Third Congressional District will look through the evidence and see that Tom Mullins is a far superior candidate. Even though I disagree with many of Mullins’ positions, he at least has the maturity, honesty and mental stability to more ably represent the needs of northern New Mexico.

Category: Politics

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[…] Read the whole thing for the juicy goodness of it all! […]


Having lived in Farmington for a number of years (went to HS there) and alerted the San Juan County GOP of this clown, needless to say he’s not getting much support outside the Paulestinian-type crowd.


“He used to have a thing that put up every Tweet that used Adam’s name, until the lovely Boston Maggie and I Tweet bombed his page.”

And enjoyable evening was had by all (well almost all). Please come to me with any Twitter mission you have!

I acquired some conservative Tweeps from the Great American Southwest.

Go Tom Mullins!


He need to get 88 delegates (20% of the total) to get on the ballot. If he gets fewer, he can still get on by getting more signatures. The convention is March 13. If you know any delegates, tell them the truth about Adam. Try to keep him off the ballot!

Sea Dragon

Interesting. I live in the 3rd CD, and heard him speak at or county central committee meeting.


“Adam is a libertarian. He and others like him are the very reason I am not one. Because they are so inexcusably smug, so arrogant, and so blind to any other rational viewpoint.”

Whoa… Now how does that old saying go…it’s in the Bible.. Something about taking the log out of your own eye so you can see to remove the speck in your brother’s eye (especially the part about being “so arrogant”…tee-hee-hee…but far be it from me to point out the obvious…)

Santa Fe OathKeeper

You guys having fun? What you are doing is hurting the slight chance that us New Mexicans can get rid of a very bad representative. We all know that Kokesh is not a party-line republican. THANK GOD!!! A party line GOP establishment type, like Mullins, has absolutely NO chance of turning the 15k swing votes necessary to win this race. In fact, Kokesh’s activism is one of his strong points in this regard. So basically, what your little witch hunt will do is hurt conservatives in NM and solidify our freshman reps hold on his seat.

We’ve looked into Kokesh beyond the whispered lies you all have been sending us.

Never served in Iraq??? What?, you all don’t know how to use google?

Further, I found out about you guys because your attacks are hurting my state. I listened to that moonbat Bev’s interview and can’t imagine a sadder bunch. Malicious slander it was. Attacks like that indicate a weakness of position. Further, her ranting about Adam founding IVAW _while he was in IRAQ_ was unbelievable. After listening to that I looked into you guys some more and have heard reports of YOU GUYS SPITTING ON COMBAT VETS!!!! WTF!!!

In light of what I have found out about your little Vet spitting on club, please. MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS, HYPOCRITES!!!

Jonn Lilyea

This is why I HATE the OATHKEEPERS.

Um, dumbass, this blog spent the weekend PROVING Kokesh is an Iraq veteran, you illiterate turd.

The Oathkeepers are just a new face of the Ron Paul crowd. They’ll defend Kokesh despite the fact that Kokesh belongs to the IVAW which urges soldiers to forfeit their oaths. Whatelse ya got, numbnuts?

I’m absolutely tired of the Oathkeepers hiding behind the illusion that they are anything but a political organization.

And, by the way, why are you calling New Mexico “your” state when your IP address is coming from NY and your email address hints that you’re in NY? I think that you’re not only illiterate, but you’re a liar, too.


Santa Fe, the only ones hurting your state are people like yourself and Kokesh. My suggestion is you do your research. Genuine research. You’ll find what you don’t think we are telling the truth about.

As far as spitting? Give me a break. I’ve known many of these people a helluva lot longer than you and not one of them behaves in that fashion. There is no “spitting” club, that’s a total fabrication.

Sad? Sad is when a state runs a candidate as a party member when said candidate’s track record proves he is no more a party member than a squirrel. If Adam has such a strong offering for New Mexico, why not run him as an INDEPENDENT candidate???

I think you better go back to the drawing board and re-check your facts. You’ll find that those who find Adam to be an appalling choice are doing so for the right reasons based on facts, not fiction.

Santa Fe OathKeeper

Uh, I am an individual who happens to be an oathkeeper. This has nothing to do with the organization known as Oathkeepers.

You guys are some friggin detectives. You look at the IP address of a guy using a usb modem, while riding down I-40, and call him a liar. This re-affirms that you guys are clueless and incapable of doing proper research before throwing around un-founded accusations.

My research into the whisper campaigners, who are calling us and stating that Adam never served in Iraq, led me to this blog. This is the rats nest. A bunch of frigging un-american, flag-waving, hypocrites that have embarked on a mission to help the democrats by smearing the only candidate here that has a chance of unseating the incumbent.

The complaints you guys harp on are friggin molehills, colored by your need to defend the war-mongers at all costs. Just ignore the fact that we lost more troops to suicide last year than enemy action, just ignore the fact that you are defending liberal nation building. Just ignore anything that doesn’t fit your warped world-view.

You guys don’t support the troops, you support the war machine.

Friggin spitting on war-vets because you don’t agree with what they are saying.


Jonn Lilyea

Literally – look at his first comment. We also claim Kokesh isn’t an Iraq veteran. And this blog started the lie, apparently.


Oath–better a conservative than someone who is incapable of telling the truth.


Oathkeeper? What a maroon.


TSO he heard a rumor and he’s repeating it. I guarantee he never witnessed anything like that for himself so he’s repeating second-third-fourth hand gossip. That’s all he is is a GOSSIP.

Wake up and smell the coffee Santa Fe. Kokesh is what my Dad would call a “shitbird” and lots stronger. Deal with it. The candidate is seriously flawed and as was pointed out earlier, what candidate do YOU know who would share the podium with Pepto Bismol Pink Elephants who work hard at undermining the United States with every breath they take.