Life’s a bitter shame, [He’s] going off the rails on a crazy train…

| July 22, 2008

(Title from Ozzie)

It’s about 2:30 am right now and I am in no shape to write this blog post, but I have to get this on the record. I haven’t been sleeping much lately and I have been mixing gin and Xanax to cope with all the anxiety I have been dealing with lately, but here goes nothing.

If I wrote those words there would have been an intervention by about 2:45am. But coming from Adam Kokesh, I doubt it struck anyone as odd. I had held off posting this for damn near forever, but his increasingly bizarre behavior is honestly starting to concern me, and hopefully some of his IVAW brethren will help him get some help.The first sign that things were amiss with the Cult of Personality was when the Matthis Chiroux drama began. At the time, Sunday June 15 Adam wrote that:

We are giving him sanctuary here and will assist him in physically resisting if necessary. Should any military or law enforcement personnel come here, to MY house, they will not be welcome, nor will they find removing him from the premises to be physically tenable.

I’m not sure what the logic of saying something like that is, unless of course you are trying to piss them off enough to do something like that. It seems startlingly obvious that just such an altercation would be welcome by Adam. The very next day it would seem that Adam was trolling the net to find references of himself, which he found here at This Ain’t Hell. In an absolutely Orwellian discussion of whether he had ever claimed to be a Sergeant or not (Oceana has always been at war with Eurasia!!!) Kokesh even tried to rebut his own website and IVAW Member Profile.What came next was equally bizarre. In a now-erased (but saved for posterity on my computer) post by a fellow IVAW Member, Adam gets into it with that member and his girlfriend. I’m not going to identify the individual, because he probably doesn’t want the attention, but this is how it went down. IVAW Blogger:

If you can’t see past your jealousy that I am dating the most attractive and wonderful woman on the face of the Earth and work with her to implement the infamous mental health proposal, than you are failing your brothers and sisters. I am not quitting IVAW as is rumored or as was seriously considered. I am merely translating my patriotism to better this organization. Dissent is the highest form of patriotism and by not bringing it to IVAW you are all hypocrites and to those of you who cannot be swayed f* you and continue to work on your 2 points of unity.

Further, this blogger’s girlfriend (?) continues in that post:

That said, I move onto another point: Adam Kokesh. I’m calling you out, brother. I’ve tried and tried and tried and tried with you, but clearly the notion that I’m intelligent and have tits is too overwhelming for words. Thanks for demonstrating that you are completely and totally misogynist. If you care so much about others, then work with me and other veterans and civilians to give help to your “brothers and sisters”. I’m sorry to be so f*ing blunt, but I’m so exhausted right now at doing YOUR job while you sit and play off this facade of the picture of mental health for veterans with your home-front battle buddies program. What you have done in the last few weeks, especially concerning a certain individual that we both know, disgusts me…. Support him. Help him. Help your brothers and sisters. Quit this whispering, rumor telling and ostracizing. Quit worrying about frivolous matters such as socialists, dating, and what happens between members’ legs. Do your fucking job and do it now, before, as one member so poignantly said, you lose anyone else to suicide.

Someone at least purporting to be Kokesh responded with:

Dude, are you f*ing serious? I started and run a regular peer support group here in DC. No one else is doing that in IVAW yet. I started a house that offers free housing to homeless veterans. I have given my life to this organization since I joined. And now this? … You bring far too much personal drama to the situation and seem to have no respect for myself, or our organization. Perhaps it is you that has a chip on your shoulder. Our organization has never “alienated for severe PTSD, pushed out of their homes and completely ignored” any member of IVAW…. Please do not contact me again. Sincerely, Adam Kokesh

In-fighting in an organization is really nothing new, and I wouldn’t even bring that dialogue up were it not for everything following it. Just before his blow up with the fellow IVAW member, Kokesh posted this in-aptly named “A Different Way of Looking at Politics.” It’s unclear what the descriptive adjective is used for, since Kokesh essentially just took the entire diatribe from a UC Berkeley Professor and from some online test he found. But if you ever wanted a rudimentary Poly Sci class sketched out on a white board with the obligatory picture of Bush as Hitler next to it and interspersed with sophomoric pictures, that video is for you. (Or, you could read my on-going debate with Rooney, since the Rooney/Kokesh theory is exactly the same. Although, I am ashamed to admit that Kokesh also used the Natural Man quote of Hobbes that I did, although he says that “It wasn’t too long ago that [this was] the best we could expect out of life”.) Lately, Kokesh has been downright tin-foil hat wearing regarding the police. Per emotional- and political-brethren The Common Ills:

IVAW’s co-chair, Adam Kokesh, [According the IVAW website, it is Jabbar Magrudder not Adam who is the co-chair] has been regularly targeted by the US government for speaking out. Wednesday he wrote (Revolutionary Patriot) “The Cops Are Everywhere — Especially Where I Am.” Thursday he posted a video of one encounter. Friday, his report also included a police report (pages of the police report are clickable to make them larger to read) which reveals that one of the people who have been hassling/harassing him is an FBI agent. So what’s going on? I have no idea. But Adam has been targeted before and there’s no denying that an FBI agent is going out of his way to target Adam now.

It started with a particularly bizarre post about an altercation with an undercover FBI agent wherein he was “assaulted.” Call me nuts, but in listening to it, it sounds like Kokesh happened upon the scene of some undercover guy stopping a car for driving recklessly. How this translates as “an FBI agent going out of his way to target Adam” is left entirely to conjecture. Kokesh apparently deems it perfectly fine to just film the entire thing, despite the guy being (by Adam’s own admission) undercover. (So, for a cheat sheet: OK to out FBI agent with pictures, NOT OK to out Valerie Plame even though not really under cover.)

The FBI guy or cops asks him to delete the pictures, and Kokesh goes all Constitutional Scholar on them. It was then that the true Rovian conspiracy began, with them following him around on the metro, setting up shop in front of his house, monitoring his every move. Now why exactly the Gov’t is doing this is unclear, but you can be sure that their nefarious purpose is to keep Adam from overturning the entire turnip truck that is our police state. Watch the film, it is obvious the way they are respectful and refer to him as “sir” that they are up to no good. The film ends quite dramatically with the screen showing: “When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty.” No attribution to this quote naturally, but it was in use in 1992 as a slogan for the Anarchists in Australia, so, I’m going to assume it wasn’t Adam as coined it. Later it was used by the Socialists, who CLEARLY need a Poly Sci class from Professor Kokesh.

Then comes the Xanax and Gin inspired “The Evidence- Screw that Lying Pig Officer Monahan.” It has some great .pdf files that prove something. What that something is, is completely beyond me, but there you have it. This post is awesome for its “Jerry Springer-esque” message at the end. Although that may be giving it more credit than due, this is probably more like a South Park Ending. (And you know, I’ve learned something, too. I was player-hatin’ Christopher Butthole Reeve because he got more attention than me. But just like… y-you guys, I need to learn to control my a… anger…)In Adam’s case, this was the homily:
Wow, that’s beautiful man. [sob]Look, I’m not making fun of PTSD. Two of my best friends are struggling with it, and it is no small thing. But when you start “self medicating” with Xanax and Gin, start posting conspiracy theories and arguing with your own mates, you may have a problem. When you are one of the best known people in your movement though, you really owe it to them to curtail some of your more bizarre personal crusades, like banishing all law enforcement presence from your area. I don’t really care if the “cops”, “pigs” or whatever they are are “kind, well-intentioned, caring people” or not, I want them to cut down on crime, not rock me to sleep at night. They could be mean, evil, stone golems, so long as they can shoot straight and take down the bad guys, more power to them. Filming cops when they are doing their job is just asking for it. Not like they were illegally parking in handicap slots, these dudes were ensuring that the driver wasn’t drunk and a threat to plow through a group of school kids. Relax a bit, not everything is about you.

Category: Antiwar crowd, Bloggers, Iraq Veterans Against the War, Phony soldiers, Politics

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Raoul Deming


More and more, IVAW and the whole peace movement is a 60’s repeat. A constant refrain from the books about the 60’s by the 60’s leaders is that the anti-war movement was misogynist.

They’re going back to the 60’s paradigms such as calling the police pigs.

Kokesh wants to be Huey Newton. I knew Huey Newton and Kokesh is more Fig Newton than Huey Newton.


That boy needs a nap and rehab.


You know I really don’t pay that much attention to the IVAW people because in my book, this is just me, they are cowards. If this was WW II Gen. Patton would kicking their ass back to the front.
To serve is an honor. You signed up yourself and no one forced you. I have some good friends with PTSD also but by god they have found a way to get help through their family, God and friends. They did find not find it in the bottom of a gin bottle and a bottle of the latest feel good pill. Good Lord man, pull yourself together and get some help instead of this pity party you are on.
If you served honorably then God bless you and get some help. But if you ran off to Canada or got yourself booted for stupid crap good frigging ridence.


What we have here are the sorry wages of Narcissism. Kokesh put his head where it is today, and he can pull it out himself.


The other day I had FOX News on while working and they broke in with a guy being arrested near the Capital. My first thought was “It’s Kokesh” after seeing his rant in the video. Turns out it wasn’t.