President Donald Trump signed Executive Order prioritizing military excellence and readiness

| January 29, 2025 | 38 Comments

Transgender Soldier US Army be all you can be.jpg

President Donald Trump signed an executive order that doesn’t bode well for transgenders wanting to serve. The executive order recognizes that the job of the military is to protect the American people and our homeland. Doing this would require the U.S. Military to be the world’s most lethal and effective fighting force. Trump canceled an EO issued by Joe Biden back in 2021 that allowed transgendered individuals to serve in the U.S. military. Trump emphasized that the mindset of transgendered individuals is inconsistent with what is expected for members of the military.

From the White House website:

Section 1. Purpose. The United States military has a clear mission: to protect the American people and our homeland as the world’s most lethal and effective fighting force. Success in this existential mission requires a singular focus on developing the requisite warrior ethos, and the pursuit of military excellence cannot be diluted to accommodate political agendas or other ideologies harmful to unit cohesion.

Recently, however, the Armed Forces have been afflicted with radical gender ideology to appease activists unconcerned with the requirements of military service like physical and mental health, selflessness, and unit cohesion. Longstanding Department of Defense (DoD) policy (DoD Instruction (DoDI) 6130.03) provides that it is the policy of the DoD to ensure that service members are “[f]ree of medical conditions or physical defects that may reasonably be expected to require excessive time lost from duty for necessary treatment or hospitalization.” As a result, many mental and physical health conditions are incompatible with active duty, from conditions that require substantial medication or medical treatment to bipolar and related disorders, eating disorders, suicidality, and prior psychiatric hospitalization.

Consistent with the military mission and longstanding DoD policy, expressing a false “gender identity” divergent from an individual’s sex cannot satisfy the rigorous standards necessary for military service. Beyond the hormonal and surgical medical interventions involved, adoption of a gender identity inconsistent with an individual’s sex conflicts with a soldier’s commitment to an honorable, truthful, and disciplined lifestyle, even in one’s personal life. A man’s assertion that he is a woman, and his requirement that others honor this falsehood, is not consistent with the humility and selflessness required of a service member.

For the sake of our Nation and the patriotic Americans who volunteer to serve it, military service must be reserved for those mentally and physically fit for duty. The Armed Forces must adhere to high mental and physical health standards to ensure our military can deploy, fight, and win, including in austere conditions and without the benefit of routine medical treatment or special provisions.

Sec. 2. Policy. It is the policy of the United States Government to establish high standards for troop readiness, lethality, cohesion, honesty, humility, uniformity, and integrity. This policy is inconsistent with the medical, surgical, and mental health constraints on individuals with gender dysphoria. This policy is also inconsistent with shifting pronoun usage or use of pronouns that inaccurately reflect an individual’s sex.

Additional Reading:

Trump, D. (2025, January 27). Prioritizing military excellence and readiness. The White House. Link.

Category: Donald Trump, Military issues

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Retired Grunt

Well, I’ve stocked WAAAAY up on popcorn and other vital supplies to include ammo, lol. This is gonna be a fun ride. It’s interesting to witness the total broadside into the establishment government itself. I’m actually quite impressed. Now that the USSC has ruled that professional actions done in office are generally exempt from prosecution Trump is firing off order after order after order specifically designed to trip lawsuit after lawsuit. This will almost force the USSC to finally rule on originalist constitutionalism over time or the supremacy of the administrative state with varied fights over the reserved powers of the specific branches. (IE, funding authorized by congress vs just public administrative funding).


Popcorn, Un-popped, Yellow/White, Fancy, Grade A, 50 Pound Bag: 8940-957-9597

Daisy Cutter

I guess this means no more free surgeries at taxpayer expense, followed by a billet “in the rear with the gear.”

Lurker Curt

What I came here to say – my guess is the only “trans” that would join are the ones that wanted the “free shit” with none of the risk.

Fuck’em (figuratively, of course… Ew…)

Retired Grunt

I do not like or dislike trans, I am indifferent. I do not like the militancy with which certain groups have thrust ideologies upon the masses expecting compliance or public censure but yet, indifferent. If you’re adult live your life. That being said I’m sure just like with women and others there are individuals who can meet the standards of their job. Congratulations, you can now stop a bullet as good as the rest of us. If you are, however, NON DEPLOYABLE for an extended period you are of NO USE to an organization who’s sole function is to fight and win our nations wars. I was NON DEPLOYABLE for an extended period of time. I am now medically retired but I still have the desire to serve. Doesn’t matter. I can not in that capacity. Just life.


I have no problem as long as they keep their personal lives to themselves and don’t flaunt it in your face just because they know they can, and because they know it makes us uncomfortable. I like to collect old trains, and old railroad track hardware, but I don’t run around flying a flag stating that I’m a train collector. I don’t care if a person likes to pork a rolled-up carpet in their private space and time, but when that person forces that weird shit on me or it impacts the way I do my job, then I have a huge problem with it. And, to a higher level, if it means you can’t do your job, or your productivity and that of the team is impacted in a negative way, they I don’t want that person on the team.




Shorely be damn am glad that the new Commander-in-Chief is emphasizing that the purpose of the US Military is to defend our Country, destroy our enemies, and break their sh*t…with Warriors! The purpose is NOT to be a “Social Experiment” and make folks feel all warm and fuzzy. Looks like my decision to go long on pop corn futures is gonna pay off. Is that popping sound I hear popcorn or libs heads exploding?


Conan, what the purpose of a military:

Last edited 20 days ago by Anonymous

If Type-2 Diabetes mean folk can’t enlist/stay in due to being medically unsupportable if deployed, then trannies with all their medical needs are too.


If it wasn’t a deliberate attempt to undermine our fighting abilities and replace loyal folks with an army of freaks who would bow down to their masters like useful idiots I don’t know what else it could have been.

Leather dog mask and whatever the fuck that thing is in the pic above (among others) need to be sent packing with loss of benefits.


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Last edited 20 days ago by Anonymous

The puppy play guys really miss Miley.

Retired Grunt

That Colonel was just a true moron. Why would you EVER bring your kink into the public with your frikin uniform. COME ON COLONEL CUM GUZZLER!!!! Really, really??? Sorry for the outburst.


He’s an exhibitionist, too.
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Last edited 20 days ago by Anonymous

How to spell phew?


When he goes in for doggy style, he has something different in mind than most of us heterosexuals. Could this be called “canine-osexual?” As foreplay, does he hump a guy’s leg? Asking for not a friend.


Your friend has a great sense of humor.


He just wanted to be able to quote Snoop:


He did it because he knew the previous administration would allow it and probably celebrate it.


Grooming and uniform standards should immediately go to whatever DNA you were born with, not your freaky fetish that Biden must have gotten some kind of jollies off of.


The job of the U.S. Military is, and should always be, to pose such a major threat of annihilation of our foes that it prevents all but the most ideologically blinded (exempli gratis: Islamists) from even considering attacking us, and to rapidly and unequivocally kill, maim, and destroy those ideologically blinded so thoroughly that they cannot attack us.

Anything less is unsat.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

As the Romans stated: Oderint Dum Metuant….let them hate so long as they fear….

Veritas Omnia Vincit

I know I’m an old fucker, but when I joined to be an 11B way back when you couldn’t be on any medication if you wanted to serve…how the hell can someone who requires drugs that suppress and replace their natural hormones daily be considered capable of being deployed?

No one is suggesting you can’t be transgender, I mean be who you want to be if that makes you happy…but nobody is required to let you serve in the military if you’re taking daily drugs for any reason….

I mean I’ve been out over four decades now…so things could have changed dramatically, and I suspect they have…but geez what’s next? Dudes needing heart pills? Insulin?

Has all of this changed?

Get off my goddamn lawn…


I hear ya!


Here’s my plan:


Sensible. Of course, left/libtards will respond:
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Always nice to give them a fair send off, and a thank you for your service. Does not have to be a Section 8 (lifestyle incompatible with military service) type of discharge.

Slow Joe

Too generous.
They wanted to destroy us, therefore, I want to destroy them. Fight fire with fire. There can be no peace with those that used the power of the state to persecute American citizens just because of a difference of lifestyle. They do not tolerate resistance to their ideology. Why should we forgive them?

tavern knight

When these trannies meet the Judge at the end of their lives, they will realize how foolish they were & there’s No Do-overs.
Without faith in J.C., there’s no pleasing God.


I do not care who people love, how they identify, or what their sexual proclivities are. However… if your “identity” requires medical treatments to validate your beliefs, and you are medically non-deployable because of these treatments, you have no business in any branch of the military. Not everyone has to deploy, but everyone has to be deployable. I retired ahead of my planned departure because of medical issues that left me permanently non-deployable. Deal with it, folks. Not everyone gets to serve in the military, and not everyone gets to stay as long as they’d like. Life goes on. With you or without you.

Skivvy Stacker

A more lethal force? We can’t have that; people could get killed that way!


Putin possibly willing to meet Trump part way in the quest for peace.

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How much for them to keep him?


I think we can scrape up a couple bucks.


If nothing else, at the very least, I think 95% of those who have served or are on active duty are very uncomfortable or would be uncomfortable if they had to serve with a tranny. I never served with anyone who I knew was gay, but if I did, I would have been very skeptical all of the time and would not have wanted to be associated with that person in any way whatsoever. Conversely, I served with several people that I did not personally like, but when I had to work with them as a team member or squad member, I had absolutely no problem as long as they could do their job and 99% of the Devildogs I served with (like em or not) were good at their jobs. If I had to work with someone who was a tranny, or was a known Gay, I could not trust them. That just my personal opinion and I’m not ashamed of it one bit. I’ll see myself out.

Hack Stone

Anyone tracking this story? Will the next of kin be provided a folded Gay Pride flag?