Taliban chief captured in Pakistan

| February 16, 2010

The news is all abuzz this morning about the capture of Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar several days ago by Pakistani intelligence services. According to Associated Press, Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar is the number 2 leader of Taliban behind Mullah Omar.

Typically, the Taliban denies that Baradar has been captured;

“We totally deny this rumor. He has not been arrested,” Zabiullah Mujahid told the AP by telephone. He said the report of the arrest was Western propaganda aimed at undercutting the Taliban fighting against an offensive in the southern Afghan town of Marjah, a Taliban haven.

“The Taliban are having success with our jihad. It is to try to demoralize the Taliban who are on jihad in Marjah and all of Afghanistan,” he said.

Of course, the Left, in the personage of Spencer Ackerman, suggests that the best way to get intelligence from Baradar is to take him out to Applebee’s for a nice meal;

Torturing Baradar — which the Pakistanis have been known to do — is counterproductive to that effort. If we treat the guy respectfully, in a demonstrated way, it might spur a reconsideration of Taliban goals. I am not counting any chickens, but any hope of a game-changing possibility will be foreclosed upon if we or our allies torture Baradar.

Since Pakistanis have more experience in extracting useful intelligence than Spencer Ackerman, I’ll try real hard to not tell them how to do it. Better yet, why don’t we send Ackerman to Pakistan to supervise the sessions with Baradar.

I wonder if Ackerman is aware that as a leader of Taliban, Baradar encourages throwing acid on little girls for the crime of attending school. This is not a guy who will respond as we’d like just because we take him to Dairy Queen for a Blizzard milk shake.

Category: Terror War

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Send Ackerman to the Egyptians for some hands on experience. He can try the time proven Egyptian technique of roasting suspects on a spit over a brisk fire.

Tape a stop watch to his nose. So he can document how many seconds it takes for him to spill everything he knows and fill his underwear.


I would love to get all these “Let’s Just Talk Nicely to the Taliban/Al-Queda” people together and drop them in the middle of Iraq or Afghanistan, but with no US security detail. Let’s see how long it is before their tune changes.


Yeah, torture first, ask questions later! If 183 times was good enough for KSM, it’s good enough for Mullah Abdul Ghani. So what if we’re supposed to be the civilized ones……