Exorcising my Inner Nerd

| February 16, 2010

Oh yeah, hell of a weekend.

First up, it was Valentine’s Day, and my beloved took a real gamble, so credit to her. She is secure enough in our relationship to buy me….

I haven’t gotten it yet, but you damn well better believe that I will wear it to work with a tie on on the very first day, since they are discussing raises upstairs right now. When you wear this shirt on your soul, men want to be you and women want to be with you. I don’t make the rules, I just live by them.

Second up, my WoWing hasn’t been quite dorky enough. Actually, I am becoming disenchanted with my Guild since they couldn’t even organize a EoE raid. So, I joined a Role Playing server with an alt so I can join my buddy Superbowl6Romeo over there. Anyways, I was levelling my Nightelf Druid Saturday evening when I wandered into Goldhsire. This was going on at the Inn there:

The young lady [in actuality, probably a Teamster named Phil from Pittsburgh] dancing naked there asked me to be her “RP Father.” I immediately closed out all applications on my computer, went to the Elbow Room pub next door, and slammed 4 Guinness and a Irish car Bomb before returning to my apartment to continue levelling “Fubijang.”

Lastly, a few weeks ago I mentioned that I wanted to play Diplomacy online. Well, I got into a game. I will be playing France, with Spring of 1901 moves coming up. My Army in Paris will move to Picardy, my Fleet in Brest will move to the mid-Atlantic, and my army in Marseilles will be attacking into Spain. I’ve talked to all the other super-powers, but I was a bit late in emailing them, so am kind of afraid that Germany and England have allied against me. If so, I am fooked. If not, I am open to aligning with either of them. I will occasionally update you guys on the course of my game (Juliet7 on USAL) with maps.

Because, that is just the kinda dork I truly am!


BTW- Anyone know when the curling starts in the Olympics? I just conned Caro into joining a curling club, and I want to show her just how awesome curling is. When I curl with my Three Wolf Moon shirt on, the Earth itself will weep at my awesomeness.

Category: Politics

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Question- in one of our recent conversations you said you were signing us up for a lot of things because you didn’t want me to plan any ghey activities…why doesn’t that rule apply to your alone time?

Jonn Lilyea

I’ll even pay the $12 a month.

No wonder they call it WoW. $.40/day. Wow.


but if I WoWed it would negate your 2 mandatory alone time evenings per week…and I would hate to interupt those right off the bat…


Curling starts today. Medal events Fri/Sat 26th and 27th. NBC website sucks at trying to figure out when they will air particular events.


Gee, you can have virtual *** with a virtual girl…

…have you seen Zombieland?


If Italy and Austria are allied, you might be able to get them to both hit Germany from the south. That hurts, as I can attest from experience.

Old Tanker

Because, that is just the kinda dork I truly am!

…and I still have my 20 sided die from D&D…and my DM Guide, Monster Manual, etc….


OT do you have the one’s you had to use a crayon to see the numbers? I have never been able to get into WOW. I tried it for a few weeks but it didn’t interest me much. I would like to try Star Trek online, but I don’t want to pay for it before I buy it. I am not a big MMO fan, more of an old school table and dice nerd. I have always wanted to try Warhammer, but I like to buy other things like: a house, tv, car, food, etc…

AW1 Tim

You know, I worry about you. A Lot.

You should come up to Maine the last weekend of April for our Wargames convention. WE are so cool, we even have a beer company for a sponsor: Shipyard Brewing Co. No kidding!

But you can actually play games with real-life people, in real space too! No need for Skype or a computer!

More here:


brown neck gaitor

Jubijang?!? Tee Hee. I suppose “Chief BaldManTrampoline” was taken?

And don’t leave the guild without telling me, I mean Claymore and the other geeks.


TSO, email me the details about Diplomacy. That looks like something I could get into (I’m a huge A&A fan).

brown neck gaitor

Should be Fubijang…


Zombieland is fricken brilliant. Highly recommended if not for the weapons, then for the laugh factor.

A well made movie that doesn’t take itself seriously, while doing it seriously.

Not enough nudity for my tastes, but since the female leads are underage it is for the best.

AND… there is a yellow Hummer. “Thank God for rednecks.”


TSO, I think Jonn hit the nail on the head with his WoW and StarTrek Video…you already are a mess, and if you keep up with these basement antics you call a hobby, its only a matter of time before you start lisping your S’s…you already got the looks and the glasses of that guy in the vid…


I’d give alot for the TIME for these nerdish endevors.

Old Tanker

10justplainjason Says:
February 16th, 2010 at 1:05 pm
OT do you have the one’s you had to use a crayon to see the numbers?

you know it….the cheap set that was blue and since I was a UofM fan I always used a yellow…I mean a “Maze” crayon.


speaking of curling: canada has a pregnant curler…according to yahoo.

AW1 Tim

Yeah, well, my daughter has a HAIR curler!


I don’t have a daughter, but I’ve gotten someone’s pregnant.


Huzzahcon sounds interesting. I will be attending COLD WARS 2010 in Lancaster PA next month for my miniature wargaming fix.

TSO, you *need* Caroline with you in the Navel of the World…immediately!!



There was a game.

You are in a maze of twisty little passages, all alike.

Today’s nerds have to have everything shown to them with shiny graphics.

MMOs don’t have real grues either.

The grue is a sinister, lurking presence in the dark places of the earth. Its favorite diet is adventurers, but its insatiable appetite is tempered by its fear of light. No grue has ever been seen by the light of day, and few have survived its fearsome jaws to tell the tale.

Those were the days when nerds were nerds. We sat at home ALONE and faced the the terror in the dark. No guilds or gangs or, or, even GIRLS. No one watching over your cyber-shoulder.


Hmmm, I think if you check the Diplomacy rules closely you’ll find that France is requiered to surrender on it’s first move. 🙂