Obama the healer

| February 4, 2010

I just found this article from AP;


This from the guy who told America “I won” as defense for doing whatever he pleased with the economy. The guy who spent all last week disparaging Republicans as the party of “no”. The guy who blames on corporate lobbyists the Tea Party movement.

The guy whose political advisor threatens the opposition;

Axelrod accused the GOP of “rooting for failure.”

“They made a decision they were going to sit it out and hope that we failed — that the country failed,” he said.

Until now, he suggested, Obama has been too gentle. “They didn’t pay enough of a price for what was a determined strategy not to work with us,” he said.

Now, “they either work with us or they have to pay the price for working against us.”

Operator Dan wrote last night that Obama blames Republicans for all of his problems.

Yeah, so how’s all of the arrogance working out for you guys?

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden

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Just as he calls for spending discipline, after he spends as much as he possibly can, the hypocrite now wants to call for civility after he gets done verbally abusing the opposition. Typical leftists bullshit.


Majority in the House? Check.
Majority in the Senate? Check.
Republican obstructionists preventing real work and progress? WTF?

It’s your agenda Barry! Wake up.


I don’t give Obama much credit – he has been much too meek and wimpy, and naive in trying to get the people who wrecked this country (primarily the free market fundamentalist Republicans and the religious zealots, in case you didn’t guess) to cooperate. And getting democrats united is like herding cats. But he is correct – many of those same country-wreckers have openly stated they want him, and by extension the U.S., to fail. Let’s be straight – the free market fundamentalist policies started 30 years ago, and put into high gear by W, have nickel and dimed the middle class to near extinction, and with it the foundation of this country. The conservatives that post on this site either are in that top 1% I keep hearing about, or they have been so blinded by propaganda (Freedom! Choice! Blah, blah, blah…) they don’t even know when they are being ass raped. Thirty years of theivery cannot be fixed in one year. But I do hope obama develops a spine….


Joe…Who gives a sh@t about whats been happening to you for the last 30 years? STFU and enjoy it…you never complained about getting ass raped before, so what’s your problem?


Joe, your communist leanings are showing, again. If you have a problem with free markets (I know the freedom word bothers you a lot), there are other places for you to bask in your ideology, like oh say Cuba, North Korea, or you can go down and give Hugo a hummer?


Yeah, yeah OldTrooper, toss out the old knee jerk communist (or socialist, or Mao, or Stalin, or whatever buzzwords the FOX/Tea Party crowd is spouting these days). Is that the best you got? Throw in a few “We’re number 1, we’re number 1’s” while you’re at it. Don’t let the fact that we’re number 37 and dropping fast get in the way. Amazing the fantasy world you inhabit. Fascinating how out of touch you are with what’s really going on with millions of your countrymen. Stop by one of the homeless camps on your way to work and talk to a few of those people when you get a chance – it might enlighten you…..


Fuck you, Joe. You aren’t the arbiter of enlightenment with your bleeding-heart, whining-maggot liberal bullshit. Why don’t you throw in a couple of class envy! class envy!! protests while you’re at it? So, you think you’re so enlightened? You don’t know shit. Yeah, I work, so do a lotof people. What’s your point? If you’re so concerned about the homeless, invite them into your home. I grew up with nothing. I worked from the age of 13 in order to get what I wanted. I went into the military after my grant was cut for college. I didn’t bitch and carry on about who was at fault for it and I didn’t feel entitled to get free schooling. I managed to go back to college at the age of 28, after being on the waiting list for the program for 2 years because I wasn’t a woman or other minority, so I couldn’t get in right away. I didn’t bitch about that, either, I just waited in line until there was an opening. I managed to work 2 part-time jobs, go to school full time and raise 2 kids and be married. It’s called sacrifice. Then, a little later, when I got divorced, I was at a point where I, again, didn’t have any money and when my kids would stay with me, sometimes, I had enough food for them, but not me, so I went hungry. I worked my fucking ass off and kept moving forward. Yeah, I’m doing a lot better now, but that’s because I WORKED for it and I have never felt I was “entitled” to anything. Now that I have a little bit, I dont’ need some mealy-mouthed fuckstain like you lecturing me on what I should be doing with it, or how you are sooooo fucking “enlightened”. So, in closing, you, and those like you, really get on my nerves with your holier than thou attitude. You want to have thegovernment take care of you, fine, but I don’t need, nor have I ever asked, for the government to take care of me. And… Read more »

Joe's Battered Ego

OldTrooper…that was one sweet-assed Smack Down old dude…Epic in it’s own right…Major RESPECT!


Tell him, OldTrooper!!! But, good old Joe will just chalk it up to being unenlightened. If we don’t give up what we worked for, for those who won’t work, we’re the problem.
Joe doesn’t acknowledge that the middle class was a whole lot better off under Reagan and Bush 41 and 43. What was the DJ average again, Joe? What is it now? How much did we borrow from China, India back then? Who refused to regulate Fannie and Freddie, and who has flat out declared war on the middle class? My withholding went up on the first about 20% of what it was up until then. So, Joey, where is that middle class tax cut now?
But, at least O has declared war on someone, right Joey?


Joe I was going to write a response to your idiocy, but OT beat me to the punch.
I am a bit tired right now, so I will adress why the radical crap that O wanted to get through isn’t working.

Frankly Opinionated

Joe, You are a Certified Slimer. Old Trooper in #7 said it well enough that I will endorse all he said plus: What the phuck can government do, good, that free market cannot? You illustrate with your words that you prefer that the government wipe your ass for you. I am sure that the government wouldn’t wipe my ass in the fashion that I desire to have it wiped, and am fully able to do it for myself. You are just one more dipshit that thinks that government can do anything better than the private sector. Government ruined farming in the USA with their damned price supports that attempted to circumvent free-market competition, they’ve wrecked healthcare by letting lawyers make more than the doctors, they wrecked the housing and loan industry by forcing lenders to lend to people who couldn’t conceivably repay them. Now, come back here one time, just one time and name one thing good that the government has done better than the private sector, just one thing, Joe. And, since you and your fellow enlightened sorts think that we have slid to number 37 on the list of best countries, what in hell are you doing hanging around here? Move your liberal ass to a better country. About 99.44/100th of us think that this is still the best damned country on the planet and show that feeling every day. If ya don’t like us just GTFO! Got it?

“Never Forget the Ft. Hood Texas 14 of 11/5/09!”


In the interest of fairness to Chairman 0, my withholding that I mentioned in #9 “only” went up 10%, not 20. And not only do I agree with OldTrooper, I also agree with Frankly Opinionated. And we’re eagerly awaiting Joey’s enlightened response.


What a bunch of chauvanistic, selfish, self-centered, narcissistic, angry contributors. So you had to work for a living OT – stop, you’re gonna make me cry. Show me where the f**k I ever said I want the gov’t to take care of me? Never said it. I would like the gov’t to help people truly in need. I would like universal health care. I’m sticking around, and I will do everything I can to fight your vision of the American ethos. I would like to make this a civilized country.


Joe I think we have had this discussion a couple times before.
How about you explain what our vision of the “American ehtos” is?

Joe's Battered Ego

Jason…Please just play along with me…you have no idea how important this is for my self-esteem…thanks and stuff!


Shit I forgot, I’ll throw logic out the window.


Joe, Joe, Joe, you pathetic excuse for a man. You are one of the most clueless morons on the planet. I still work; how about you? Yeah, I can understand where you would hate an American ethos where a person has to provide for their own way and actually work. I understand that it’s a real bitch to have to be accountable and contribute to society, instead of be a drain on it and have others pay for others who don’t contribute. You worthless fuck, you want to fight against what this country was founded on? Fine, then consider yourself an enemy of the country. Oh boo fucking hoo that you want universal healthcare. Move your ass to Canada, if you are so in love with universal healthcare. If you really are that mentality deficient as to think that you are entitled to a free ride, and you are based on your puny reply, then the communist moniker fits you to a T, Comrade.

You pussy, you couldn’t win a jello wrestling match against a woman midget, but youre going to fight the hardworking freedom loving American ethos, you dumbass commie.

Yeah, we’re so chauvanistic to want to provide for our families and to enjoy the fruits of our labor and sacrifice while you wet your fucking diaper over the thought of not getting a free ride and have the audacity to attempt to lecture us on what we need to be doing with our money that we earned through our hard work. I got an idea; if it’s such a big deal, you pay for it, buttmunch.

Don’t you have a red star and sickle that needs shining? Now run along, I’m sure if you are that upset, reading a few chapters of Marx will calm you down.


Bravo, OldTrooper, Encore, Encore. I never figured out that what I work for should be distributed by morons like Joey. If only he’d been around years ago, I’d have it straight now.
Hey Joey, you asked where you ever said you wanted the gubermint to take care of you, how about this quote? “I would like the gov’t to help people truly in need. I would like universal health care”. You’ve clearly demonstrated by your embrace of 0 that you’re “truly in need”. And, enough said about health care. If single payer is so great, why did Newfoundland’s premier come to the US for a heart procedure?


Joe is too stupid to understand that up untill the last fifty-sixty years we as a society took care of those truly in need. We didn’t need the government to tell us who needed help. Since dogooders like Joe came along society has changed, we have been told that we can’t take care of ourselves. He doesn’t get it that the government needs us more than we need them.

B Woodman

To all the Progressive/Authoritarian/Nanny-Statist/O Worshippers, ESPECIALLY Whiny Joey:

If you can wrap your head around Objectivist concepts without blowing out a synapse, read Ayn Rand. Start with something simple like “Anthem”. Then on to “Return of the Primitive”. Along the way read “Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal” and “The Virtue of Selfishness” and “The Fountainhead” and a little pamphlet “The Forgotten Man of Socialized Medicine: The Doctor”. After reading all the easy stuff, climax it with “Atlas Shrugged”.
And while you’re at it, look at history and find all the countries that actually (tried to) implement the ideas you’re espousing: Communist Russia, North Korea, China under Mao Tse Tung, Cuba under Uncle Fidel . . you get the idea. Anyway, look at them. Look at them up close and hard. SEE the condition of the people and their economy.

After all that, in about 6 months or so, THEN come back and talk to me about who actually wrecked our economy, and why you think universal health care is such a great idea.