Obama Blames Republicans For His Own Leadership Failures

| February 3, 2010

I have noticed a couple stories today floating around the internet and cable news today about Obama “ripping” into Republicans for “obstructionism. Here is a sample of a story from CNN:

Washington (CNN) — President Obama tore into the Republican opposition on Capitol Hill Wednesday, blaming the GOP for what he called politically motivated opposition on virtually every issue.

Democrats have been willing to incorporate Republican ideas on health care and other issues, he said, but Republicans have not been willing to do the same.

Here is analysis of Obama’s new strategy of dealing with the Republicans from the AP. The lead-in:

WASHINGTON – Slapping Republicans with one hand, extending olive branches with the other, President Barack Obama is playing a dangerous political game.

It’s not a new one.

And it just might work.

It is clear that Obama is trying to blame the Republicans for his own inability to rally and lead his party and to cover up some of the serious ideological problems that have been plaguing the Democrats for years. The fact is that Obama and the Democrats had a supermajority in the Senate (until the election of Scott Brown) and a huge majority in the House. They were able to vote down Republican filibuster attempts during the healthcare debate, albeit with shady backroom deals (i.e. the Louisana purchase). The problem was not a lack of Republican participation in the healthcare debate (which the Democrats didn’t need or frankly want) it was discord within in the Democratic Party and Obama’s inability to lead it. There are just too many different disparate groups of Democrats in the House in Senate and I can’t think of one issue that the entire Democratic Party can rally around. On one end of the spectrum you have hard-left “progressive” Democrats that wanted in effect a single-payer system similar to what you would find in Europe (and some who refused to support a bill without a public option) and on the other end you have Blue Dog Democrats that were too fiscally moderate to support a public option or were afraid of potential funding for abortions in one of the healthcare bills. Other than some of Obama’s new “job-creation” proposals (ex: tax cuts for small businesses, increased tax credits for families etc. etc.), I can’t see the Democratic Party coming together and supporting the President on the majority of his agenda. In my opinion, since the Reagan years, the Republican Party has always had two big issues they can rally around: lower taxes and national security. What do the Democrats have?

Obviously the President’s problems aren’t because of the Republican Party, but because of his own party’s inability to come together on anything.

Category: Politics

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AW1 Tim

You know, once you turn 21, you are legally an adult, and supposed to be responsible for your own actions.

So why is it that POTUS is still casting about for anyone to blame but hisself for the worst 1st year of a presidential term since Jimmy Carter? At least Jimmy had Billy to divert attention every now and then.

Obama? He’s a frikkin’ spineless cretin who hasn’t a clue what the words “man up” mean.

I suspect that he’s the poster boy for beta-males all over the USA, like Chrissy Mathews, making them all atingle whenever he speaks.

The rest of us? We just get nauseous and pour another drink.

We are so *%^#@(‘d


One would hope that members of a political party would oppose the proposed policies of a different political party for political reasons.

What the Republicans have so far NOT done, thankfully, is oppose for partisan reasons. That is, they aren’t opposing and playing scorched earth just to oppose.

The policies being pushed by the Administration are anathema to the platform of the GOP and are NOT supported by the people who elected those GOP officials to office. So why shouldn’t they oppose them?

B Woodman

We can only hope and pray that the RINOs in office have enough spine to realize that they HAVE principles that are anathema to the DemonRats, continue to follow those principles, continue to oppose and say NO to the DemonRat proposals, and don’t get taken in by juvenile tricks and tantrums that wouldn’t fool a moron. Bipartisanship and “hands across the aisle” be damned!

Otherwise, as AW1 Tim said, we are so *%^#@(’d.

Cdat (Retired)

So what is new? He has blamed everything on the Republicans and Bush since day 1. This will never change. After he loses the next election and he writes his books, he’ll be blaming everything on someone else. It is his way. Always has been, always will be.


If you think the way he is acting now as president, just wait until he has turned the USA into a dictatorship and he is crowned king. I honestly believe that is his ultimate goal.