John Edwards; dick

| February 4, 2010

The NY Post is reporting that former VP nominee and Democrat Presidential candidate John Edwards smacked his cancer-ridden wife around after he admitted to adulterous sex.

I heard Geraldo Rivera call John Edwards a scumbag on his show the other day. Do you have any idea how screwed up you have to be to have Geraldo Rivera call you a scum bag? And that was before this story from the Post.

I’m sure there are still supporters out there looking to rehabilitate his image, though. Democrats have a problem associating the message to the messenger.

Category: Usual Suspects

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And I bet his hair still looked perfect after he got done beating his cancer-stricken wife. Nice job, dickhead.


“I heard Geraldo Rivera call John Edwards a scumbag on his show the other day.”

Geraldo was being too kind, anyone who denies his own child ought to be greeted with a wish that he hatches a gynormous cancer of the prostate from everyone he encounters IMO.


I”m always amazed that some little punk, with perfect hair, feels that they are toughguys and slap women around. Why don’t you bring your hairsprayed-styled hair over to my house and attempt to slap me around? Ya little limp-wristed f**kstain. I pretty much know how it would end and you won’t like it, toughguy.

Cdat (Retired)

I agree with OldTrooper. Anyone needing to take out some frustrations, e-mail me and I’ll send you my address. I can promise you that you won’t smack me around like a woman or child. That should be a capital crime. Punishable by death. Unless you’re married to her…..then that is punishment enough….


Now that this is out in the open, does he qualify for a high-level job in the administration? Seems he’d fit right in with Sunstein, Geithner, et al.

AW1 Tim

I am given to understand that Edwards could still make a lucrative living in the “Gay for Pay” porn industry….. 🙂


I would have never guessed that Edwards was the bigger dickhead out of the Kerry/Edwards ticket in 2004. The only thing that would make this guy look worse would be if they found out he kicks puppies in his spare time.

Kitchen Dispatch

Years ago, when Edwards was starting his campaign for POTUS, he decided to make a quick stop into UCLA. I happened to be over at the student center when he made his dramatic announcement about his wife’s cancer. The amount of sympathy he got that day was real. His, however, was not. More than likely, he was probably traveling around with his girlfriend that day. He’s a pretty staged guy about as genuine as a Gucci purse bought in a back alley in Hong Kong.