Racism vs sexism
Even though Democrats are proud of the fact that they’ve got a black candidate and woman candidate running for the presidential slot on their party’s ballot, it seems no one can be a winner in the Democrat Party.
This morning Hillary “decried sexism” during her campaign according according to the Associated Press;
Hillary Clinton called sexist attacks on her campaign “deeply offensive” Tuesday, as female supporters sprang to her defense, saying she speaks for all women and should stay in the Democratic race to the bitter end.
“I believe this campaign has been a groundbreaker in a lot of ways. But it certainly has been challenging given some of the attitudes in the press,” Clinton said of the contest that will crown either a black or a female presidential nominee for the first time in history.
While Hillary was railing against sexist Democrats and the misogynist press, the Chicago Tribune discovered that Clinton was benefiting from racism in Kentucky;
“They won’t vote for a black man,” Rife said of the people he has lived around all his 57 years. “That’s all there is to it. They just can’t bring themselves to do it.”
A walk around this central Kentucky town of 1,500 supports Rife’s opinion. Whether in the Dairy Queen or the dollar store or along the sidewalks of a courthouse square ringed with shuttered business, people speak freely of their dislike for the lanky senator from Illinois.
Terry Jordan, 47, who runs a year-round garage sale in front of an old filling station on Main Street, put it simply: “It’s his color.”
“Right now it’s not that Hillary attracts the white vote,” said Jack Bunnell, 79. “It’s that Obama’s black.”
Seems to me that Democrats have a problem. They’ve wrapped themselves up in these half-witted rants about victims and voting for people because of WHAT they are instead of WHO they are, the rank and file aren’t getting the message that they’re the party of inclusion. They can’t blame Republicans for this one, can they?
It’s Vintage, Duh found Politico worried about racism before the votes were even counted this morning;
And though Kentucky voters may also factor race into their votes, they also might be more reluctant to admit it to exit pollsters, said Laurie Rhodebeck, an associate political science professor at the University of Louisville.
“Voters get a little prickly here if you say race” drove their choice, she said. “They’ll say, ‘It’s more that we’re concerned about his church ties or his lack of military experience or that he seems so young and untested.’ Those may be socially acceptable ways of saying they’re uncomfortable with a black candidate.”
If I were a Democrat, I’d be ashamed to admit it at this point, because no matter who I support, I’m considered a hater at this point. In which group of haters are you?
Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Politics, Society
One thing I’ve noticed from some Hill-supporters is the ridiculous racism inherent in some of these old-line Democrats. Check out this dinosaur who called Obama “boy”. Pretty shameful, but I guess if they really want Hillary to win, they don’t see a problem with the means in which they do it. Very typical of many on the left.