Senators Introduce Landmark “Do Your Frigging Job You Anti-American, Leftist Piece of Shit” Act of 2010
Far from hard right wing Senators Collins and Lieberman introduced a bill that would force the agencies designed to protect us to do their damn job.
Turns out that as soon as the Christmas Day bomber was franticly dousing Ginger Ale on his burning junk while simultaneously screaming “Allah Akbar” and of course “OMFG” cronies for the Justice Department were collecting the entire incident under their own self-constructed tent of incompetence.
Is it just me or is this Holder character getting a bit out of control?
“These officials were never consulted by the Department of Justice. The decision was made without them.”
Joining Senator Collins as co-sponsors on the legislation were Committee Chairman Joe Lieberman, ID-Conn., and fellow committee members, Senators Robert Bennett, R-Utah, and John Ensign, R-Nev.
So here’s what went down. Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab attempts to blow up an airplane over Detroit. He fails miserably because he is a knuckle-dragging idiot and in the course of said failure manages to thoroughly flame his Hooah Stick. He is then promptly beaten down by a film maker from Europe…let me say that again; beaten down by a film maker from Europe. I’m thinking it didn’t take too much of a fire to seriously damage this needle-dick-bug-poker.
So crisis averted and we have a very valuable piece of potential intelligence in our grasp. And as soon as this clown has un-assed the plane he starts screaming like a virgin on a troop ship. Good times, eh?
Not so fast there; enter Eric Holder’s omnipotently powerful DOJ (read that as pony-tailed lawyers who were no doubt envious of Umar’s massive, albeit smoldering, package). Other than gaze longingly at his heaving pecs and now charred glutes, we have no idea what this gaggle of testosterone-free lawyers did. What we do know is that the Nigerian Prince of Genital Terrorism lawyered up faster than a fat kid on a snow cone.
Rightly, some folks in DC are just a bit pissed off about this.
It was Holder who made the decision to try 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed in a criminal trial in New York. It is Holder who has expressed his desire to grant full American constitutional rights to foreign terrorists. It is Holder who is leading the administration’s sputtering effort to move some Guantanamo inmates to the United States. And it is Holder who is apparently cutting other parts of the government out of crucial terrorism decisions like the treatment of Abdulmutallab. …
That was the message of Wednesday’s testimony from Blair, Leiter, Napolitano, and Mueller, all of whom were out of the loop on the Adbulmutallab decision. Their accounts left a number of Republican senators shaken; as the GOP lawmakers see it, the decision to read Abdulmutallab Miranda rights was a dreadful mistake, one that could have serious consequences down the line. There should be some accountability.
So on Thursday all seven Republicans on the Judiciary Committee sent a letter to Holder asking for a full explanation: Who made the decision and why, and whether the administration now has “a protocol or policy in place for handling al Qaeda terrorists captured in the United States.”
Republicans were troubled by the decision even before Wednesday’s testimony showed that major administration figures knew nothing about it. Now, the lawmakers want to know what happened, and they believe the only person who can tell them is Holder.
Here’s how this should play out.
The President needs to get serious on this whole terrorism thing before a bunch of Americans are killed and this needs to happen right now.
Eric Holder needs to be fired. Some would argue that he needs to have his balls set on fire and then unceremoniously dismissed but you know me, the kinder-gentler kind of guy that I am.
Category: Politics
That needed a spew alert, COB. But, I go along with the argument that he needs to have his hooah stick and balls set on fire. Then, before he gets to the hospital, he needs to be fired. No government health care.
Someone would first have to ascertain that Holder, in fact, had a hooah stick and set of balls. Attached. It might be he keeps them in a desk drawer for ceremonial use. Who knows.
COB6 noted: The President needs to get serious on this whole terrorism thing before a bunch of Americans are killed and this needs to happen right now.
Seek psychiatric intervention soonest. I’m afraid you’ve become delusional. Unlike certain Roman Emperors Obama has someone whispering over his shoulder that HE IS God.
You also suggested that Eric Holder needs to be fired.
Really… seek help ASAP. You’re a valued member of TAH and I’d hate it if you turned into a sort of Ron Paul clone.
I’m with UpNorth, COB, that needed a spew alert! I’m still laughing at it. Although it’s a very serious subject, some times it goes better with humor and you hit it outta da park!
G’damn, COB, I had to travel halfway around the globe to get a good missile from you. Out-freaking-standing!
Cold and snowing in Istanbul…or is it Constantinople? Can’t ever remember. How does that song go?
Alla Candy-bar, or whatever it is they mumble over here.
[…] This ain’t Hell…. points to a landmark piece of legislation submitted to make the government do its job […]
It’s naive to think that Wee Wee will “get serious on this whole terrorism thing”. Him, Holder, Bruno Napalitano, and the rest of the Fellow Travelers in the administration know in their hearts that the U.S. is the real enemy. They’re sympathetic if not supportive of terrorists who want to kill citizens of the U.S. It’s called ‘social justice’ in their universe.
Loved that visual…Hooah stick…and nope. Holder has neither attached. He also let the black panther harassers go, and will probably let the absentee ballot lady skate, too.
AW Tim—that needed a spew alert, too…’ascertain….attached!!” bwahhahaha!!
What is being overlooked is MONEY. Holders firm will gain hundreds of millions as lawyers representing the terrorists as they already have done.
The same with closing Gitmo. Its a lawyers dream for extreme wealth and we, the US taxpayer PAYS & Pays.
I didn’t mention it, but we don’t ignore the po$$ibilitie$ for Holder’s law firm at all.
Tim, maybe he keeps them in a cloth sack? Like Captain Queeg? And, Holder certainly is forthright and decisive, at least when it comes to shitting all over the career of a US Attorney. Black Panthers, terrorists? Not so much.
The FBI Chief, Robert Mueller stated that not only was he not consulted, but the decision to arrest and Mirandize Abdulmutallab was made by the agents on the scene, with no prior instructions.
This is another case of the FBI being totally unprepared and unsure of any guidelines for the apprehension and prosessing of terrorists. We are at war, in case they’ve forgotten.
His father went to the U.S. Embassy in Abjua, Nigeria, and told authorities that his 23-year-old son had fallen under the influence of “religious extremists” (al Qaeda) in Yemen. The Brits had him on a watch list because of his extremist activities, but never shared the information. In spite of all the red flags, he was never placed on a “do not fly” watch list.
At the very least, anyone who attempts a similar terrorist act should be immediately detained under the jurisdiction of counter-terrorism interrogators.
Who made this idiotic decision?
Look no further than President Punchdrunk. The Dhimmis and Marxists in Obama’s cabinet want wartime enemy combatants treated as ordinary criminals.
He will not consult with members of the intelligence community, nor will he follow the standard correct procedure of trying Islamic terrorists in front of a military tribunal, where they belong.
THE ONE doesn’t owe an explanation to the peons; he’ll just do as he pleases. National security and the war against Islamic thugs be damned.
Just wait until the trials start in NYC. It will make PT Barnum look like an amateur.
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