Request for Houston ABC News Reporter
I’ve been working with ABC News reporter Kevin Quinn at KTRK ABC 13 in Houston of the case of General Ballduster McAnus. He is doggedly on this guys track. But, he can’t do it alone. From an email:
Could you go back please and ask any of those who recognized this person and know/knew him if they would be willing to talk to us today?
I need a more solid link to the name than what I have…and I’m afraid anonymous bloggers saying so won’t meet the standard for airing that name.
Feel free to forward my info along…
Now, he’s referencing here. of course, the anonymous tipster who gave us the name the other day. I kind of disagree with him regarding having sufficient proof of who this guy is. I’ve got reams of info, but his standard of proof as a TV reporter is higher than mine as a blogger, so I get that. So this is a shout out to all you Houston Folks. Send Kevin an email, get in touch with him ASAP. We need to take this clown down.
Kevin’s email can be found at the bottom of his bio page linked above.
Oh, and Michael Tenzin Chophak McManus or whatever you want to call yourself today, the outer and inner security is in place, and the takedown team is enroute. You feeling the heat yet? Your best move is to come clean now, and claim some psychological issues.
Category: Politics
Sadly, if the guy actually was a PSD for Congresswoman Jackson-Lee, he probably could make a reasonable case for having PTSD.
It’s nice to see the someone in the media trying to nail down this toad.
I remember it like it was yesterday, man. My SEAL team was helo’d in for a fundraiser for the pope on St. Patrick’s day in Savannah, GA…the secret headquarters for COBRA. We knew that Cobra Commander would try to make a play at His Holiness, and being a devout Catholic Cardinal myself, I knew that we had to derail that maniacal bastard. About 15 mikes into the pope’s mass just outside of Paula Deen’s restaurant, the COBRA guys made their move, plowing through 30 kilos of fried chicken and a hundred liters of iced tea. My team jumped into the fray with me using my mad ninja skills I learned from Bruce Lee shortly before he was killed by Lee Harvey Oswald. It was a bloodbath, my friends. The COBRA guys were sent to flight and we ended up sticking around as guests of His Holiness…man, that boy can sure put down catfish and hushpuppies. Funny thing, there seemed to be an endless basket of that shit…but that’s a story for another time.
ADM Michael Cardinal “Soul Man” McAnus; DDM, SPA, ERA, ETA, AC/DC
SEAL Team 13-Alpha
USNaval Drill SWAT Team HQ (AMPH)
No shit?
Man, that is awesome, and at least as believable as the General.
Hey, he just sent me an email telling about the time he piloted the Millennium Falcon on the Kessel Run in less that 12 parsecs…true story.
I sent an email to ABC 13 the other day through their website. Hopefully they’ll get something out there on the tube. Don’t really wish I knew the DB, but wish I could knew where to find him. My biker gang would love to teach him a few things! Thanks for not letting up.
“… but wish I could knew where to find him.”
I’m guessing he frequents the Westheimer/Montrose area.
Oh, and it would seem to me that KTRK could drive over to SJL’s office on Jefferson and ask a few questions. Maybe Dr. Roxana Mayer* can provide some details.
Don’t drop anything in that area.
If the good general is still in Houston, can’t the reporter just approach him and ask him if he’s the guy in the picture?
He doesn’t have to confront him on camera, it can be done in many ways that don’t put the reporter or the station in any legal quandries.
Also, he should be on the guest list from the party. That should be fairly easy for a local reporter to nail down.
Don’t get me wrong, it’s great this reporter cares enough to do the story, but it seems to me he’s asking for you to do his job for him. (not that you haven’t already, all you need is a big bow to wrap it up for him)
I think that the reporter is simply looking for some back-up in case things go south.
“I need a more solid link to the name than what I have…and I’m afraid anonymous bloggers saying so won’t meet the standard for airing that name.”
Not willing to run something without more solid links? Son, you’ll never break into the national reporting scene with that kind of attitude.
I was riding the elephant when he saw it (us).
Hey Spade, I hear Dan Rather has a memo….
has anyone looked at his Tenzin Chophak Windows Live Profile? Why not try those addresses and phone numbers? Or maybe you already have.