General Ballduster McSoulpatch, The Timeline

| January 19, 2010

Holy shit what a mess this is. I even have more info now, a lot of it contradicting himself.

Start in the beginning:

1969 (??mistype??) – 1981 Singapore American School
1981 – 1984 Hamdan High School in Connecticut
1984 November, Enlists in the military
1984 to 1985, DLI

*Wait, hold the busses. How did he get to DLI after (at best) 8 weeks? If he went in NOV 1, and he arrived at DLI Dec 31, did he do basic in 7 weeks? Or do they now do Basic at DLI?*

1985 Soldier of the Year, DLI
1986 “While stationed in Frankfurt, Germany in 1986, then-Sergeant McManus served as Then-General Colin Powell’s personal bodyguard and interpreter.”
1988-1993 Purdue University
June 3, 1993 Comes out of the closet at event in SF.

*From the release:

Currently serving in the U.S. Army Reserves as part of the Special Operations Forces Command, Capt. McManus reports directly to the Pentagon, and holds a top secret security clearance.

So wait, he wouldn’t get a degree for another few months, and yet he is an O3? Fast mover that one. When did he have time to work Special Ops with all the promotion ceremonies? WTF?????*

1994-1995 JFKSWCS

*So he comes out of the closet and they send him to Special Ops school? You would have thought someone might have caught that, no?*

1995-1997 Assumption University.

*Undercover for Spec Ops with the Thai Royal Family no doubt.*

1997 – 1999 Samaya Corp. But, he was also busy getting his Masters Degree from Yale at the same time.

Yale University, Attended 1997 – 1999, Class of 1999, Master’s Degree, Cognitive Psychology

*Busy man this one. Must have a high midiclorian level. He’s a gay Yoda mascarading as a Buddhist monk from a Catholic school.*

1999 – 2005 Stanford University.
*Jesus, 6 year plan after whipping through Assumption, Yale, Purdue? WTF over?*
FEB 2004, First Retirement from Military, as an Lieutenant Colonel.
May 2007 – Sep 2007 PSD for Member of Congress
APR 2008 – Sep 2008 Olympics Educator, Psychologist, Jock Washer.
Feb 2008 – Second Retirement date. Still LTC.
Oct 2008 – Present Genewise Life Sciences

Dec 12, 2009

Location: George R. Brown Convention
Occasion: Annise Parker for Houston Mayor Victory Party
Date shot: 12/12/2009 Time shot: 2030 hrs

*Sometime in the intervening time from Feb 2008 to Dec 2009 he was promoted 2 grades. I’m guessing roughly on Dec 11 around 11pm.*

Jan 14, 2010, He celebrates Birthday.

Jan 18, 2010 He sees the elephant.

Jan 19, 2010 Elephant takes a ginormous shit on his head.

Jan 19, 0830 Hours central time, Houston FBI contacted.

To be continued. Now, anyone see where I left that fahkin elephant?

Category: Politics

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Damm TSO You’ve been busy this morning. Must have the coffemaker plugged into a vein.


Nah, snipe–this guy would have done alright at NPS. Hell, with all that useless minutae stuck in his head, he might have even been a Reactor Operator…(G)


TSO–you forgot one bit on Ballduster. I heard him saying this at the party (third-hand, but take it for what it’s worth):

“The Carthaginians defending the city were attacked by three Roman legions. The Carthaginians were proud and brave but they couldn’t hold. They were massacred. Arab women stripped them of their tunics and their swords and lances. The soldiers lay naked in the sun. Two thousand years ago. I was here.”


He left off the time he was the door gunner for Capt. Nemo when they killed the giant squid on the Nautilus.


I take back that Generalissimo Louisiana Home Guard is my favorite Super Trooper; he has just been replaced by General Ballduster McSoulpatch, Elephant Slayer.


No no Claymore, He was the gunner for Obi-Wan on Geonosis


Unless this has been discussed earlier, “To See the Elephant” is a phrase much used during the American Civil War by soldiers to imply that they had seen combat.
I can not confirm, but assume it came into being from the British Army being deployed to India and having ‘seen the Elephant’ meaning to have taken part in action.

Of course, this guy may mean that he has seen the elephant (i.e. penis) of the guy whilst providing a good time, GI….


The only thing this whole mess is missing is “There I was, never thought it would happen to me, bucked naked with nothing but a K-Bar….”


Finrod, you forgot the starter phrase at the beginning of your sentence, the obligatory “No shit” before the “there I was”.


Well–when I entered basic it was 10/25/83.
I graduated in short cycle–12/21/83. But, believe u me…
I believe nothing that little shitbird says!!

Dang Straights

Just a thought, but are you grabbing screenshots and downloading as much of this b.s. this mutt has posted as possible, TSO? You know the little punkass liar is going to be retracting and cleaning up as many of those ‘exaggerations and misunderstandings’ as possible now that he’s getting called out on it.

Good to know I wasn’t the only one to forward this assclown’s claims to the Houston FBI office. Hope they actually do something about it.


Finrod, you forgot the starter phrase at the beginning of your sentence, the obligatory “No shit” before the “there I was”

I stand duly corrected. “Hold my beer, No shit, there I was….”


Finrod, “Buck Naked” was Balldusters call sign while in Thailand his cover was being a Ladyboy and killing chicom agents with his thighs


Bet this asshat REALLY regrets his attire choice for that party…


TSO: All your effort has made it necessary for me to bare my soul.

I have claimed to be an Admiral on many occasions.

For a while I had a uniform with various decorations and DID show up at public events touting my service.

So, even though I was discharged from the USN as an E-5. I am STILL an Admiral in the Cherry River Navy. And my uniform was much more impressive than this puke’s.

NB: I am NOT pictured. My missions were covert, don’t ya know.


Susan–not as much as he’ll regret it when he meets his cellmate “Bubba” in Leavenworth, or any of our other fine federal institutions.

Old Tanker

I am the very model of a modern Major-General,
I’ve information vegetable, animal, and mineral,
I know the kings of England, and I quote the fights historical
From Marathon to Waterloo, in order categorical;
I’m very well acquainted, too, with matters mathematical,
I understand equations, both the simple and quadratical,
About binomial theorem I’m teeming with a lot o’ news –
With many cheerful facts about the square of the hypotenuse.

….I’d love to see Claymore work some funny on the Pirates of Penzance/Gen Ballduster McSoulPatch style…..

The Kitchen Dispatch

I thought there were a lot of conflicting dates when I glanced through his linked in profile. So you say his last name is Chan? At what point did he become McManus? And what do the folks down in Houston have to say about all this?

Susan, Like I said. He should have just stuck to wearing black wings. Though truthfully, how could he ever compete with Heidi Klum or Leonid The Magnificent?


“There I was,”
“No Shit”
“Hip deep in brass casings and hand grenade pins. I was down to my last mag and my bayonet was already broken off in the body of a sapper…things looked bleak.”
“Whacha do, Duke?”
“I whipped out my roll of 100 mph tape, fashioned a makeshift garrot from MRE spoons and para cord, strangled the last twelve enemy ninja spetsnaz troops, used the tape to make a primative catapult and launched myself out of harms way and into the bed of a nuble young maiden…needless to say she was suprised…happily suprised I might add…”
“And then what?”
“I attended the Queen, Got a Ph.D and was a PSD to GEN Colon Powell…”

NYC Veteran

Opinion: “to see the Elephant” is likely from the Roman defense against the assault of Hannibal. When Hannibal crossed the Alps into Northern Italy he deployed his elephants to break the Roman lines. Many Romans broke and ran in terror while others stood and planted their spears against the charge. Fortunately Elephants are not stupid and many pulled up rather than impale themselves leaving their riders exposed to spear and bow. Hannibal’s forces broke and the victorious Romans that held their ground were said to “Have seen the Elephant”, which to Romans brought great respect. But this is all up for debate.


Not to distract from the enormous farce of a timeline, but 6 years wouldn’t be too abnormal for a Phd.


True. A PhD takes about six years–if you enter with a bachelor’s degree, or a master’s in an unrelated field. With a master’s in “cognitive psychology,” he would have been done in two to four years — if Stanford offered a PhD in Bio-Psychology, which they don’t (per my conversation with them yesterday).

Capt Deth

Seeing the Elephant actually got US usage during the Civil war period when there were circus elephants that traveled around. It was such an experience to see one for the first time. Civil War solders used it like the Vietnam term “popping the Cherry” For first time you saw combat. Its use did indeed start with the Roman Army.


Thanks for the correction, guys. Looks like this guy is a complete tool.


He could be just a crazy guy.


As a gay man I am embarrassed guys like this make us all look bad. Trust this one is a lunatic. I actually seen him on some gay website here in Houston and from his post always thought he was a nutcase. He had a profile on as I recall.


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