Washington Post reads minds

| May 13, 2008

The Washington Post has begun it’s “whites won’t vote for Obama” narrative again this morning in an article titled “Racist Incidents Give Some Obama Campaigners Pause“. After some unsupported third-hand reports about name-calling and slammed doors, their really damning evidence is the vandalism of an Obama campaign office;

The bigotry has gone beyond words. In Vincennes, the Obama campaign office was vandalized at 2 a.m. on the eve of the primary, according to police. A large plate-glass window was smashed, an American flag stolen. Other windows were spray-painted with references to Obama’s controversial former pastor, the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, and other political messages: “Hamas votes BHO” and “We don’t cling to guns or religion. Goddamn Wright.”

Now what’s bigoted about that, other than they were writing these things about Black people (without even mentioning their race)? The Washington Post can read minds – and they know that the vandals were thinking racist thoughts.
Well, I can see you’re still doubtful. Well this ought to convince you of the racists in Indiana;

On July 4, 1923, Kokomo hosted the largest Klan gathering in history — an estimated 200,000 followers flocked to a local park.

Never mind that every person who attended that Klan gathering is probably dead now – it proves to me beyond a shadow of doubt that the whole state of Indiana is populated with racists because the Washington Post told me so.

Category: Media, Politics

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As to the Legends left on the wall, all I could add would be a hearty, “Peh-Tweey”, filled with Chawin’ terbackey, after the “Goddamn Wright”! (If I chewed, er, chawed. .. Forgive me, I’m not as quick on the Chaw as Hillary.) But, as the immortal Katherine so wisely proclaimed, “Never..the less”.

These wizened Journalists are such an ignorant bunch of Pointy Headed, and, apparently prescient, Piss-ants that it makes me want to Puke. Unfortunately, they are telling us, by such Sage and Scary Reports, exactly what will become the new, “Politically Correct” (what an ignorant phrase!) Atmosphere in our Country should the Bamaramadingdong actually win the Presidency. EVERYTHING will become Racist. Doesn’t matter, any criticism will be even more suspect than it is now. There’s your Freedom of Speech Kids, vote for the Messiah.

I’m not advocating “Hate Speech”, but you just can’t pick up the clean end of a Turd. Not that I’ve ever tried.., but sometimes you have to scoop the damned things up and throw them out of the way. Ever tried to clean that crap out of the soles of your sneakers? Nasty. I prefer a cleared path.

But, I guess what bothers me more than anything is, now I’m worried that the Beach Boys were closet KKK’ers. You know, subliminally.


This truly raises the hackles… but you know we will all be called racists for not voting for Obama, in spite of the fact it has NOTHING to do with the color of his skin. besides, sorry but he is bi-racial.. maybe I’m not voting for the white, socialist, liberal part of his genes.