Federal judge stops Democrat investigation referral for Justice Clarence Thomas

| January 3, 2025

Some Democrat senators wanted Justice Clarence Thomas referred to a federal investigation. This is based on reports that Thomas accepted gifts from a Republican megadonor. Thomas argued that what he reported, of these events, fell under the guidelines in place prior to the 2023 ethics code. U.S. District Judge Robert Conrad saw no reason to refer this matter for investigation.

From Newsweek:

What People Are Saying

Gabe Roth, executive director of Fix the Court said in a statement: “The Conference’s letters further underscore the need for Congress to create a new and transparent mechanism to investigate the justices for ethics violations since the Conference is unwilling to act upon the one method we had presumed existed to do that.”

Justice Clarence Thomas, Supreme Court Justice at the time of the allegation in 2023 described Crow and his wife, conservative activist Kathy, as “among our dearest friends.” He claimed he was advised by colleagues on the nation’s highest court and others in the federal judiciary that “this sort of personal hospitality from close personal friends, who did not have business before the Court, was not reportable.”

Democratic Sen. Dick Durbin said in September last year: “He is receiving $4 million in gifts that he doesn’t disclose. Justice Thomas has failed to disclose the vast majority of these gifts–a clear violation of financial disclosure requirements under Federal Law.”

Republican donor Harlan Crow issued a statement to ProPublica, “The hospitality we have extended to the Thomas’s [sic] over the years is no different from the hospitality we have extended to our many other dear friends … We have never asked about a pending or lower court case, and Justice Thomas has never discussed one, and we have never sought to influence Justice Thomas on any legal or political issue.”

Additional Reading:

McDonagh, S. (2025, January 03). Justice Clarence Thomas avoids ethics federal probe. Newsweek. Link.

Category: Democrats, Supreme Court

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There’s a process for Constitutional amendments. Good luck with that.


He’s been in the Diddycrats crosshairs since he “left the oppression plantation” as a black man and became a conservative judge. He’s just doesn’t understand that white liberals know what’s best him and ALL other blacks. I think we all remember then Sen. Biden at his confirmation hearings.


I don’t see any problem with Thomas actions involving friends. It would be different if the friends had cases before the court. The democrats are crying foul because they take bribes and assume anyone receiving a benefit is getting a bribe too.
From my own experiences with people that are wealthy. Picking up the tab for a trip is like the common man picking up the tab for a friend’s dinner. Deeper pockets make for a different lifestyle. $50k is a lot of money, but to some people it’s a night in the Paris Ritz.


Demonrats are just made because Justice Thomas has left their Plantation and is not a “Tame Judge” for them.

Durbin? *spits* A real “Dick”!

A Proud Infidel®™

I remember that, the unfounded sexual harassment allegations thrown at him which were later disproven, but Justice Thomas’s accuser was still lauded by the left despite her being proven a liar.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

BTW, how is Anita over-the-Hill these days? Hopefully not doing well.

I heard she had the infamous pubic hair mounted in a necklace and wears it for good luck.

A Proud Infidel®™

Sounds like D-rat business as usual, do your damnedest to hamper, eject and jail those who follow the US Constitution!


A friend in need is a friend indeed.
A friend without need is also pretty nice to have.
But the best friend you will ever have is a dog.


What about ole pedos vacations at his billionaire buddies private island? I am still waiting on him to rip out the 327 from his Vette and put a battery powered motor in it. Gross polluter for me but not for thee.


Not going to happen, Gropey Joe has been a complete hypocrite his entire life. He just doesn’t want anyone who is not a member of the political elite of his party to have a Corvette with a gas engine. Demoncat uber alles.

A Proud Infidel®™

Come to think of it, nobody says shit about “Blowjob Willie” Clinton’s CONFIRMED 26 trips to Epstein’s Island on his “Lolita Express”.