Donald Trump to Joe Biden: Stay out of Syria

| December 8, 2024

Rebel forces in Syria are closing in on Damascus after capturing cities from the Syrian government’s control. Officials with the US government anticipate that Bashar al-Assad’s regime could fall within days. In light of these events in Syria, Donald Trump took to Truth Social to express his views regarding US involvement. He called for Team Biden to keep the United States out of the conflict in Syria.

From The Post Millennial:

The incoming president posted on Truth Social, “Opposition fighters in Syria, in an unprecedented move, have totally taken over numerous cities, in a highly coordinated offensive, and are now on the outskirts of Damascus, obviously preparing to make a very big move toward taking out Assad. Russia, because they are so tied up in Ukraine, and with the loss there of over 600,000 soldiers, seems incapable of stopping this literal march through Syria, a country they have protected for years.”

“This is where former President Obama refused to honor his commitment of protecting the RED LINE IN THE SAND, and all hell broke out, with Russia stepping in. But now they are, like possibly Assad himself, being forced out, and it may actually be the best thing that can happen to them,” Trump added.

He continued, “There was never much of a benefit in Syria for Russia, other than to make Obama look really stupid. In any event, Syria is a mess, but is not our friend, & THE UNITED STATES SHOULD HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH IT. THIS IS NOT OUR FIGHT. LET IT PLAY OUT. DO NOT GET INVOLVED!”

Additional Reading:

Haq, S. N. (2024, December 7). Syrian rebels edge closer to Damascus as US officials say Assad regime could fall soon. CNN. Link.

Stevenson, T. (2024, December 7). Trump warns Biden admin ‘do not get involved’ amid Syrian conflict. The Post Millennial. Link.

Category: Donald Trump, Joe BIden, Middle East

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Old tanker

Headline this morning indicating that Assad might be dead as his plane dropped off of radar.


I had to follow up and Google it…

It was an Ilyushin Il-76 transport plane,
Basically, a Commie C-5.

Of course it’s fucking missing, they turned off the transponder and flew to some secret desert, airstrip or island or something to GTFO!

And of course he had evacuate on a cargo aircraft and not a leer jet to carry all those dozens of pallets of gold and cash and other valuables.

Trust me on this one. I’m just saying it’s an educated hypothesis.


I don’t know if this is the exact one, but you get the idea…


Ran out of coal?

jeff LPH 3 63-66

word is that assad landed in Russia


I guess Asshat will be crashing on Pootie’s couch


Read that too.

E. Conboy

Who confirmed he was even on?


According to the Ruskies, Assad is in Moscow and has been offered asylum.


We shall see soon enough if anybody is listening to Trump or if there’s another money making endeavor to be exploited. You get 10%, you get 10% etc.


Well Syria fell last night
And you know who Assads aircraft was probably shot down over Homs last night our time
Game over


We have around a 1000 service members
Still in Syria we need to pull them out

USMC Steve

Not according to Kumala Harris.


She and the uni-party are the reasons we have so many issues here at home

A Proud Infidel®™

“Never underestimate Joe Biden’s ability to fuck things up.” – B. Hussein 0bama

Hack Stone

Is that a bug or a feature?

Mark L.

Are we blaming Joe Biden for Syria successfully overthrowing a dictator and Russia losing significant influence in the region?


Define “successfully overthrowing a dictator”. You mean like when Obama helped oust Khaddafi? That worked out well.


With the Assad Regime gone, the next phase of the Civil War begins. As I understand, the ‘Rebels’ were not one unified group like the Bolsheviks or Khmer Rouge. I see the next phase as secular rebels battling islamist rebels in what should be bloody struggle. Biden will try an involve the US on his way out the door because he’s that much of a piece of shit. I’m guessing Iran will back one group of rebels while the Saudis back another group and we have Yemen 2.0. The sooner Trump achieves energy independence, the less likely will do anything more than watch from afar.


“secular rebels battling islamist rebels”



USMC Steve

It is going to become just another third world shithole full of islamic fundamentalists, or in other words, another potential target.

Mark L.

Good. Guess which country has the world’s biggest military and bombs to spare! I joined the military to kill bad guys, not sure why you guys joined.

Mark L.

2016 Trump supporters: Ban all Muslims!

2024 Trump supporters: Those poor Muslims! Stop killing them!


Oblowme didn’t need any help showing how stoopid he was. Should The Bad Orange Man just have kept his mouth shut on this subject? Probably, IMHO (YMMV). sniffy creepy has always done the opposite of what The BOM advised. Just make grifter joe want to get us MORE deeply involved in the ME Tar Baby. One more thing to pile on for BOM to handle when (IF) BOM is actually The President again come January.

Here’s a novel idea…Bring ALL of our troops home and let them do what our military is supposed to do…Defend the USA.




Ahem, Sapper3307


Why are we in Syria again? My memory fails me.


No good reason at all


Something to do with keeping the region stable and peaceful, I think.


< Sarcasm >.

Mark L.

Yup, killing terrorists will do that. Kill enough of them and peace is inevitable.


What worked well on Japan and Germany doesn’t necessarily work on radical Islam. History. Read it. Learn from it so you don’t repeat it.


As one of those Muslims allegedly said, “We love death more than you love life”.

Hard to intimidate or deter folks like that. Japanese kamikazes were bad enough, how do you defend against several billion potential kamikazes? And if they get nukes? Yeah, I am Islamophobic. I inherited it from my European ancestors a thousand years ago or so.


The MIC needs to be fed.

Mark L.

As long as the MIC wants to kill bad guys, they can have all the food they want.

Mark L.

We never left. Trump promised to leave but blew up an air strip then went golfing and forgot about it.


Maybe because he was not in office after 2020? And I seem to recall he had some difficulty getting some subordinates to actually follow orders.


Report of Assad is in Moscow




Money buys friends?

Do they stay bought?


Not in the history of the CIA.


If that mother fucker had just done the inevitable 6-or-so years ago my PredictIt Bastard el Ass-hat bet would’ve resolved with a $90k payday (iirc).


I made a comment here, but I thought it was here anyway it disappeared. I don’t see it..

My question is we have five weeks left before the inauguration and are the Biden’s gonna do one of two things or all of the above

1. Spend the next five weeks, trying to fill their pockets with as much cash and valuables as possible before they lose any clout and their access ?

2. Spend the next five weeks, trying to fuck everything up as much as possible and put barriers in place for Trump and generally be giant flaming assholes, as opposed to doing anything positive for the people of the United States of America.

3. Taco Bell girl meme


Will try to find where I read it, but student loan forgiveness set to take effect after Trump swears in. Estimated cost of 600 Billion.

It’s Trump’s final go round, time to explain to these people wanting loan forgiveness, they signed a loan agreement as an adult, so time to start being an adult.

Mark L.

As I’ve always said; if they wanted loan forgiveness they can join the military.


New US air strikes today.

  • US launches dozens of airstrikes on ISIS across Syria as conflict in Middle East spirals

  • The US has confirmed that more than 75 ISIS targets were hit as part of efforts to “disrupt, degrade, and defeat” the terror group.


Israel is also dropping bombs in Syria,
as the 50 year peace deal is now off.
Terrorist holds targeted today.

Mark L.

Good. Syria has been attacking Israel for years and now the gloves are off. Let Israel decimate every shithole in the Middle East that’s ever attacked them.


I thought we defeated ISIS? Just like the Taliban.


Is time to buy stocks in Raytheon?

Hack Stone

They won’t get fooled again.

Mark L.

Imagine being an American in the years after 9/11 and still being anti war.


Here I am, being all antiwar and sheeeit.


I’m anti “war that shows zero net benefit to the USA”. How old are you, Private?


Have you all seen the Assad luxury car collection?
Too late now for Sotheby’s.


Makes me wonder where Assad drove all those luxury cars.

Hack Stone

So yesterday Hack Stone was in line for gasoline at a local Costco. The car in front of Hack had all kinds of Woke bumper stickers, to include the require Harris-Walz and one reading “If You Think Hillary Is A Bitch, Wait Until You Meet Kamala”. That must have been part of that inspiring girl power vibe that Kamala was exuding. Looks like a majority of the voters didn’t want to find out how much of a bitch Kamala is.

Hack Stone

Now that’s how to do an insurrection. Hack would be willing to bet that Hunter Biden somehow received a cash injection from Assad, probably a “consulting fee”.


Hack Stone,
If not Hunter’s Uncle Jimmy.

  • Guns, lies and audiotape:

How Biden’s family ties could lead to another pardon

[ For decades, a scandal-plagued Mississippi family has cozied up to the president. How will the relationship end? ]

Mark L.

We need as many U.S. troops as we can spare in the Middle East blowing up bad guys. Biden fucked up pulling out of Afghanistan at the last minute and now you guys are rooting for Trump to do the same.

Last edited 1 month ago by Mark L.

Does your drill Sergeant know you’re playing on the computer?


“pulling out of Afghanistan at the last minute”

“last minute”??
Are you not aware we were there for almost 20 years?


The current CiC, he’s doing all that he can, to get the US involved in all of the conflicts that he can, and embroiled in all the mess that he can, before leaving office. Or, his handlers are, and he gets an ice cream cone every night for playing along. Either way, where are the cries for impeachment? Where is the outcry? Never mind, I already know!