Trump won! Call a WAAHmbulance! and Soros loses

| November 11, 2024

Jeff LPH sends me the following info – nice to see someone put it all in one easy to cheat from  to get information spot.

Andrew Tate, the Brit/US ‘on-line influencer’ who said he would move back to the States amid a sexual-misconduct allegation in August, bills himself as the ‘misogynist influencer’. A four-time kickboxing champion, he is not a fella in good odor with the feminist/woke set. But, he has put together an interesting list of folks. Remember seeing various articles on all those celebrities who just absolutely cannot STAND Donald Trump, know he will bring fascism to us (like they said in 2016, too – anyone remember the resultant White House Fascism? Gotta be before 2021, guys, no cheating with Biden.) Well, Tate recently did a podcast where he tells us who.

The list included Alec Baldwin, Whoopi Goldberg, John Legend, Chrissy Teigen, Rob Reiner, Barbara Streisand, Cher, Nancy Pelosi, Hillary Clinton, Megan Rapinoe, Tom Hanks, Amy Schumer, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Lady Gaga, Taylor Swift, Bill Gates, Jane Fonda, Madonna, Mark Ruffalo, Kim Kardashian, Bruce Springsteen, George Clooney, Hunter Biden, Oprah, Robert De Niro, Samuel L. Jackson, Miley Cyrus, Travis Kelce, Bobbi Althoff, Rashida Tlaib, Stormy Daniels, Anthony Fauci, George Soros, Diddy, Eminem, Ellen DeGeneres, Sean Penn, Sharon Stone, Ashley Judd, Tommy Lee, Bryan Cranston, Billie Joe Armstrong, and Bono.

The list is on his ‘cast at Tate. Now, Newsweek claims the list is suspect…may e, but many are names recognizable for substantial Kamala Harris support. I particularly like that AOC shows up – if you move, honey, you lose the Congressional seat and have to, like, find a REAL job – may want to rethink that. Most of the Squad is, in fact, on the list – works for me.

However many of the remainder actually follow through (yeah, right) – don’t let the border hit ya in the ass on yer way out.



And for some legit election fall out, actual good news. George Gascon, LA DA, was royally defeated in his run for re-election. Not the only Soros-bought candidate to fall, either.

A dozen of the 25 George Soros-linked district attorneys on the ballot this week were defeated or recalled, signaling a backlash against progressive policies that critics say are to blame for a surge in crime across the country in recent years.

Many of the losing Soros candidates were running for office in deep blue jurisdictions and suffered heavy losses despite Vice President Harris clocking up comfortable majorities in those same areas – indicating that a large portion of Democrats are also done with the progressive Left’s soft on crime experiment, according to the Law Enforcement Legal Defense Fund, a pro-police non-profit that tracked the 25 races.

“Across the battleground states and in Vice President Harris’ home state of California, a sizable share of Democrats voted to oust progressive prosecutors,” Sean Kennedy, the Law Enforcement Legal Defense Fund’s policy director, tells Fox News Digital.

Kennedy says that out of the roughly 75 Soros-linked prosecutors nationwide his organization has since identified in 2022, over 30 have left office, and 20 have been replaced by traditional district attorneys. Fox News

Ah, thassa nice…

Category: "Teh Stoopid", 2024 Election, Politics

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Good riddance.

Hope they all fade into obscurity — though, like many of our worst presidents… “historians” and “scholars” will label them as our finest and vice versa.

Hack Stone

Hack was hoping and praying that during the debate when Joe Biden said “I wasn’t joking. Look it up. Go online. 159 or 58, don’t hold me the exact number, presidential historians. They’ve had meetings and they voted who’s the worst president in American history. One through best to worst. They said he was the worst in all of American history. That’s a fact. That’s not conjecture. He can argue the wrong, but that’s what they voted”, Trump would have responded with “And 51 Intelligence Officials said that Hunter Biden’s laptop was “Russian disinformation”. So what is your point?”


They’ll try to paint Biden as a successful and good president. It’s comical.


History will not be kind to him.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

indicating that a large portion of Democrats are also done with the progressive Left’s soft on crime experiment,”

Yeah there’s no real surprise here at all…the folks calling for the soft on crime shit were never the residents…

When you live in a neighborhood where most of the killings in a city occur you like a heavy police presence, unless you’re involved the black market trade that results in most of those killings….

The notion that some police departments needed a little restraint on the application of force is not an unreasonable notion in and of itself…but the attempt to rectify it by defunding police departments instead of better training situations, or letting out shitbags on personal recognizance instead of bail who then proceed to commit additional crimes, or advertising the limit of theft that will be allowed and then being surprised that’s the amount that gets stolen, well none of that is going to endear the people who inflict those policies on those neighborhoods.

It is time we reintroduce the notion of personal accountability regardless of how shitty or poor your childhood was…this idea that every despicable act is somehow mitigated by someone’s upbringing needs to finally die a natural death. A society where fathering multiple children with multiple moms and then never stepping up with any child support isn’t a society that raises responsible citizens who contribute to that society. The amount of work that needs to be done there represents a massive sea change in the national attitude…

One can only hope that our choices start to introduce that concept nationally once again.


In the same vein, it’s be nice for the same level of personal responsibility to bite soros and his spawn in their fascist asses, and have someone take them out for their crimes against humanity..

As I’ve said before, a guy can hope, right?

Hack Stone

Hack Stone got to thinking yesterday, which he does quite as he is not being interrupted by phone calls from people wanting to buy outdated and overpriced Red Hat Software, and in this instance, with the American people deciding that Kamala Harris and her staff would be better off seeking employment elsewhere, what support is there in place to help them transition? In this instance transition would be changing career fields, not putting on a dress and duct taping your penis to your leg. Is there a Guidance Counselor like in High School? So let’s see what that conversation would be like, shall we?

Guidance Counselor: So, Kamala, Inauguration is just around the corner. Have you made any plans for the future?

Kamala Harris: First, let me start by saying that I was raised by a single mother in a middle class neighborhood.

Guidance Counselor: Okay, but have you considered any career fields to pursue?

Kamala Harris: I love Venn diagrams. I really do, I love Venn diagrams. It’s just something about those three circles and the analysis about where there is the intersection, right?

Guidance Counselor: Madame Vice President, can we focus on how you intend to support yourself? Maybe teaching law at your alma mater?

Kamala Harris: You exist in the context of all in which you live and what you came before you.

Guidance Counselor: What the hell are you talking about? The subject is trying to find a job for you?

Kamala Harris: Who doesn’t love a yellow school bus, right? Can you raise your hand if you love a yellow school bus? Many of us went to school on the yellow school bus, right? It’s part of our experience growing up.

Hack Stone

Guidance Counselor: Madam Vice President, can you please try to focus on the matter that we are here to discuss?

Kamala Harris: Culture is — it is a reflection of our moment in our time, right? And in present culture is the way we express how we’re feeling about the moment.

Guidance Counselor: Culture? When the fuck did I ask you about culture?

Kamala Harris: So, I think it’s very important, as you have heard from so many incredible leaders, for us at every moment in time — and certainly this one — to see the moment in time in which we exist and are present, and to be able to contextualize it, to understand where we exist in the history and in the moment as it relates not only to the past but the future,

Guidance Counselor: What leaders? We are the only ones here.

Kamala Harris: We invested an additional $12 billion into community banks, because we know community banks are in the community, and understand the needs and desires of that community as well as the talent and capacity of community.

Guidance Counselor: Madam Vice President, I was thinking someone with your qualifications would have no trouble finding a top-flight job in either the food service or housekeeping industries, but obviously that would be a waste of your talents. . But after this conversation, I am convinced that your destiny is being on the panel of The View.

Guidance Counselor: Well, it seems that your time is up. Can you let Karine Jean-Pierre know that I am ready to see her?


Well, she could make a porn movie with older men called “Make Kumalla Holla”. That might make a few bucks. Dougie could be bangin a Nanny McPhee lookalike in the back ground.


Well, she has the experience, she’s been Fn a whole country for 4 years!!


“Deep Throat 2.0”

Army-Air Force Guy

The rest of my life here on earth would be so friggin’ awesome if I never had to hear KJP speak again.


The only problem with your scenario is you
made her more articulate than she is in reality.


It does, indeed, feel soooo good to become unburdened by what has been. Suck it, you Socialists Mofos! Cue up George Harrison’s Wah Wah…with lyrics. TURN IT UP!


Behind all their rhetorical threatening to move is the misconception that America without them would be somehow worse.

Not at all, buttercups. Conversely an America without you would be so very much better.
Kinda like purple-haired fat pierced tattooed women(?) thinking that their threat to withhold sex is something we’d take seriously.

Hack Stone

Purple-haired fat tattooed women threatening to withhold sex? It’s kind of like threatening to boycott a product that you never purchased. Nobody wants want they are giving.


The liberals saying they’ll have their tubes tied or get vasectomies in response to DJT winning is some of my favorite online content. Self selection for extinction is a beautiful thing for liberals. The woke mind virus dying out in a generation in their greatest gift to society.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Yeah no shit, a better outcome is hard to imagine.


I approve this message.

A Proud Infidel®™


Hack Stone

Meanwhile, the Democrats have a plan to make Kamala Harris the 47th President. Sure, upend the entire federal government, our economy and world order so that someone who Americans never wanted as President can rule over us for 56 days, just to ruin any Trump 47 merchandise.


Boy, those retards are just full of all sorts of stupid ideas, aren’t they? Yeah Jamaal… Biden was really SUCH an incredible president.

Not the way women should want to see one of their own make it to the top… but what do democrats care? They never cared about the people anyway.


I swear I saw Biden already claim to be the first (black) woman president.

Deep fake?


It’s no joke.


Corn pop is a bad dude and approves.


Corn pop is a bad dude and approves.


Has anyone ever been able to verify that Corn Pop even existed?

Commissioner Wretched

Well …

Hack Stone

This weekend, a clip of presidential candidate Joe Biden recalling his time as a Wilmington lifeguard in the 1960s went viral. He was speaking in Wilmington in 2017, where the pool where he worked as a college student was being named after him. At the time, he was the only white lifeguard at the pool. 

The two-minute clip made many people wonder on Twitter who “Corn Pop” is and if the incident actually occurred. To many in Wilmington, Biden’s time as a lifeguard marked the beginning of his close relationship with and understanding of Delaware’s African American community.

n short, William L. Morris was very much a real person. He died in 2016 and his nickname “Corn Pop” was included in his short obituary in The News Journal. Morris was associated with The Romans, a Wilmington gang that was prominent in the 1960s.

Corn Pop was real, but the verdict is out on whether he was a bad dude.

A Proud Infidel®™

And among other news, it’s been revealed that EVERY celebrity that appeared at Kamala rallies WAS PAID mucho dinero to do so, starting with Das Oprah who alone was paid $1 million for her part!
Now Kamala tried to portray herself as THE ONE who could straighten out the mess our Nation has been in while she had OVER $1 billion to spend on her campaign which is currently over $20 million in the red. Mmmmyeah, bye-bye, Kamala and Joe, mmmmkay?


I’ll just stick this right here…

comment image


Dopra Winfrey denied to a reporter that she was paid the $1 million. But that doesn’t mean Harpo Productions didn’t get that payment.

A Proud Infidel®™

That’s EXACTLY where that $1 mil was paid to, Harpo is owned by Das Oprah.


Just because Oprah loves her conditionally doesn’t mean she doesn’t love her at all. Mostly.

Hack Stone

Much like John Kerry said that he did not have a private jet. The jet in. question belonged to his wife, so technically, he did not lie.

Army-Air Force Guy

I won’t cry for her, ol’ Georgie Soros will bail her out. She’ll probably get a few bucks more for a recount.

Hack Stone

She is still sending emails to Hack, referring to him as Kate, asking for some coin to keep the fight going. Just call that debt a student loan, and the current administration will cover it.


I heard 30 mill for Beyoncey 30 second deal. Probably not right but paying people to like you. A whore is a whore.


When you have to pay the cool kids to play with you it comes off as desperate.

Last edited 2 months ago by 5JC
Hack Stone

The Harris campaign spent large amounts of their funding on ads, including one eye-catching projection on the huge Las Vegas Sphere in the final week of the campaign.

The cost of this ad has not yet been filed by Harris’s campaign with the FEC, but it is widely reported that it costs $450,000 for one day of advertising on the LED screens covering the arena.

All in all, Harris’ campaign, associated fundraising committee and the DNC, spent more than $650 million on ads between when she became the nominee until Election Day, per the Wall Street Journal.

Well, that was money well spent.

A Proud Infidel®™

And in Texas, Soros and all the other rich liberals burned billions trying to oust Ted Cruz and failed as well. Aaahhhh, Schadenfreude! 😀😀😀


They were praying to Sterquilinious for a repeat of the 2020 Georgia races. They got the odor but not the results they were looking for.