Illegal immigration? They lie

| October 29, 2024

Interesting article in the Telegraph about illegal immigration, and the lies we are told about it.

Data released monthly by US Customs and Border Protection shows some 7.15 million people tried to enter the country illegally since Joe Biden and Ms Harris had their first full month in office.

That’s a familiar number, no? We get it in our faces pretty much every day, and it makes us angry.  Want to get angrier yet?

Almost nine million people have headed across the border since Ms Harris became vice-president and was tasked with tackling the “root causes” of illegal immigration from Central America more than three years ago.

Critics accused the White House of attempting to “launder” migration figures and deliberately misrepresent its record on border security.

The explanation? “Gotaways”, the not only illegal but successful folks who not only cross the border but don’t get tracked or caught. Since we know they are there, we should add a percentage or estimate to the known border-jumpers to account for them, shouldn’t we… but we don’t. “Since we don’t actually know, we can’t really estimate” is a pretty lame excuse, isn’t it?

However, when immigration data is collated every month it does not include those who evaded detection by Border Patrol, known as “gotaways”.

A Freedom of Information request submitted by The Telegraph shows that the agency calculates an extra 1.8 million migrants crossed the US’s southern, northern and coastal borders without being apprehended between February 2021 and September 2024.

Looks pretty close to a 25% undercount, doesn’t it? 25 FREAKIN’ PERCENT.

Simon Hankinson, an immigration research fellow at the Heritage Foundation, said: “I think it is a deliberate obfuscation. They have essentially laundered illegal immigration.”

Lies, damned lies, and statistics – or, in this case, basically lie about the source data. This shouldn’t be new – this administration has a history of doing this. They bragged abo0ut how the FBI stats showed that crime had  dropped over the last four years, and omitted that only about 2/3 of the former reporting jurisdictions were actually still reporting. Harris trumpeted that crime had dropped by what, 1.6%?, according to the FBI – and failed to mention that the FBI, in a historic first, revised their crime counts without even mentioning it, and the actual corrected numbers proved to be almost 6% HIGHER than before. Why spoil a good campaign lie line with the truth?

However, lest ye think Harris/Biden are devils incarnate and that Trump was a poor picked-on paragon of virtue:

Previous administrations have also released figures on migrant encounters rather than gotaways, including under Donald Trump.

We wouldn’t have a problem at DHS, would we? Or is it gilding the facts to make it all look better?

The proportion of immigrants apprehended under both Mr Biden and Trump, was around eight in 10 – more than double the number under George W Bush in the early 2000s.

Mr Hankinson said: “Gotaways, almost by definition, are going to be more likely to have criminal records and to be undesirable than people who show up and surrender to the border force.”  The Telegraph

I suppose it is too easy to suggest the simplest cure – if someone is found to be here illegally, throw them out. Don’t want your family potentially separated? Don’t come. Don’t want to wind up on a bare-bones flight to your country’s main airport? Stay out of ours. Welcome the legal crossers with open arms, help them out…but deport the illegal crossers within the shortest possible time.

Category: "Your Tax Dollars At Work", Illegal Immigrants, International Affairs

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Hack Stone

Maybe Hack Stone will be more compassionate to the plight of newcomers when the billionaire celebrities supporting Kamala Harris start housing these people seeking a better life in their mansions. We’re looking at you, Bruce Springsteen.


The fine people of Martha’s Vineyard took in two groundskeepers and a cook. Everyone else had to get on a bus and even though didn’t have to go home, they couldn’t stay there; because reasons.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Oh, and every rich LibTard entertainer and politician.
Yep, Oprah, Peelousi, upChuck, Hellary,,,and the list grows ever longer.

A Proud Infidel®️™️

Come to think of it, how ‘bout all those “migrants” that were housed in the NYC Mayor’s Mansion, or was that just a quick PR stunt? Asking for a friend.


If only politicians cared about OUR BORDER as much as they cared about other country’s borders…sigh


Our borders don’t matter… isn’t there a famous statue somewhere inscribed with a poem about “Give me your tired, your poor; Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free”?

Most of us here are tax paying multigenerational American Citizens, who enjoy our freedoms and seek to abide by the law–so long as it doesn’t infringe upon our rights. Illegals, by their very definition (which is why the Left tries to change the vocabulary to “undocumented” and other words) are criminals–here illegally after crossing our border in violation of our laws. If 25% or so fail to even get caught, what’s the issue? Those who are apprehended are simply handed court dates and released inside our borders anyway. These criminal invaders–be they semi-legitimate “asylum seekers” looking for a better life for their families, or MS-13 thugs with multiple violent felonies on their records–are, quite simply in the eyes of those who have elevated themselves above the masses (or who rely on the system for their very existence… aka the low-income Dem voter), the “tired…poor…huddled masses yearning to breathe free”.

My family emigrated to Virginia from England in the early 1600s. We’re part of what’s now considered a violent incursion by “YT” people who stole the lands of the Natives and brought slavery to the New World (the only slave market that matters–African, Muslim, and other slave trades were much more humane and sought only to capitalize on the greedy plans of the English, Spanish, French, and other colonists. Let the indigenous peoples of this land, to include the modern-day mestizos of Central and South America, and the alleged ancestors of Native tribes who came from Asia, all of whom were violated in multiple ways by the evil Europeans from the 1400s forward, have it back.

All sarcasm, of course, and a bit more of a rant than I should probably post…


Americans have no right to safety and well-being when others have less, left/libards feel– is “equity,” comrade! /sarc

Last edited 3 months ago by Anonymous

“…to provide for the Common Defence…” Epic fail on the part of the grubermint. Call these mofos what they actually are…INVADERS!



Democrats have always lied about illegal immigration, usually by moving the goalposts, changing the metric. Obama claimed to have deported more illegal aliens than any other president in history. And it’s true, he did, that’s what the numbers say. And just how did he manage this, you may ask? I’ll tell you. With a stroke of his pen, he decreed that any and all illegal border crossers who, when confronted by CBP agents, turned around and went back into Mexico would be scored as a deportation. And this is how the bullshit grows.


I recall Bidem saying at one of his 2020 campaign events that the people south oh the border who want to emigrate here should “surge” the border. And they did. On day one of his regime, he signed executive orders that reversed every Trump border policy. The illegals came by the tens of thousands, and the Bribem regime started handing out millions to transport and support them. They are still doing it, and going after any CBP officer who tells the truth about what is going on with the illegal border crossers.


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Within five years: One of the Donkuloids gets eaten by a “client”.


I live very close to the border
There figures for how many are here is complete bullshit the total number should be around 18-21 million almost every day here they nab someone
And I’m not a individual try 10-20 people at a time


During WWII, didn’t we coordinate with the mafia to safeguard our eastern seaboard?

Now, I’m not saying we should legitimize the mafia (the only good goombas get jumped on by Mario), but I remember specifically being encouraged to speak to… less-than-legitimate centers of gravity in Iraq and elsewhere in order to push US objectives.

What would it cost to get some cement mixers and a few greasy goodfellas to the border? The pizza ain’t that good, but who wouldn’t kill to get outta jersey?

A Proud Infidel®️™️

At this point, Biden’s or Harris’s heads would likely explode if they were forced to tell the truth.