Illegal aliens not being recruited to vote? Videos indicate otherwise

| October 8, 2024 | 20 Comments

A video emerged showing a man working to register people to vote in Arizona. The “prospect” admits to being DACA, his main concern was becoming a citizen. The man responds by asking if the “prospect” has a driver’s license. Together with the “prospect’s” residency, the latter would be able to register to vote.

Partial video transcript (approximate):

Man: Are you a state resident?

Undercover: Uh-huh.

Man: Citizen? Are you?

Undercover: I am, I came, I’m here right now thanks to DACA. Then I renew my work permit every two years. But right now, I’m looking into how to apply for citizenship.

Man: Oh, do you have a driver’s license in Arizona?

Undercover: Yeah.

Man: Do you? You just need that and your residency. Well, we’ll get in touch whenever you want. Gather all the friends who want to register and you tell me how many there are and then in a break time during work, we can meet outside.

Undercover: Okay.

Man: Because I don’t think they’ll let me do all that here.

Undercover: Oh, yeah, sure.

Man: …we meet in my car or in someone’s of yours and I register all of you. I will bring pens, forms, all that.

Additional Reading (including videos):

Walsh, J. (2024, October 8). Undercover footage shows non-citizen being offered to register to vote in Arizona. The Daily Fetched. Link.

Category: 2024 Election, Illegal Immigrants

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Oh man, I thought… this wasn’t happening?

What an absolute fucking mess. Can’t wait to hear their excuse for this one…

jeff LPH 3 63-66

Thats what the DemoRats want. To have just one party so they can rule. HMMmmm, I smell another 1776 if things go south


If that happens, I’ll gladly assist.
Then, time to liberate Canada.

Hack Stone

I’m shocked! Shocked to find that election fraud is going on in here.


Wasn’t it GA that cleaned up their voter rolls recently only to have the DOJ file a lawsuit challenging them over it?

I may have the state wrong, but I do remember just recently this happened.

I guess it’s for protecting democracy or something.


Yes it was Georgia…brought on by the “usual suspects” claiming, among other “reasons” the old standby…RAAAAYYYCISSSSSS!

Hack Stone

More fake news from the Ultra MAGA media. It is illegal for noncitizens to vote in our elections, just like it is illegal to commit murder. That is why there are no murders committed in America.


And why we need hate speech laws so that speech we hate cannot illuminate failures of our Ministry of Love, because we cannot fail ministering our brand of 100% pure love.

Any intolerant bigots will be reported! (Did I do that correctly, Lars?)


He’s proof reading it now and kicking it up the chain of command. He will be along shortly with the approved talking points.


We should probably have a law that makes it illegal to question someone’s citizenship! Because people should not feel threatened to state their citizenship when voting.


That is exactly why there are no drugs in Canada 🙄
Our government prioritizes homeless, thieving, street shitting junkies over working families with young children.
Hell, we even give them ‘free'(taxpayer funded) ‘ safe supply ‘ drugs which most sell for their drug of choice.

Forest Bondurant

Here’s an article from last month about this very thing (specifically, Arizona): Nearly 100,000 Arizona voters are in limbo thanks to an error in registration system – Los Angeles Times (


I heard Alabama had a similar problem and since it is within 90 days of the election the Federal Government is now suing the State of Alabama on behalf of all the “legal” citizens who now feel disenfranchised when they try to vote and they are then required to show an ID.
I for one would love to see the Courts rule on the Federal Governments standing in this case…. “I’m sorry mister Federal prosecutor, unless you can show us a voter who had his or her name removed from the roles and was not able to vote then you have no standing”…. “the case is moot since the election is over”!


They musta run out of names in the cemeteries for the “voter” rolls. After all, they gotta have names to match all of the preprinted ballots that will be “found” at 0300 hrs.

I’ll ask again…Still think the “ballot box” is our way out? Imma thinking that another type of “box” will be needed…soon.



Some “box” are more expensive than others…?


This is bullshit. He shouldn’t have to show ID to vote. Just tell that guy what a great person he is. That is some racist BS, Mexican on Mexicant racism.

A Proud Infidel®™

No different than back in the early 80s when the Milwaukee D-rats were CAUGHT ferrying homeless from precinct to precinct to vote D-rat every time and were rewarded with cigarettes and “40s”.

Dennis - not chevy

When I was on active duty, I had to swear before a commissioned officer or a non-commissioned officer or petty officer serving in the pay grade of E-6 or higher that the ballot was mine and mine was the name on the ballot and I had filled it out in front of the witness and the witness didn’t look or persuade me to vote a certain way, etc; or something like that. After 20 years of active duty, I voted in person at a booth in CA. I showed my ID card as I walked into the place and folks wanted to know why I did that. I thought that it was required; silly me. I have had to show an ID to get into City Hall, the State Capitol, the airports, buy beer, liquor, porn, smokes. I have had to show an ID to get into ball games, my neighborhood on Halloween, schools, and my place of work. I have to show an ID to get into and out of the country. I guess I just look like I’m up to something.

For another afterthought, the law about witnessing the ballot didn’t mention warrant officers; I reckon the politicians don’t know what to to with them either.


I’ll just stick this right here…

comment image


Maricopa county. Again. Dems know that’s the only county they need to carry the state. Our governor will do nothing, that’s how she got elected.