Defection Monday. And Mr. Backward Scope

| September 9, 2024



Been a crossdressing loyalties week.

As thebesig mentioned earlier, several members of VP Candidate Walz’ family have come out in support… of not him.

Now we have the Chiney’s, both former VP Dick and daughter Liz. I have seen a few posts from liberal acquaintances about this one, trumpeting how she has come out against Trump.

Cheney, who became one of the most outspoken critics of Trump following the Jan. 6 Capitol insurrection, threw her support behind Harris last week and said she doesn’t think “we have the luxury of writing in candidates’ names.” The Hill

Of course, given her contentious history with both Trump and the Republican party of late, this is at least as surprising as the sun rising in the east. Dad, however:

Later, the former Republican vice president — one of the two living to say they wouldn’t back Trump — himself issued a statement confirming his daughter’s remarks, saying Trump “can never be trusted with power again.”

I would call this a little more surprising , but he and Trump did lock horns a bit during the first term and I have always wondered whether there might be some lingering resentment that in ’16 Cheney wasn’t even an afterthought against Trump. Perhaps he felt it should have been his due? Better call Hillary on that one, Dick.

No, the one that actually surprised me came this weekend.

Prominent attorney Alan Dershowitz announced his departure from the Democratic Party, citing several “anti-Jewish” lawmakers that make up the ranks of the party and the recent Democratic National Convention in which Vice President Kamala Harris became the party’s presidential nominee.

“It was the most anti-Jewish, anti-Israel, anti-Zionist convention I’ve experienced,” he said. “I was disgusted at the Democratic National Convention. Absolutely disgusted.”

“I am no longer a Democrat. I am an Independent,” he added, noting that he wouldn’t reveal whom he was voting for president until possibly after Nov. 1. “I want to see how they deal with Iran. I want to encourage the current administration to support Israel.”

The Harvard Law professor emeritus said his departure from the party was a long time coming and that he gradually resigned over time.  Fox News

Dershowitz, widely regarded as one of the most astute legal minds in the country, has occasionally strayed to the Republican side on occasion, but generally always returns to the Democratic fold. For him to so publicly repudiate the party (or rather,  should I say the Party?)  he has supported for so many years is significant.

“Alot (sic – ed) of things pushed me in that direction,” he said. Dershowitz noted Harris’ failure to preside over a joint session of Congress during an address by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu played a big role in his decision.

I know, I know, she was preparing for her big appearance with the Gold Star families at Arlington, right? Oh, wait…

Ultimately, it was the convention that was held in Chicago last month that pushed him over the edge, he said.

He named Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders, who he said were anti-Israel, and Rev. Al Sharpton, who has been accused of antisemitism in the past.

In addition, there were anti-Israel protesters outside the gathering who called for the destruction of Israel, he said.

“That’s not my party,” Dershowitz said.

Nothing to add to that.

Quick update – the Navy “backward scope” skipper, CDR Yaste,  was relieved, it seems, due to a near-collision with an oiler. It should be noted that his ship, the John S. McCain, is on record as having a steering problem which the Navy itself has failed to fix despite  attempting to less than a month earlier.  Believe “scapegoat” is the appropriate term? Or were they just looking for an excuse after the embarrassing photo?Business Insider


Category: 2024 Election, Democrats, Navy, Walz

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Deploying the Fu of Google’s Search o’ the Week….
Dick + Cheney + peppered.

ICYMI, this happened while he was sitting Vice President.


Not to defend Dick, but I recall seeing a senator or some other official interviewed on Fox news sometime shortly after this incident saying something about having a similar hunting incident with Cheney in the past, except Dick was on the receiving end. I can’t remember who it was, but he did say something to the effect of he “peppered Dick’s backside pretty good”. Pretty common accident, unfortunately. One of my 8th grade friends got shot by his brother while grouse hunting, neither one of them was paying close attention. He’s still got a few pellets in various places.

Forest Bondurant

Dick Cheney should stick with hunting Snipe.

RGR 4-78

The public dove fields that the game and gar plant are a fricking war zone on opening day.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Not surprised that Cheney became a Dick and vocally turned against PDJT.
I consider him just another in a long line of Good Ol’ Boy ancient white GOPe RINOs, more concerned with profits than America.


Not to mention that he’s been pissed about comments President Trump made about his sweet little daughter..(yeah, I threw up in mouth a little just saying that)

Shows that neither he nor the dims have any standards, as the dims used to HATE him, now they love him.. it’s all theater..


Scapegoat for the repairs needed but not performed.

As far as the embarrassing photo, he was possibly looking through his binoculars backwards and the other ship looked further away. He missed the warning label that clearly states objects may be closer than they appear.


I left the democrat party in the 70’s. It just takes some people longer to catch on to who’s screwing you over! I know many people leaving the party of corruption. It’s seems to be snow balling some know. And hopefully it turns into an avalanche!


Phuque Slick Dick RINO and his skrunt spawn. Demonrats and Republicunts are all equally worthless to me. And why is it more important to defend other countries instead of ours? Y’all do realize that the interest payment alone is more than our total defense budget, right? And that the working person in this country is nothing but a tax slave? Also the former most powerful military force in the world is a shadow of what it should be?

No one is coming to save us, not even Trump. If he does manage to win the upcoming (s)election, he will be so hamstrung by the entrenched boo-racket-see that nothing will get done to turn us back to a sane and righteous path.

Gentlemen (and Ladies)…Prepare…to defend yourselves! (ht2 a certain SarMaj)

BlueCord Dad

And he is not amused by the shenanigans going on KoB…


Just for my own curiosity, KoB, can you define what this ‘sane and righteous’ path is to you? I’d genuinely like to know the key points, and why you feel we can’t get there.


Let me hep you out brudder.

Trump started zero wars and attacked zero countries when he was president. This is bad, bad, bad for bidness. How can Cheesy serve his real masters at KBR if there is no war on?

Biden encouraged the start of a proxy war providing explicit permission to the Russians to do so. The. He screwed the pooch on the Abraham Accords so now we have two major wars going and looking for a third. Harris has even worse ideas about foreign policy. Lots of wars? Make it rain bebe, make it rain!

jeff LPH 3 63-66

I wonder if I should buy stocks in the arms/munition industry if Frau harris’s peeps cheat in the election to get her into the throne.

BlueCord Dad

I won’t presume to speak for the King. However the path on the left is one I’d like to travel as opposed to the one on the right. This chart is from just before Brandon’s debate debacle…


And don’t forget how the folk on the right column rant about the folk on the left column disagree with them and are evil for that:


Legit question, Good Sir, tho as educated and well read as you seem to be I would think that you could see for yourself. Adding a “Reader’s Digest” version to what 5Guy said, our grubermint, seemingly at all levels, is rife with corrupt, money/power hungry despots that are concerned with only adding to their wealth and holding on to their power no matter what the cost to We, The People taxpayer. Being an (s)elected official was never supposed to mean a life time job/career with a fat pension after just a few years. Buying votes, rigging (s)elections is nothing new, it has just been exposed more of late. You have to have an ID to do most everything except vote these days. We have generations of “welfare” cases that have never contributed a penny to the Treasury but have cost the taxpayer trillions…and they have their hand out for more. Fifty years ago the education system we had was in the top 5 world wide and now we are in the high 20s…and little Johnny and Suzie still can’t read. Our manufacturing has been shipped overseas and what we do build here has become shoddy and don’t work as it should. We have millions of military aged illegal invaders that have 0 loyalty to the US and their gangs are taking over entire city blocks. The good cops are hamstrung by ROE and the bad cops give them all a bad name. The military has become a social justice experiment used not to defend us, but to go and try “nation building” all over the world. Which has failed miserably, costing us uncounted barrels of blood and trillions in treasury.

How to fix it? Not sure, but until we have people with morals in position we will continue a downward spiral and the greatest Country the world has ever seen will cease to exist.

Forest Bondurant

Excellent point about identification requirements for everything but voting.

You can’t open a checking account, pick up prescriptions, rent or buy a car, or cash a welfare check without having i.d.

The place has gone to shit and I blame politicians for it.


Years ago, my mother was an election worker in a mid-sized city north of Detroit, and just south of Midland, Mi. She would tell of buses pulling up to the polling place she worked at. The buses would disgorge hundreds of voters who had no ID and didn’t “habla Inglis”. They would march in, get their ballot and pull out the voting instruction card given them by their minders and vote straight dem. Then they’d march out, get on the buses, which mom had found out was chartered by the UAW, and away they’d go, probably to vote at another precinct.

There were no voter ID laws, and that’s where Kackela and Walzy, Whitmer and J. Benson want to take us, again.


I believe it was Jimmy Carter that started the Department of Education. Thank, or blame, Jimmy.


You are correct, Odie. It was The Peanut Man. And another notice to LC, if he’s still hanging around to add to my comment above, we have this little jewel

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Hah, Plumley. Not even authorized to be wearing a CIB at that point in his career, let alone the second award CIB.


I think the backward scope photo is a set up. I find it hard to believe the Skipper of a destroyer doesn’t know one end of a scope from another. I wonder what the real context of that time and place was.


If he was relieved for a near-collision, maybe his eyesight is so bad that he actually saw better with the reversed scope…

jeff LPH 3 63-66

maybe a rush job to do the photo op where the Gunners Mate just threw the scope on without thinking. in my day, it would have been an M-1 Garand for the photo op.

Old tanker

The cheneys are just butt hurt that they no longer matter to any administration. It’s just a case of we want attention and we want it now. WAAAAAAAHHH

BlueCord Dad

I think I may have to send him some of this…


To be fair, it isn’t just the navy that has problems with their equipment or operators.

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Amy-Air Force Guy

Cool, the new submersible F-15.


Wyoming already kicked Liz out of the state. Dick might wanna consider moving, too.


Weirdly, Trump took only 4 years to earn the respect of most Republican voters, mainly for getting stuff done we wanted, and refraining from stuff we didn’t want.

As opposed to BushCheneyRINOs “Deal with it. Whaddaya gona do, vote Democrat?”

Trump exposed the grift on both sides of the isle. For which the drifters and frauds all try to damn him.

The bigger their fraud, the more they shriek.



Forest Bondurant

DIck Cheney – Fuck that guy.

Nobody cares what he thinks.


I can’t wait till they trot “W” out and he tells us how evil Trump is too. As Homer Simpson would say; “ah, the ironing”.


Maybe W sees what’s going on with those who voice disdain for Donald, and is smart(?) enough to keep his head down and mouth shut.

Nahhh, I’m giving him too much credit.


Not publicly anyway.


Democrats always said he was an evil d*ckhead– and they were right!


He went from having most of the country hating him to All Of the country hating him.


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Last edited 5 months ago by Anonymous
RGR 4-78

Fuck Cheney and the daughter he rode in on.


And yet the Donks open their arms for him, and roast the fatted calf, like he was the returning Prodigal Son.



I’m starting to think the MAGA cultists and civil libertarians here don’t like the ‘PATRIOT’ Act and infringements of God-given, man-enumerated rights.

I fucking love this place.


Only the lonely…

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Count me in! I’m looking for a retirement gig


Our friend TL is of the same opinion that many of us are…RTWT worth the coupla minutes…


The unrest (or “The Event” per elites) left/libtards want to impose gun control and their Great Reset nirvana will be more than they bargained for (even if Chicoms, Russkies, etc. don’t exploit it to knock us off the top). Hope y’all bought gold, ammo and canned goods.
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Last edited 5 months ago by Anonymous

I’m in. Nothing beats following in your father’s footsteps.


“That’s not my party,” Dershowitz said.

Yes the fuck it is.


Time will tell if he is serious or not, but I’ve found him to be mostly balanced, not mostly biased. Granted, I’ve only listened to him occasionally for the past 10- 12 years, but he seems to present a sense of balance.


He was a Lolita Express passenger, wasn’t he?

I’m sincerely asking; not trying to tie that in with his political decision. Those two things are not related.




Left/libtards were just upset he wasn’t their guy then.


For all we know, Dick Chaney is senile and being controlled by his mendacious daughter. When my father was in his late 80’s and senile, he believed a bunch of crazy stuff that was demonstrably absurd.