Assistant DA, who worked on child endangerment cases, busted in pedophile sting

| August 6, 2024

A passerby stops William CC Kemp-Neal from escaping the pedophile hunters. (JayCarnicomDap.locals/jaygonegetya/Instagram)

William CC Kemp-Neal was a New York assistant DA who dealt with child endangerment, harassment, and assault cases in the Bronx area. However, he resigned his $84,990 position after being caught and video recorded in a pedophile sting. He exchanged texts messages with someone he thought was a 13-year-old. However, when he arrived at the agreed-upon meeting place, those conducting the sting met up with him. Kemp-Neal took off running, but his effort to escape did not work out as he wished.

From Daily Mail:

Kemp-Neal was earning $84,990 as an assistant DA in the Bronx District Attorney’s office before his sudden resignation on July 12, the New York Post reported.

He has written papers for the Fordham Law Review on the theme of ‘environmental racism,’ and dealt with assault, harassment, and child endangerment cases for Bronx DA Darcel Clark.

Dramatic footage shows the vigilantes chasing Kemp-Neal as he sprints away from them, with one yelling: ‘Excuse me everybody, this man right here arranged to meet a 13-year-old boy. This man is a pedophile in your city.

‘Marcus is a pedophile trying to meet a 13-year-old boy,’ another voice chimes in. ‘Let’s go.’

By the time they catch up with him, he has been grabbed and pulled to the ground by a a passer-by who put the prosecutor in a chokehold.

‘Get his b**** a**, he tried to f*** a 13-year-old boy,’ yells one of the men who gave chase.

‘Oh no,’ Kemp-Neal insists as he tries to hide his face with a baseball cap before having it yanked from his head by a pursuer.

‘What you doing, Marcus?’ he demands. ‘You trying to meet a 13-year-old boy? You wanted to take him to get a milkshake, didn’t you Marcus?’

‘No, I didn’t,’ he replies as he grapples with his captor before being pulledto his feet.

The link includes the video of the confrontation and the chase.

Additional Reading:

Yeatman, D. (2024, August 6). New York assistant DA quits after being caught by pedophile hunters ‘trying to meet a 13-year-old boy’. Daily Mail. Link.

Category: "Teh Stoopid", Crime

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Hi, I am Chris Hanson, have a seat.


Hmm.. a leftist DEI hire gay pedophile… It’s almost like there’s a pattern…


I hear the first step when dealing with a minor attracted person is allow yourself to feel what you need to feel. Looks like they have step one covered and went straight to “taking action”.


Now if only there was a wood chipper handy…

Wonder how many kids “he” was supposed to be protecting ended up getting diddled by him…


It’s New York city, they have mostly concrete. That said however, I’m sure the street department has some pavement milling machines sitting around unused. Those don’t typically feed on their own, but I’m sure somebody would be willing to drive it over him.

A Proud Infidel®™

Street Justice with Ball Peen hammers comes to mind, NYC hasn’t outlawed those YET, have they?


Male hyphenated last name = shitbag every time.


Unless one is from the UK.

AW1 Rod

Too bad no one had any Pedocilin on hand. But then, it’s New York.


If the un-named Good Citizen hada applied just a little more pressure with the choke hold wouldn’t use any Pedocilin doses up. Or just ripped the bastards head off…I’m good with either.


How many cases of pedophilia did this assistant DA help to not see the light of day.


You can bet the number isn’t zero..


The fact he didn’t try to fight back tells me everything I need to know about him.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Oh, it looked like “he” was trying to fight back, but “he’s” such a scrawny metro wuss that any hits from “him” are like pity-pats from a kitten.
I understand the need for The Good Citizen to have his cell camera out and on, but it’s too bad he had to b’cast it all. The Good Citizen and Friends could have just made the pedo perv just…….disappear.
Seeing as the consensus opinion is that the DA will release the pedo perv, it may be a good idea for Someone in The Good Citizen’s Group to keep an eye out for said pedo perv, and when the time is right, on a dark lonely night……….like a magician’s trick, he just…………..disappears.

I don’t know… the streets of New York, people probably wouldn’t care if he disappeared in broad daylight.

… or gets sawn in half?


Wood chipper goes BRRRRRT…Pedopill goes BANG!


Another Democrat perv.

Forest Bondurant

Good on the one guy who subdued him with a headlock, except that I would have applied a blood choke and make the little fuckwit pass out – then punch him in the face a few times.


His face broke his fall several times as he tripped over that McDonald’s wrapper blowing down the street.


Yup, choke him out so he shits his pants like Steven Seagal (when Gene LeBell put him out)


“Judo” Gene LeBell!