Two former Marines sentenced for plot to destroy a power grid

| July 30, 2024

Three men, two of them former Marines, where sentenced for a plot to destroy a power grid. This plot was part of a larger plan that included additional attacks and “taking back” what was “rightfully theirs”. All three interacted on a neo-Nazi forum. James Kryscuk, 38, talked about forming a group armed with rifles. Liam Collins, 25, and Justin Wade Hermanson, 25, were the former Marines. Collins stated that he joined the Marines “for the cause”.

From Associated Press:

In 2016, Collins was a frequent poster to a neo-Nazi internet forum and sought recruitment for a paramilitary group he referred to as “a modern day SS,” prosecutors said. He explained on the forum that he joined the Marines “for the cause” and would funnel most of his earnings toward funding the proposed group, the indictment shows.

Collins and Kryscuk, who lived in New York at the time, connected through the forum in 2017, authorities said. As part of his ideology, Kryscuk discussed forming a guerrilla organization armed with rifles to “slowly take back the land that is rightfully ours,” the indictment reads.

“We will have to hit the streets and strike as many blows to the remaining power structure as we can to keep it on the ropes,” said a message from Kryscuk included in the indictment.

The two recruited more members to their group, including Hermanson, and studied at length a previous power substation attack that was carried out by an unknown group using assault rifles, according to the Justice Department. Between 2017 and 2020, the group began illegally manufacturing and selling firearms, as well as stealing military gear, prosecutors said.

They eventually met in Boise, Idaho, in 2020 — where Kryscuk had moved earlier that year — for a live-fire weapons training that they filmed, authorities said. The video showed the group shooting assault rifles and giving “Heil Hitler” salutes — all while wearing skull masks associated with a neo-Nazi group called Atomwaffen Division, prosecutors said.

Additional Reading:

Seminera, M. (2024, July 26). Three men — including ex-Marines — sentenced for involvement in plot to destroy power grid. Associated Press. Link.

Category: "Teh Stoopid", Crime, Veterans in the news

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Old tanker

It seems only fair that once their sentence is complete that they should be stripped of their citizenship and deported. I hear Afghanistan is nice this time of year.


If only that were possible.

USMC Steve

It could certainly fall into domestic terrorism statutes. And given they are not socialist democrats, I would think they would actively consider it for them.


Amazing that the same could not be done against BLM who actually caused billions in damage.


They and antifa are the shock troops (brownshirts) of the crypto-commie party. They can do no wrong.


Just “mostly peaceful” activists…
comment image

A Proud Infidel®️™️

Let them fool around in Red State America and blood will flow.

Green Thumb



Real men of genius.

Hack Stone

But they did they attack any power stations? If not, let’s label them “mostly peaceful insurgents”. 🥴

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

I notice the term used “ex-” or “former” Marines.
The Few.
The Proud.
The Used-ta-be…..

Sure would be interested in learning what the MOS’s were. Why does Hack’s Spidey senses say “Bulk Fuel”?

A Proud Infidel®️™️

They’ll be prime recruits for joining the Aryan Nation, maybe that will keep them from getting ass-popped during shower time?


They’ll be in the Aryan Nation Oral Support division.

Prior Service (Ret)

Cue up the extremism threat training! Let’s schedule a stand down NOW-I don’t care that it is going to wreck the schedule. Oh, wait. I’m newly retired. My sympathies, brothers. Enjoy that training.

Don’t hesitate to ask questions about BLM and Antifa or any other leftist domestic terror groups because they won’t show up on the official slide decks.) I enjoyed taking the discussion right down that rabbit hole last time we had to do this training! You’ll know your boss’s politics by the answers you get (or don’t get).


Update… Our stupidest soldier gets more sh*t for his retardery– Army to stop paying his dumb ass and may prosecute/court-martial him when he gets out of Russky PMITA prison:

Last edited 1 month ago by Anonymous

On the link you provided, I just saw that murdering 2LT Calley has died. Good, good.


Yes, indeed.

Hack Stone

We need to withhold judgment until we get to check out the Russian girlfriend.

A Proud Infidel®️™️

THAT Boy’s corn bread ain’t done in the middle, knowhutimean?


Ya can’t fix stupid


Or Horny.
“You only gots enouf blood to work one head at a time, doofus.”
– (Someone in my past…)


But both can be tranquilized.


Dumbasses. Wonder how many of the other members they recruited were fed bois? Not condoning what these idjits were trying to do, jus’ sayin’. No indication in the linky as to how they got busted.

“These sentences reflect both the depravity of their plot and the Justice Department’s commitment to holding accountable those who seek to use violence to undermine our democracy,” U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland said in the news release. When you gonna hold certain (s)elected oraficials accountable for what they’ve down to “…undermine our democracy…”?


As a former 8152, or whatever the Security Forces MOS code was in the early 90’s was, AND an 0311, I can say this….

It proves you cannot give a Marine enough training.