Israel Eyes Hezbollah Targets

| July 30, 2024

Hezbollah-Israel conflict not inevitable, U.S. defense secretary says

By Reuters

MANILA/JERUSALEM/BEIRUT, July 30 (Reuters) – The U.S. defense secretary said on Tuesday he did not believe a fight was inevitable between Hezbollah and Israel though he remained concerned about the potential for escalation after a deadly rocket strike in the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights.

Tensions have worsened since Saturday when the rocket killed 12 children and teenagers at a football pitch in a Druze village. Israel accused the Iran-backed Hezbollah and vowed a harsh response. Hezbollah has denied involvement.

The United States has been leading a diplomatic effort to deter Israel from striking Lebanon’s capital Beirut or major civil infrastructure in response to the attack, five people with knowledge of the drive told Reuters on Monday.
Hezbollah and Israel have been trading fire across the Lebanese-Israeli border since October, their worst conflict since a 2006 war. The hostilities, sparked by the war in Gaza, have so far been largely been contained to areas near the frontier.
“While we’ve seen a lot of activity on Israel’s northern border, we remain concerned about the potential of this escalating into a full-blown fight. And I don’t believe that a fight is inevitable,” U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin said.


Not inevitable? Hostilities between Israel and Lebanon have been ongoing since at least 1978. There also seems to be a divergence of opinions on settling the matter.

Netanyahu Vows ‘Severe’ Response to Deadly Rocket Attack Tied to Hezbollah
NY Times

Another opportunity to excel for Kamalas’s Handler’s.

Category: Israel, Lebanon, Middle East

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Old tanker

They keep talking as if the war hasn’t started. AFAIAC once hezbola started firing into Israel the war started. Just because some politician hasn’t declared it yet doesn’t mean it isn’t happening.


“Hezbollah has denied involvement.”


The “dindu nuffin” syndrome.

<img src=”×352/rscb1/ng:webp/ngcb1″ />
Wasn’t me.


Oops. Image tag didn’t work. Oh well.

Imagine a dog sitting in the middle of a big mess with an innocent look on its face.


The rocket has been IDed as an Iranian model only supplied to Hezbollah. Of course Hezbollah denied involvement.


That is far more funny when one considers how much it pisses off Arab Muslims to be compared to dogs. (thus unclean)

Hack Stone

Back in the day before Hack Stone transitioned into a “cat person”, his purebred Okinawan mutt had good personal hygiene. He would get a bath every other week. Hack used shampoodle to wash him.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande


E. Conboy

Dindudu nuttin’! 🐾


It’s shameful to watch citizens in this country protest Israel defending itself.

Most of our Hamas defending, Israel hating brethren, don’t even know why they feel the way they do for either side.


I hope Israel uses a crapload of those “ginsu Hellfire” missiles to shred key Iranian and Hezbolla dickheads.


Well “Hamas” shitbag, not “Hezbolla”, but toMAYto, toMAHtoh.

Prior Service (Ret)

Sure would be nice if (I’m dreaming), the Lebanese people and their disaster of a failed government would take ownership of the fact they have been completely marginalized and invite an international team of western peacekeepers (from nations who haven’t done any heavy lifting in stability operations for the last two decades) into Lebanon to drive Hezbollah and all other groups back into Iran or Syria where they can work peacefully to make their own place less of a train wreck rather than ruining everyone else’s lands.

USMC Steve

If that sort went into that hole, they would just fail miserably. Most of the countries in question have absolutely shit militaries, and the terrorists would probably kick their asses out.

RGR 4-78

Be patient Hezbollah, you will get your chance, the IDF is a little busy right now.


Turkey is still talking invasion. May you live in interesting times.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

Now your talking turkey, how true


If they did/do… and Israel strikes back at them. What will NATO do? What would Joever Bidone do?

Interesting times, indeed.


If Turkey attacks and Israel returns fire then NATO does nothing. If Israel swings first than they can invoke Article V. Turkey is really the only player in the area that poses a real military threat to Israel. They might split an atom to deal with that threat. If Ankara suddenly goes poof things will go from original style to hot and spicy in a blink.


42 virgin goat-dogs awaiting


Poke the bear…get bit.


It is gonna happen.
“Inevitable” in its full sense of predetermined? No. But inevitable in the sense that Hezbolla and the other Muzzie fanatics are full-fledged committed to doing it, yeah, it is.
Besides, I have read Revelation and Daniel and so have a clue.

Mike B

Hezbollah Commander Fouad Shukur, believed to have planned and stage the 1983 Marine Corps Barracks bombing in Beirut, believed killed in an Israeli air strike Tuesday (Today).


If so, nicely done Israel. Thank you.


Pass out sweets, folks. (Grin)

USMC Steve

Paybacks is a mothafucka. You see this, Dave Hardin?

Skivvy Stacker

Anytime someone kicks Hezzballfuckah in the dick, I just sit back and realize that there are over 240 Marines who are guarding the streets of Heaven who are currently having one HELL of a beer party over the fact that the Jews have smacked the Mooselimes in the ass…and there ain’t a fucking thing the Brandon administration can do about it.

By the way…I writ this when I;s drunk.

USMC Steve

Fuck hezbollah. That group today is what was the crew that hit our Marine barracks in Beirut. Not sure what they were called then, but it should have been “dead”. Every one of them that the Israelis whack today is a reason to party tomorrow.