Kamala puffery gets silly

| July 30, 2024

As thebesig mentioned last week, the media is rallying around the presumptive Dem candidate, Kamala Harris. One of their first campaigns is to deny that she was ever the “border czar” despite the White House having put her in over-all charge of finding a solution to the border flood of illegals. Here’s an example from the New Republic:

While it is true that in 2021, the vice president was assigned to lead a limited effort to address the root causes of migration from El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras, Harris was not by any means in charge of the border. New Republic

Hair-splitting, no? As noted last week, in many cases the same liberal media sites who DUBBED her the border czar are denying it and trying to scrub their sites. If that does not remind you of “1984”‘s rewriting of history, you need to go back and read the book again.

But it even gets better than that. Lloyd Austin, our beloved (ahem) Secretary of Defense, is now saying Kama was in on all the major decisions… yes, really.

Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin said Thursday that, in his more than three years of working with Vice President Kamala Harris, she has been with him and the president for some of their toughest decisions and “always a part of the process.”

Austin, a retired four-star Army general and now a civilian Cabinet member and Biden appointee, painted Harris as prepared and always engaged on national security issues.

If reporters look at what the Biden administration has tackled “over the past three and a half years — strikes that we’ve had to take, the deployments that we’ve done, the decision to support Ukraine … there’s just thing after thing after thing,” Austin said.

Please… you’re killing me – I can’t breathe. Who knew ol’ humorless Lloyd could be so funny?

Alternatively…well, it does help explain a few of the decisions this administration has made….

As of Thursday, Harris’ campaign website did not have any policy statements. However, in 2019, when she first ran for president, Harris released a detailed plan for veterans and service members that largely focused on improving benefits and care offered to veterans.  Military.com

We’re waiting…

But the best must be from Scientific American. You know, that distinguished science publication? The gold standard to which lesser magazines like Omni, Wired etc. should aspire?

The outlet published the piece earlier in the week, arguing that Harris will bring some experience with science to the White House because “her mother, Shyamala Gopalan, who Harris cites as a major influence, was a leading breast-cancer researcher who died of cancer.”

Anyone remember Lysenko, a Russian scientist many decades back who tried to claim that behavior and knowledge could be inherited?  I guess he was right – Kamala may be the oncologist we need. Me, I am really an engineer… want me to design a bridge? (Although given the chance I do see Hunter as a feckless clueless lying pol, so there is that.)

“As senator, Harris co-sponsored efforts to improve the diversity of the science, technology, engineering and medicine (STEM) workforce. She introduced legislation to aid students from underrepresented populations to obtain jobs and work experience in STEM fields.”  Fox News

Because it’s so important that whoever works in science is the right color, not that they are actually, y’know, competent. Or that they ascribe to the correct sexual philosophies rather than maybe know what they are doing.

God, we live in wonderful times. Usedtabe you needed people to actually VOTE for you to get on the ballot – now we have someone blessed by her political masters who never won one sole, lousy, single delegate – with a good shot at winning the Presidency. Why? Because the folks who actually run the party have anointed her in the biggest Eff-you to the American voter ever – and their media is going to lie, and lie, and lie again to support her.

Category: "The Floggings Will Continue Until Morale Improves", 2024 Election, Kamala Harris

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Hack Stone

Hack Stone believes Lloyd Austin. It was Kamala Harris who explained to the National Security Council that Ukraine is a small country next to Russia, a bigger country. Then she went off on some tangent about Venn diagrams and electric school buses.

Last edited 1 month ago by Hack Stone

If a parakeet was in the room, would it be “in on” the decisions?

Vice President Parakeet probably contributed much to the Pentagon word salad process.

Hmm. Given his track record, perhaps he needs more parakeets.


Harris went to Europe before the war to try to stop it. Putin was committed to talks and pulling troops back. After her visit he immediately invaded. US media is busy deleting all those articles but not so in Europe.


Slow Joe

Putin didn’t like the blow job?
I am disappointed.
I thought VP Harris was an expert.


I’m very surprised!
Kamaltoe Hairyass even brought out her Rusty Trombone skills in an attempt to win Poots over.


Note here the AP edited their headline completely from attending the conference to making her look predictive.


Last edited 1 month ago by 5JC
Green Thumb

She took over when Austin took off to the hospital without telling anyone.


Here she sounds slightly less stupid in a presser after her trip. She only makes the following errors:

– Stated that there has been no wars in Europe in 70 years.

– Wrongly states Biden will mitigate the massive increase in energy costs from the war.

– Wrongly states that no one country can prevent another from joining NATO. That is actually how it works.


Army-Air Force Guy

AI, which stands for Artificial Intelligence.


The Legacy Media got their marching orders from their masters at the DNC, and the orders are that Trump/Vance are weird. The X account ‘Defiant L’s‘ has many Pro-Pedo/Leftist creeps pushing the “weird” with a little taste of their normal behavior. This one of the best. Not sure what he’s doing, but yeah Mr. Sulu. Trump is weird?


Word is……Mr.Sulu was searching for Klingons


He’s a newly appointed USDA inspector for tossed salad ingrediants.


Naw, I think George is getting them lubed up for the next round.

RGR 4-78

So, you are saying that “Klingons” is the new name for hemorrhoids?


Well, they do have ability to cling to that orifice. But I was thinking he was preparing those fellows to enter the gay Octagon for some rasslin.


So are they saying that the Afghanistan withdrawal plan was her idea?


comment image?w=527&ssl=1

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Perhaps they should take down this from White House.gov then….naming Harris as “taking the lead” on the root causes of migration from Central America…

Taking the lead and border czar seem to have similar responsibilities…but perhaps only focusing on migration meant she was never going to actually do anything other than talk about why without having to come up with a how to resolve…


they are not hiding anymore
They don’t care

BlueCord Dad

Looks like that individual wrote one more thing for the campaign before leaving…


When did these meetings happen? Just a couple weeks ago they said ole geritol Joe was not meeting with his cabinet. Someone is a lying piece of dark Vader shit.

A Proud Infidel®️™️

The D-rats change their stance and statements faster than a Debutante does when she’s shopping for shoes!

Hack Stone

If you dare question a Black woman, you can expect to be whupped up on the side of your melon.



Imma just drop this here….

(Present company here at TAH excluded…OAM….)


Just look at that video clip with the kids discussing space, or the one about the passage of time, and you will see how sciencey she is. What a brilliant mind.


The latest polling indicated that Harris may possibly have brought back Virginia. It’s difficult to say, because all the polls have various biases.


I can state with absolute authority that she WAS NOT the border czar. I say this because they told me so.

As an aside, I just busted ass. I am convinced if I did it in an elevator or a bus it would have started a fucking fight.

Hack Stone

51 Intelligence officials signed a letter stating that Kamala Harris was not Border Czar.


I heard she brought high dollar art made by the relation of a high ranking US guvment officials relative to hang in their national museums, they put them above the toilets and they have never been stolen even in the most desperate economy’s.


I know I’m backtracking on Commie-laaa…but I digress….
