Army antiterrorism training included anti-abortion groups as among the extremist groups

| July 17, 2024

Soldiers receiving training for gate guard saw a slide show presentation related to terrorism. Among the groups listed as extremists were both left and right groups that should not have been listed. One of those groups were antiabortion groups. Republicans took issue with the inclusion of the antiabortion groups and sent a letter to the Army.


“We urge the Army to immediately issue a correction to all service members who received this briefing, to implement rules to ensure officials do not make similar claims in the Army’s name in the future, and to discipline those individuals responsible for spreading such false and divisive claims,” they added.

Another group of more than 80 Republicans in the House and Senate, led by Sen. Ted Budd and Rep. Rich Hudson, both of North Carolina, also sent a letter to Wormuth on Friday, calling the slideshow’s inclusion of anti-abortion groups “despicable.”

Asked about the letters, an Army spokesperson declined to comment, telling that “as with all congressional correspondence, we will respond directly to the authors.”

At issue is a presentation that was given to troops in charge of gate security at Fort Liberty last week on terrorism awareness. One of the slides was about anti-abortion groups and specifically identified two organizations, National Right to Life and Operation Rescue, and included a picture of a “choose life” license plate that abortion opponents in several states can get.

Additional Reading:

Kheel, R. (2024, July 15). Top Republicans fume after botched army terrorism briefing named anti-abortion groups. Link.

Category: Army, Army News, Big Army

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As I noted in the other thread, anybody that disagrees with them is in Neo-Nazi terrorist.


SPLC IS a terrorist organization…


Maybe, but they are government backed by the left, this gives them cover. That is why their products are used directly by federal law enforcement to support their policies and positions with zero vetting or actual research. This has been going on for decades.

They are the same ones going on about veterans being a huge terrorist threat. Their favorite proof of that is the 30 year old OKC bombing.


Spot on 5JC, I agree completely, and it’s a process that needs to come to a screeching halt.. one more aspect of the swamp desperately in need of draining.


Though I did like the Insider Threat slide with Hillary:

Last edited 3 months ago by Anonymous

Anti abortion groups?

You are using the language of the marxists.


The targeting of Anti-Abortion shows political bias in my opinion. Pro-abortion is a very Democrat-centric view as opposing it is very Republican-centric. That’s painting a group with different beliefs with a very broad brush. You’re telling me a mini van with with car seats and strollers in the back with the below license plate constitutes a threat? If so, than EVERYBODY must be given the same treatment because a “bad seed” from possible demographic exists. They want to play the PC game, I can twist them up in knots for days…

Full disclosure: I concur with Bill Burr on this issue.

Last edited 3 months ago by HT3
Slow Joe

I read Clitoris for some reason


Then there’s this….


Stone cold, steely eyed killers them anti abortion folks are! Beware of a tricked out Mom Mobile! I mean, after all, one could pack some real nice crew served weapons in them. And everyone knows that un aborted children do best on crew served weapons.

Anybody else notice that the folks that are so pro-abortion were never aborted? Can we call for a post birth abortion on them?


Federally funded Abortion Rehabilitation Centers? Let them make amends and be reparated on their own circle in Hell.

Their remains may then be allowed to naturally decompose in an islamic cess pool.


So if the third trimester maxes out at 40 weeks, that would put say a 35 year old in roughly the 182nd trimester. A little late-term, but hey, who’s counting?


Better late than never Chief…right?

Hack Stone

Ralph Northam would make sure that they are comfortable while a discussion is held on whether to suck their brains out of their skulls.


That could work on an 108th Trimester baby also right?

Forest Bondurant

Northam needs what little brains he has sucked out through his squeakhole for making that comment.


The neighbor next door is a big lib and a teacher. When she pops off with some lib nonsense my wife is going to ask her why she wants to put herself out of a job, she wants to kill babies but needs those babies to keep her job. I want see what she retorts with.


…The response will be something like, “Better out of a job than to take away the right to an abortion.”

And when she does face losing her job because there’s not enough kids in the school, I guarantee she’ll be out front demanding that she be paid anyways.

Hack Stone

That is known as the Kids-R-Us Paradigm. The reason they sent out of business is because they gave money to organizations killing their customers.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

Does the southern poverty law center have the above anti abortion people listed as terrorists, I’m sure they do.

USMC Steve

I always thought that was the Southern Poverty Lawfare Center? It does accurately represent their operations.

A Proud Infidel®️™️

No surprise to me, this is the same administration that has sicced the FBI upon Parents who have dissented with the woke agenda being force-fed to kids in schools!


The worst of the worst are those that home school. Is /s/ really needed here?

Forest Bondurant

Don’t forget the FBI Richmond Field Office that produced a memo stating the Catholic Church was a potential breeding ground for domestic terrorist.


That is completely legit because it was Catholic bishops that established the non-violent terrorist National Right to Life organization. They use their pacifistic ways to terrorize and intimidate people people of every color.

They often commit thought crimes by praying silently in front of abortion clinics. They think that they can get away with that but the police will know what they are thinking and lock their ass up. Sometimes they sell “baked products” whatever that is, to raise money to advance their agenda of making people have babies.

Once Trump and Vance takeover They will initiate oplan “Handmaiden Protocols”. They will place an armed soldier in every bedroom in America, to make sure everybody does their duty. If they Don’t the soldier will take over and make it happen.

RGR 4-78

I volunteer for Seed Distribution Service.


Line forms here…

Keep on livin’
Keep on laughin’
You do NOT have enough ammo!


Uh, you might not find some of your “distributees” very attractive. But I am sure you will do your duty even if it is a very skanky 240 pound dependapotamus.


Well, somebody’s got to

RGR 4-78

Never Quit! 😉


Prima nochte? Democrats project much.
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Or the Handmaid’s Tale porno version, whichever…
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Well, the catholic church is a big supporter / facilitator of the current illegal invasion across out southern border, so there is that… And the current pope is a socialist, not a man of God..


You aren’t completely wrong but let’s not forget the states where abortion was completely outlawed as well as birth control where people were made to have babies. Socialist Romania and North Korea come right to mind.


very true..

Forest Bondurant

There’s that. Good point.


Well, now you know why Martin Sheen’s disapppeared off the face of the Earth once Obama got elected– that he’s liberal from being devoutly Catholic (anti-abortion if a bear sh*ts in the woods) means he’s liable to turn into Mel Gibson having a bad day on ’em if they piss him off about gleefully hooverin’ babies.
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Last edited 2 months ago by Anonymous
Army-Air Force Guy

What was Fort Liberty’s old name again? /s/

RGR 4-78

I don’t like to bragg, but I remember.


Left/libtards’ enemies list:
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Slow Joe

Interesting short version of AI capability for disruption. Starts slow but it get to the job market by minute 08:50


Top Republicans fume, you hear. Top. Republicans. /sarc. (Let’s have another hearing… )

Last edited 3 months ago by Anonymous
Slow Joe

I just saw Trump’s entrance at the RNC.

Slow Joe

Question about saluting the flag while in civies.
1) Should I take off my baseball hat and hand salute?
2) Should I leave the hat on and hand salute
3) Should I take hat off and place it on my heart?

Slow Joe

I have been doing number 1, but I am not sure if it is right. Can’t find it in 670-1


Try the flag code.


1 and 3 are both acceptable. I’d go with 1.


Well, I guess,,,!!!!

It’s always the anti-abortion crowd that has me looking over my shoulder when I walk down the street!


This is off subject
But why do we have so many people
running for office
In Arizona, embellishing there military service
It’s out of control here.
Hell we have a congressman claims or says he’s moved 3 times in ten years. Aka carpet bagger
but still owns a house in flagstaff… it’s like everyone in office here is full of shit


Florida had to pass the crown sometime.


I live in the Prescott area and yeah I get you. Right now it’s Trump, Lake and Hamaday. Masters is a low blow muther fer. We have tried to find everyone else’s alliance but it’s a quagmire of other state residences and just not known. A lot of blanks on our recent ballots. I deal with a lot of people moving up here, and yes we had some bitch say we were promoting violence by having a gun show flyer on the counter. Bitch better not look at my right ankle in my boot cut jeans. Fuck California, New York And most of the east coast retirees. They move here for a more rural slower life and then start demanding and threatening us if they feel the least bit offended or slighted. Fuck them.


They’re full of shit everywhere.