The US Supreme Court ruled that ex-presidents have immunity for official acts

| July 1, 2024

Donald Trump’s defense team argued that Trump should have immunity from prosecution for acts committed while doing duties as president. The “election interference” case against Donald Trump hinged on his actions while in office.  The Supreme Court’s decision provides headwinds for Jack Smith, as his election interference case against Donald Trump depended on Donald Trump’s actions while still in office. However, the Supreme Court argued that this immunity does not extend to unofficial acts.

From Fox News:

In a 6-3 decision, the Court sent the matter back down to a lower court, as the justices did not apply the ruling to whether or not former President Trump is immune from prosecution regarding actions related to efforts to overturn the results of the 2020 election.

“The President enjoys no immunity for his unofficial acts, and not everything the President does is official,” Chief Justice John Roberts wrote for the majority.

“The President is not above the law. But Congress may not criminalize the President’s conduct in carrying out the responsibilities of the Executive Branch under the Constitution. And the system of separated powers designed by the Framers has always demanded an energetic, independent Executive,” he said.

“The President therefore may not be prosecuted for exercising his core constitutional powers, and he is entitled, at a minimum, to a presumptive immunity from prosecution for all his official acts. That immunity applies equally to all occupants of the Oval Office, regardless of politics, policy, or party,” he continued.

The question stemmed from Special Counsel Jack Smith’s federal election interference case in which he charged Trump with conspiracy to defraud the United States; conspiracy to obstruct an official proceeding; obstruction of and attempt to obstruct an official proceeding; and conspiracy against rights.

Those charges stem from Smith’s months-long investigation into whether Trump was involved in the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol riot and any alleged interference in the 2020 election result.

Trump pleaded not guilty to all charges and argued he should be immune from prosecution from official acts done as president of the U.S.

Additional Reading:

Singman, B., & Herlihy, B. (2024, July 1). Trump immunity case: Supreme Court rules ex-presidents have substantial protection from prosecution. Fox News. Link.



Category: 2024 Election, Donald Trump, Government Incompetence, SCOTUS

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I’m sure this will only renew the lefts calls to remake the SCOTUS with term limits and expanding the number of judges in a not court packing move, so they don’t make any more “wrong” decisions.


The weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth from the left is already epic. Everything from claims that a re-elected Trump could order assassinations of political opponents to “King Biden” immediately imprisoning Trump just because it’s an “official act”. Popcorn futures are higher higher!


And it’s only Monday.


Now we have a really good reason to celebrate this 4th of July.

Had this been allowed, presidents back to Carter could, in theory, be charged with crimes. Bush, Clinton and Obama all equally relieved. Biden…, well, he’s just an old man with poor recollection abilities so he would get a pass.


Would and did.


He has been actively using that “I can’t remember defense” since the laptop appeared.

Army-Air Force Guy

Classified Docs Special Counsel: “He’s just a senile old man that can’t remember anything.”


Good thing he doesn’t remember the password to the nuclear football.

Although with Joe’s gibberish, it would take forever for a hacker to succeed in cracking the code.

A Proud Infidel®™

Yeah, the Deep State minions say he’s too old and feeble to stand trial BUT it’s okay to keep him in the White House, yeah, sure thing.

Hack Stone

Highlight of Joe Biden during Thursday’s debate.


Or, there is always Nixon’s theory;

“when the President does it, that means that it is not illegal, by definition.”

Sounds like Sotomayor et al. agree with Nixon. That will come as a shock to them.


And meanwhile, sniffy creepy, oblowme, dubya, and slick willie breathe a sigh of relief.


“slick willie”
The ruling was for official acts.
Can Monica’s “service” to a “sitting” president be
considered an official act?


Oral support.


“blow in place” usually comes to an explosive climax.


Stress relief? He is married to shrillary.


I completely understand his logic in getting a hummer in the Oval Office. He wasn’t even the first. Now imagine if he’d answered truthfully.

“Mr President, did you have sex with this intern?”

“Hot damn, that girl can suck the chrome off a trailer hitch, you’re damn right I did!”

Army-Air Force Guy

I never vote for Dems, but man, if he would’ve said that I might’ve considered it


“Oh, man, she can suck-start a Harley, through a 50foot garden hose”.

Hack Stone

Technically, he was standing when Monica Lewinsky asked what she could do for her country.


His reply was take a knee apparently.


Ocrazio-Cortez has said she plans to file impeachment articles against the six justices voting for majority ASAP.


I feel short changed. All the other banana republics have bananas. We should get bananas too.

Hack Stone

It’s already started. Looking forward to Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez introducing articles of impeachment against the Supreme Court. She has been so successful as a Congresswoman, introducing 0 bills that became law, including via incorporation into other measures, in the 117th Congress.


That is what happens when you elect a loud mouthed Puerto Rican barmaid to Congress.


Anyone celebrating this ruling (aside from Trump) is an absolute dumb fuck.

This ruling is antithetical to anything this country stands for.

We no longer have an Office of the President. We now have an emperor king.

He can use office

Even unofficial acts are effectively immune because of the presumption of immunity for unofficial acts, and the restriction from using any evidence that has any relationship to an official act makes investigating an unofficial act nearly impossible and prosecuting it impossible.

The American experiment is done.

It is the dawn of a brave new world for America.

SCOTUS set this country on a course of blood and ruin.

I have never been more disgusted with my country than I am today.

And those of you fucks celebrating this make me as sick to my stomach as those Somalis celebrating while dragging American corpses though the street.

Fuck every single one of you celebrating this. Absolute scum.


Found 1.


6-3 is a win but nothing to celebrate about.
It just goes to show you that we have more work to do.
Cool your jets man.


Like you say, 6-3 is still a win but when taken with the chevron ruling, some things are looking up. Not so much with the free speech ruling, but 2 out of 3 is a good start.


I’d like to see them overturn Wickard.


Reductio ad absurdum…
Fuck you you fucking asshole. You know this the right decision or your Daddy Barry would be on the chopping block too. Ordering Seal 6 to kill assassinate is in illegal order, and you know you’re not obligated to follow unlawful orders. Were not ever in the military?


News flash for ya, genius. It applies to EVERY President, it’s not just specific to the eebil orange man. There’s no boogie man in your closet, just Trump living rent-free in your head. And if you’re so disgusted with your country, you’re free to leave. Now, go have yourself a nice day, and thank you for your thoughtful and inspired input. And yes, you’re still a fraud and a disgrace to the uniform you once wore. Grab your medic bag and go service your antifa brethren.


I’m sure he was there just long enough to plead not guilty for reason of insanity.


Great article about the Pantifa scum. May they all die miserably and rot in Hell.


Guess what?

Chicken butt.

Anytime the Congress wants to they can impeach the president and hold him for trial. The logic hole they never got around was that they have to have things like evidence and a crime to convict him of (unless they are in New York State in which case all you have to be is Republican, and then you are guilty of something, it matters not what).


I don’t think I’ve ever sworn at you, but mostly taunted you in your general direction.

However, at this time I feel you deserve a go fuck yourself, and this looks like as good as place as any to drop one.


To be perfectly honest, I’m not much of a writer. But this guy, he has captured you perfectly.

The sky is indeed falling.

Forest Bondurant

Try reading the 119 page decision instead of reaching the same uninformed conclusions the MSM and your party have reached you insufferable fucktard.

Maybe you’ll learn the court instructed the lower court to go back and figure out what acts or statements Trump made should be considered official or unofficial instead of applying broad interpretation and failure to apply sound legal logic that got us here in the first place.

Had that leftist court done it’s job in the first place, some of the indictments would never have seen the light of day because of lacking in merit. That is why those portions were overturned.

Knowing that you’re firmly against the Constitution and fair application of the law gives me understanding why you’re so upset and fucked up.


How is that fair? It could take him months to read 119 pages. If it is in legalese, it could be a year.


If it’s got words over two syllables, he’s fooked.

Forest Bondurant

…and that’s just for starters.


Exactly. This was the right decision. It’s just like the absolute immunity afforded judges.


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Last edited 3 months ago by Anonymous

Fucking coward.


Eh, again…
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Last edited 3 months ago by Anonymous
BlueCord Dad


jeff LPH 3 63-66

Your country commissar, I didn’t know that the way you talk but then again you are a Conservative playing the up everyones blood pressure.

A Proud Infidel®™

Ad Hominem attacks and name calling are the call sign of one who is LOSING and has nothing to support HIS or HER side of the debate or argument.

You lose yet again, Major Moonbat.


Because he is hiding behind a screen name?

Anonymous isn’t that person’s real name any more than commisar is yours.


When first commenting here. Commissar DID use his real name, unlike most here. He was advised to select an alias.

A Proud Infidel®️™️

AND he didn’t follow anyone’s advice.


comment image


Looks like someone got up on the wrong side of the bed. Patience, Prudence.

AW1 Rod

Your gibbering retorts are absolute comedy gold! Keep up the good work, retard.

A Proud Infidel®™

Major Moonbat, I CAN’T WAIT to see Donald J. Trump get reelected, because afterwards I’ll get to enjoy watching liberal monkeyshits like you shit your pantyhose inside out day after day while your heads explode!

Forest Bondurant

Good point. He’s just upset because it has now been affirmed that had the Biden administration not weaponized the legal system, none of this would have happened.

He fails to recognize how the manufactured Steele Dossier that started the whole Russian collusion narrative, the investigation, and subsequent impeachment were failed efforts to undermine the Constitution. The remedy they hoped for through impeachment failed because it was all based on lies and the lack of understanding of how the Constitution works.

All the other cases against Trump are in limbo now because it has been clarified that attacking a political opponent who has certain protections from such actions is a bad idea.

It doesn’t take a law degree to know that, and they sure are doing a lot of projecting.

A Proud Infidel®️™️

I still vividly remember the days when he incessantly screeched about how first he “Russian Dossier” was going to put DJT in prison, then his tax returns, then,… and none of it ever happened.


Just when I start to have a bit of respect, you come up with stupidity like this.

“I have never been more disgusted with my country than I am today.”

There is always emigration. I also understand that you claim to have a commission as an officer, although that is hard to believe. If you have any integrity at all you will resign that commission.

A Proud Infidel®™

IMHO hating the country you live in is akin to hating your home and parents while living with them. For those who say they hate the USA yet still live here, I strongly recommend emigrating to say, Venezuela, Cuba, China or some third world place.


You do realize that they didn’t CHANGE anything right? Every president has had immunity, always. The left just had to do everything that they could do to go after Trump in every way possible!

Have you happened to stop and think that this ruling may have had Clinton and Obama in mind and not Trump? BTW, the ruling was in keeping with the constitution and not an individual. From the time they started going after Trump by removing his immunity, Clinton, Bush and Obama should have been worried. The current idiot sitting in the Oval Office too!

You are however correct with this statement: “We no longer have an Office of the President. We now have an emperor king”!! We absolutely do! Biden does what he wants to and laughs in our faces about it!


Actually, the real emperor-king is behind the scenes…


Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.

A Proud Infidel®™

IMO the past three years have pretty much been B. Hussein 0bama’s third term.


Well, that would include Obama for droning two American citizens. Extra-judicial execution. I don’t believe there is a statute of limitations for murder. I’d love to see that piece of shit dangling from a rope.

And Bushitler for his lies about WMD in Iraq.


One of my pet peeves there. We found ample evidence of bioweapons R&D, and both Bushéand Clinton documented gas weapon stockpiling and usage. Nukes are not the only WMDs. Had Bush SAID nukes he would have lied, but he said WMDs.


Ditto. I saw videos of barrels of yellow cake. And an Iraqi Air Force general testified his aircraft flew many tons o chemical weapons out of Iraq just before the invasion.


I’m sure it’s been many decades and whatever I’m saying is public knowledge now but yes, we had satellite photos of trucks crossing the borders overnight for three days + to exfiltrate mass chemical weapons.
WNDs were real and existed. They went on terminal vacation to Syria.
At the time I was on a domestic and then international deployment not into the theater, but we did go through the briefing, and I was also the squadron NCOIC of chemical warfare and disaster Preparedness for this at the time.

Dennis - not chevy

I-5 north or south will get you out of here.



That’s impressive!!! I think that you can only hit the thumbs up/down once. That means that there are 41 people that DONT think you are correct!


-43 now, you may be headed for a record!!😆😆😆


Are you unaware of the High Crimes and Misdemeanor clause in the Constitution? Or the overall understanding of Article II? Acts that are not in the capacity of President can still be prosecuted. The lower Court will make a determination if the act is official or unofficial or outside the Executive purview. I’m sorry you’re disgusted but there is plenty of room in the Yukon.


Tears of Lars.


Aren’t they sweet?


Balls to the WALL!


Fuck you.

Shitbag traitor.

And I mean that absolutely literally.


All SCOTUS did was affirm the powers the immunity that went with the office. Nothing new.


He’ll Blame Clarence Thomas.


Don’t forget Alito’s wife. That crazy woman flew a flag upside down, she has to be guilty of something.


Don’t forget that “An Appeal to Heaven” flag. She’s an insurrectionist!


Well, the leftards are flying their flags upside down, too…


Do you ever get tired of humiliating yourself? I hope not, because I never tire of laughing at you. Anything for attention, I suppose.


His mom hates him.


You don’t accept accept?


He’s going to charge the supreme court building and throw them out of office even if he has to do it alone.


Dude you really need to cut ties with UCB, leave California and touch grass somewhere.

Though, your whiney leftist tears bring me joy. It’s like a million Christmases rubbing against my balls.


I laughed way too hard at that. I’ll never view Christmas the same.


Commissar.. First wipe those tears and pull up those depends.

Look at the opportunity Dementia Joe has now… he can pardon his crackhead son Hunter and then, via his dementia deny doing it. A double win!

RGR 4-78

This is a short read that may well be FJB problem.

Lewy body dementia – Symptoms and causes – Mayo Clinic


Are you accusing him of being a traitor because of this song??

I guess I’m lost on this one.


I would just like a simple Yes or No answer from Commissar: “Is Hunter Biden’s Laptop Legitimate or Not?”


Oh, not like this matters at this point…

But executive orders, pardons, ambassadorships, appointments to any appointed position in the executive branch, use of limited military force within the scope of the executive branch…

All are for sale now. Explicitly and openly accepting cash for any of these “official acts” is immune from prosecution.


Cry some more you commie cock sucker!!!!


And the leading salesman of Presidential and Vice Presidential access was Hunter Biden. And yet, no prosecution. See also “James Biden”. See also “Barack Obama”, the wholly owned, Chicago-built “President”. Your lord and master. Cry harder. I’m loving it.


If the vice president of the United States helps his crackhead son extort money from foreign countries is that a crime? Asking for a friend.

I asked 51 intelligence experts but they all told me that it was Russian dis-information.

Last edited 3 months ago by 5JC

Please list Trumps lies from the debate. You made the claim but are ignoring us, Why?????

Forest Bondurant

So you’re arguing that accepting money from foreign powers for access to the President is in the interest of the public and allowed in the Constitution and should be considered an official act instead of an unofficial (private) act, or is it the other way around?

(Biden could find himself in jeopardy if you put it either way.)


He’s just mad cuz Trump’s a billionaire and he can’t be bought easily. Sure, everybody has a price but they can’t afford him. Biden on the other hand was cheap.

Hack Stone

We already knew that. Joe Biden has sent hundreds of billions of dollars to prop up the corrupt Ukraine government so that money keeps flowing to Hunter, with 10% to the Big Guy.

Forest Bondurant

The death of 13 service members during the withdrawal from Afghanistan were all also in the furtherance of democracy, as the Biden administration would want you to believe.


Hysterical and stupid. Not a good combination.


“All are for sale now.”

They sure are!! Have been for the last 3.5 years!!


Impeachment is the remedy for these.


So NoBamma’s drone strikes on U.S citizens was a GO/NO GO? Should he be in jail?


How ’bout BHO’s lying to FISA about oppo research docs from McStain and HRC to illegally wiretap a political rival?

The so-called ‘liberals’ wanted to guillotine Nixon for way less….

Also see impeachment number 2 that addressed PDTJ’s culpability on 06JAN21 New Independence Day and the fabricated evidence submitted by the House persecution.

Repeated repeatedly in this house, forcefully and with anguish: STOP MAKING ME DEFEND DONALD TRUMP!


For those of you that are not fuckwits.


What was that expression you used to use… “Some internet rando”… yeah, that’s him. Do better.


Randos are good when they agree him, but bad when they disagree with him. It is the commie way.


He seems like a legal scholar <heavy sarcasm>. Nothing says expert in Constitutional Law like doing a video in your basement. Maybe Pedo Pete should have nominated him instead Jackson? I bet he at least knows what a woman is. Trump has broken them. Utterly and completely and its GLORIOUS!!!


I get all my legal analysis from a literal neck beard locked in a storage shed wearing a Curious George hat.

Forest Bondurant

From 2:09 forward, this guy even gets it wrong and explains it out of context. He even interprets the dissenting opinions wrong.

Cherry picking facts to the exclusion of the whole picture to make a point is weak. This guy deserves the same ridicule you get.

Try harder.


You should see the “legal eagle” guy. He’s much worse.


Yeah he’s been gnashing his teeth ever since Dobbs.


Your brain-dead Pappy had another stellar session with the teleprompter and went all “…end of quote” then scampered away without answering any questions. How very Presidential. Also, does he have a spray tan? Photos show him with an orange tint.


Not very convincing. It might help if your “expert witness” had some familiarity with the law. A video of your stupidity and ignorance is no more reliable than your writing of the same. Tell me, is “presumptive immunity” anything like “presumptive innocence”?


Lockdown and jab aficionados can EABODs.

trANnyTIFA enablers can FOAD.

See supply to draw your ration of Ds before Fing O.

Thank you, and may God have mercy on your soft skull.

Edit: that Beau chick is a retard and a fucking coward

Last edited 2 months ago by Roh-Dog

The fact you link to a site that says that are Fifth Column says every I need to know about your motive.  


Your people have spoken, Commissar. Are you going to agree? Disagree? Tell us where you stand on this.


If liberals are going to carry around Trump’s severed head and call it freedom of speech, no reason to think they won’t go the extra mile.

But it’s like I’ve been saying. They aren’t going to let him serve. The CIA killed Kennedy there’s no reason to think that they won’t kill Trump. True, they waited a little while before killing Kennedy and then making sure that Johnson took over. Trump will have to be really careful on his vice president choice. He can’t go with another statist like Pence.


North Carolina Lt. Gov Mark Robinson perhaps? He seems like a no nonsense kind of guy.




At one time I was curious what was in those videos that the attorney general of the United States was willing to defy Congress in order to keep concealed. After the debate it became kind of obvious why.

However, it did occur to me that there might be crimes on there that Biden confessed to without realizing. And since the attorney general does not take his oath of office seriously, and would totally be willing to cover up crimes in order to maintain power, I think there should be a stronger demand to see what is in those videos.


Well he did admit to having top secret squirrel stuff and then showed them to the guy. We could start there…… Vrooom Vrooom.


Can a new AG call the old AG and say “let’s compare notes. What do you say “.


Those videos are more dead than Hillary’s hard drives.


In this day and age, anything stored on a computer, even if erased, cant it be recovered? Or am I just that technologically inept.


Depends on how you “erase” it and how much time and money you want to spend to recover it. If you just right click and delete recovering it is fairly simple. The only way to be sure is physical destruction of the media, as in “I say we take off and nuke the entire site from orbit. It’s the only way to be sure.”


Well if we quit sending money to Ukraine, me thinks that should be enough to cover the cost.

We (they) have spent money on stupider shit.


Wipe it? Like, with a cloth?


If it’s properly erased by fire, say in a fireplace, woodstove, burnbarell, bonfire, etc… chances of recovery are not possible. Works on all known media. Err, so I heard once…


Here you go commisar. Somebody took the time to make it simple for you, and others like you.


Pretty much that. It used to be extremism was pretty rare in the United States.

Not anymore. They have been manipulated to the point of no return by the media.


Aaaaand it’s just getting further out there. The Commissar’s people are getting more wound up:

Hey Commissar, is this what you call “A fever dream”?

Last edited 2 months ago by SFC D

Is Hillary Clinton unavailable? I mean you really shouldn’t hand it off to seal team 6. Those guys Will be very messy and will leave tons of evidence and they wouldn’t even know where to start on bribing a coroner. They need to leave it to professional.

Anybody who believes that the government doesn’t employ professional assassins from time to time is absolutely crazy.


I wonder how one would write that skill set on one’s resume.

One’s day would be free to attend the range, meet some equally not all there individuals, have no fear of law enforcement interference and even if they did, no charges to worry about.

On call 24/7 sure, but you could travel about at your leisure. Just answer the call when it comes in.

Forest Bondurant

They’re just showing the rest of the country they are the threats to democracy rather than conservatives. We all knew it, they’re just taking off their pointy white hats to expose themselves.

Hack Stone

Joy Reid is saying that Donald Trump can now use SEAL team 6 to assassinate his political foes. So by that logic, Joe Biden could use SEAL Team 6 to assassinate his political foes. But Joe Biden would never abuse his power to harass his political foes. //S//


I don’t know why she’s worried she’s way down on the list.

Last week she was pimping a story that said that Donald Trump had a big cognitive decline and was not okay. Those comments did not age well.


I read somewhere that she shaved her head because somebody said her old hairstyle reminded them of Trump’s hairstyle.

Trump lives rent free in the luxury suite of her head, and some anonymous caller/ commenter triggers her enough to buy a safety razor and shaving cream.

High and tight baby, high and tight.

Hack Stone

When you spent all of your money at The Driftwood and have to resort to a barracks haircut for morning inspection.


It’s amazing how fast / far that talking point has spread.. they really are a hive mind..


Joy is so fucking stooo-pid. All the pearl clutching on the Left and they don’t realize the decision here was reaffirming the Nixon v Fitzgerald in 1982 in which a Liberal Court ruled that Presidents can’t be held for civil damages. Its only because the Corrupt Biden DOJ election interference campaign required the SCOTUS to make a ruling on criminal case because NO POTUS was ever charged by an opponent in order to try and win an election. This whole case is BECAUSE of the Democrats trying to interfere in an election. Now they can go back to CYA-ing about Biden’s obvious decline that only a week ago they said was no true and we were watching ‘The Best Biden’ ever.


As of today, 7-2-24, they’re still saying all is well.

Reminds me of the animal house scene where Kevin Bacons character is saying…” remain calm, all is well”.

Or Baghdad Bob’s soldiers emptying a clip or so into the river while proclaiming.. we got this.



A Proud Infidel®™

As soon as I saw the number of comments on this thread, I KNEW that Major Moonbat aka Commissar had been screeching here, He does such an outstanding job of showing how deeply colleges brainwash people!


Hes disgusting. I cant believe that hes even allowed to post on here anymore. We are all allowed to have our own opinions without talking to people the way he does……I wish he would just go away.

Hack Stone

A group of ne’er do wells that allow that “one guy” into the gang so they have someone with low self esteem desperate enough to be accepted that he will withstand the abuse heaped upon him, buy the rounds to curry favor, and is willing to do stupid shit because he is easily manipulated. We have Commissar, Phil Monkress had Psul of The Ballsack.


So the new polls are out. Post debate and SCOTUS ruling and a slate of new states are now in play including New Hampshire, Minnesota, Virginia, and possibly even Colorado.

Forest Bondurant

The DNC fucked up by nominating Biden as their pick for the last election, which was made worse after Biden picked Kamala as his running mate.

I could be wrong, but it strikes me they have nowhere to go and nobody to consider as an alternate.

Of course it’s always possible they will support Biden because of their arrogance and the hubris associated with it.

Hack Stone

The Democrats presented a slate of candidates to be considered for the 2020 Presidential Race. In a free and fair primary (LOL), Joe Biden was selected as the best qualified among the 46 million plus Democrats by the voters to be their candidate to keep Donald Trump from regaining access to the White House. How can they defy the will of the people and replace their chosen one with someone they had no say in choosing? Maybe it’s just Hack, but that doesn’t sound like Democracy. And in the unlikely event that Donald Trump does secure enough votes, Joe Biden should not vacate the office. That is the only way to save our Democracy, by defying the will of the people.


We should ask Commissary. He was pretty good at handing out advice four years ago.

Hack Stone

Still trying to wrap around Hack’s head that Donald Trump asking about Joe Biden holding foreign aid hostage is worthy of impeachment, but Joe Biden withholding foreign aid to Ukraine unless a Prosecutor in Ukraine is not fired is not impeachable. Can someone explain that to Hack in terms that a Director of Media Relations could understand?


As a former lawer, I’ll bite. The Trump call was a request for Zelensky to look into the Biden’s business dealing in Ukraine. Trump did not threaten him about delaying military or financial aid. On the other hand, Bribem committed extortion by threatening to block their billion dollar IMF loan if a prosecutor investigating Burisma wasn’t fired within the next six hours. That is the difference.


Thank you. Always happy to get free legal opinions.


That’s an easy one. VICE PRESIDENTs don’t get impeached. They can go straight to prison through the regular courts. When Spiro Agnew was found taking kickbacks he tried for immunity in the courts but no dice. He ended up taking a plea deal and resigned to avoid going to prison.

Ford then was appointed VP, and later became POTUS when Nixon resigned for approving various felonies when he was president.

So no impeachment. Like Biden, the thought with Agnew was that the SOL had run out because most of the bribes occurred when he was a county commissioner. But it turned out he kept taking payoffs as VP.

Not sure when Biden stopped taking payoffs through Hunter. The DOJ and the media has a depraved indifference to the Biden crimes.

Last edited 2 months ago by 5JC

Vice presidents can be impeached. But Agnew wasn’t because his crimes were committed before he was elected to any federal office. Even federal judges can be and have been impeached by Congress. But you are correct about the Biden family crimes.


Agreed, poorly worded. “Don’t have to be impeached” is the operative idea here. The DOJ can prosecute if they so choose. Agnew requested an impeachment inquiry, which was denied and the DOJ continued with their investigation.

Again though, The Statue of limitations had expired on the payoffs that he took when he was County commissioner in Maryland in 1966. He was being investigated for payoffs that he took while he was vice president, and that is what he pled guilty to, tax evasion of those payoffs.

Vice Presidents have no presidential immunity. Aaron Burr was also prosecuted for killing Alexander Hamilton although the chargers were later dropped for no reasons relating to immunity. That may have been the only time in our country’s history, where the vice president went on the lam.


Alcee Hastings, for example. An impeached and convicted Federal District Court judge who went on to a successful career as a US Congressman. Democrat, of course.