Hamas Pier Follies Continue

| July 1, 2024

Bridge to Nowhere

UN aid groups ceased distribution of humanitarian supplies that arrived via the pier due to security concerns over 9 June events and have not restarted. U.S. officials say the pier may not be reinstalled unless the agencies reach an agreement to begin distributing the aid again. The aid shipped from Cyprus is piling up ashore, and soon the secure area on the Gaza beach will reach capacity.

US removes Gaza aid pier again due to weather and may not reinstall it

By Tara Copp, AP and Lolita C. Baldor, The Associated Press

The pier built by the U.S. military to bring aid to Gaza has been removed due to weather to protect it, and the U.S. is considering not reinstalling it unless the aid begins flowing out into the population again, U.S. officials said Friday.

While the military has helped deliver desperately needed food through the pier, the vast majority of it is still sitting in the adjacent storage yard and that area is almost full. Aid agencies have had difficulty moving the food to areas further into Gaza where it is most needed because the humanitarian convoys have come under attack.

The United Nations, which has the widest reach in delivering aid to starving Palestinians, ceased distributing food and other emergency supplies arriving through the pier on 9 June. The halt came after the Israeli military used an area near the pier to fly out rescued hostages after their raid that, prompting a U.N. security review over concerns that aid workers’ safety and neutrality may have compromised.

Military Times

Isn’t this a MK-1, Mod 0 Cluster Foxtrot. The UN aid distribution agencies won’t deliver aid because Israel rescued kidnapped citizens held by Hamas.

But wait there’s more: Pentagon spox Sabrina Singh acknowledged that she doesn’t know when the pier will be reinstalled.

“When the commander decides that it is the right time to reinstall that pier, we’ll keep you updated on that,” she said.

She also stated that there is a need for more aid to come into Cyprus and be transported to the pier. She noted that the secure area onshore is “pretty close to full,” but the intention is still to get aid into Gaza by all means necessary. This supposes there is indeed a pier in place and the UN humanitarian aid providers will actually move the aid to distribution centers. This is Biden Foreign Policy in a nutshell.

Category: Biden, Gaza 2023, Israel, The Stupid is Strong

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I recommend striking the Floating Pier Medal, to be given to Biden Administration members who do the opposite of what’s intended and end up doing more harm than good, preferably at great expense. Possible candidates will include the White House staffer who tried to rationalize Joe’s poor debate performance saying ” he is really at his best between 10am and 4pm”. Bet that gave our allies warm fuzzies.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

“…. get aid into Gaza by all means necessary”
Form up a company size of Marines, fully armed and armored.
They escort the aid goods, going door to door, handing out the goods to individual families, NOT to some central Gooberment location. Defense is as necessary.
Lather rinse, repeat until all aid goods are disbursed.
Next aid shipment, lather, rinse, repeat, starting at a new location NOT overlapping the prior area.

Why do I have to do all the heavy thinking around here? Why hasn’t the Gooberment called me to ask my advice. And where’s my consulting fee?

Nope, no Marine Escort. Send in all of the Pro-Ham Ass Supporters that are here, over there. They can become a human pack mule train toting the aid to give out along the route of march. Or, they can form a “Box Brigade” and pass the aid boxes to one another, just as bucket brigades passed water buckets to fight fire.

I still have exactly Zero (0) phuques to give for the total cluster f*ck that is the ME.


Just get some busses with Hamas support volunteers banners all over them. Have the freaks load up and sign waivers and permission paper work to support Hamas. Drive the busses straight on to C5’s and straight to Palestine/ Israel border then let them fend for themselves after they are herded into the war zone.


They must be properly attired for the mission. Ear gauges, nose rings, purple hair and pink pushy hats. Their slogan should be we’re here, we’re queer and you can get your stuff from the rear.

No need to worry about getting tossed from tall buildings as I’m sure not many are left. Stones and rubble on the other hand are readily available.

Elect Brandon for a second term, we very well might see US troops on those streets.

I doubt they’ll be fully armed or armored, though.


Just fly in some C-17’s, and drop the pallets by parachute extraction.. use minimal shrink wrap on the pallets, and it’ll be like a canned food CBU… the aftermath should be quite entertaining..


#10 cans preferred.


All the canned food being ham and cocktail wieners


Surely the Army has some unused Ham & MF tucked away in a warehouse somewhere. Possibly at Dugway Proving Ground or Ft. Detrick.


I thought the explosion and the fire had destroyed all evidence of the theft of the humanitarian supplies by the “relief workers”. Not yet you say? Don’t worry, it will. Inshalla.

Last edited 3 months ago by 5JC

Can an Osprey land on a floating pier?

Hack Stone

Maybe, but why put American lives at risk to keep Hamas humming along. Everyone knows that Hamas will divert the supplies for their troops and/or sell it the “civilians at greatly inflated prices. You know those 5 Star hotel suites in Dubai ain’t free, someone has to pay for them, and Joe Biden has committed America to pick up the tab.


You can land a Boeing 737 Max on it once. Once and one time only. In fact, it’s a great idea to put all of the Boeing executives on that plane as volunteer workers and then land it there.


Biden keeps batting .1000


Our Pierless Leader…


Well played.


This is sending the wrong signal to china


But, an accurate one.