Mother, 16-month-old son, and her 75-year-old mother stranded at airport for ‘misgendering’

| July 1, 2024

Jenna Longoria uploaded a video telling her audience what had just occurred. She apparently misgendered a flight attendant, which caused another flight attendant to refuse to board her mother, son, and her. She was traveling with her 16-month-old son and her 75-year-old mother at the time. Their luggage was left on the aircraft, so both Longoria and her mother did not have access to their medications.

Her video on the incident:

Category: Society

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One would think that she has the right to sue hell out of United. But then again…the alphabet crowds are the only ones with rights anymore, so there is that.

Delta…Ready when you are.


But what happens when an unstoppable force meets a movable object? When Hamas agents begin protesting pride parades yesterday, destroying floats and attacking marchers, who wins the bigger victim contest? Normally when the far right attacks a pride event you hear something about it. By “something” I mean the media won’t shut up about it. But this seems to be all kept on the down low, what’s that all about?

Last edited 3 months ago by 5JC

Ah, embarrassed throat clearing or “Ignore It and It Won’t Exist” from left/libtards.

Otherwise, they’ll have to admit they’re just pandering to these groups for their support and actually advance no other principles than their own power.

Last edited 3 months ago by Anonymous

But Hamas is the far, far right. I’m so confused.

It’s okay. After the SCOTUS ruling today, The left will be completely prostate doing belly sobs, and completely unable to string two words together… They’ll just keep saying Trump-Trump-Trump over and over again.

Last edited 3 months ago by 5JC

I wonder if there’s more to this story. The airline claims she had too many carry-on bags, she claims she was refused passage due to misgendering. Of course, this being 2024, she went to social media, it went viral, and now everyone and their transgender ex-neighbor’s grandniece’s cat has an opinion. You know, back in the day people would escalate any issues they had with the actual business before seeking the Court of Public Opinion’s ruling on a matter. Customer service not helpful, ask for a supervisor, that doesn’t work, email corporate, still no resolution, maybe contact local media. But, again, it’s 2024, and we all carry something much more powerful than any tool previously known: a smartphone loaded with apps that will get our story out there.

That said, regardless of the real reason she was stuck at the airport, it might only be a matter of time before misgendering leads to severe consequences. I’ve seen several comments here about how it’s a shame that the burning of the US flag is protect, but the burning of a Pride flag is construed as a hate crime. Before long, we may find ourselves detained and questioned for calling “Ma’am” a man or “Guy” a gal. Missing a flight sucks, but when it’s in the name of social justice and inclusion it’s a small price to pay.



Longer different 3 minute video here,
including interaction with United staff.

Obviously, there was MORE said than what she admits
in the 1 minute wokespy video (< not a good source).
“verbal confrontation”.

So, waste 3 minutes here,
for a little bit MORE of the story.


If I was still a practicing lawer, I would like to have her case, assuming her version is accurate. But I would lay venue in a federal court other than the one in San Fransicko. United will pay big $$$$$ to settle this case before it goes to trial.


Wait…her Twitter handle is ” The Period Guru?” Yep, I just lost interest. This strikes my as an attention seeker, seeking attention.


Issues !!!
Questionable expert on periods.
No mention of hubby or man in her life, either.


Sounds like a bloody mess


Might be more to the story, but to me she sounds sincere. Still, this woke protection crap is insane. She is correct, what about her rights?


Quick observation, if you put needed meds in checked bags, you deserve what you get. True for at least 75 years.


Listened to both the short and long versions and other than the United rep’s second-hand statement, there is basically one side of the story presented. The United rep clearly says the woman said something else for which the pilot kicked her off…I’m withholding judgement till I hear their side of the story.


“She chose her words carefully,”

Because she is not stupid. That is not evidence of guilt.

“I doubt that she would’ve done this if she completely made her story up.”

Really? Does the name Tawana Brawley ring a bell? Jussie Smolett? etc?


“she would’ve been able to specify what the passenger said,”

Was she there? No. How, then, would she know what the passenger said? Why, second or third-hand testimony, of course. And we all know how reliable that is. Like I said, she was smart enough to say as little as possible.


You are overlooking the fact that the airlines frequently demand that passengers with carry-on bags check them upon entry to the aircraft due to a shortage of overhead space. That has happened to me repeatedly. Those bags are then taken to the aircraft’s baggage hold and end up at the baggage carrel.


I have seen it, too.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Not my circus, not my monkeys…


Sue the wings off of the company. If the plane was made by Boeing, sh may have to get in line.

Sounds like it’s time to start calling united and raising hell on her behalf.

Time for some bad publicity.


My two cents? The best way to handle the problem is, IF you are woke, and classified as such, insted of using pronouns, call them A**holes. One size fits all.

Hack Stone

Hack Stone’s personal pronouns Asshole and Fuckface.

Software Customer: Hey, Fuckface, can I get some outdated and overpriced Red Hat Software?

Hack Stone: Hell yeah, you can. Well even throw in some Y3K software and a mailbox door if you join the Bethesda House Software & Spandex Club.


What is the top prize? An old beat up Jaguar?


She “misgendered” someone that just made up their “gender”? What was the stew a cat gender? A cake gender? Something they made up on the spot? If the person doesn’t know their gender, then how in the hell is anybody else supposed to guess. Why you these people’s mental health problems get foisted onto the rest of us?

Green Thumb


Major Tuddy

Pronoun people. Those morbidly obese, chronically unemployable, mentally unstable neon hairs with way too many tattoos and piercings, who dress like a cross between a hobo and a circus clown, and who use fake-ass ‘neopronouns’ that are basically a vaguely German-sounding string of gibberish. Those freaks, and their insane demands, have caused their movement to go the way of the flat-earth crowd.

Now, I’m Gen-X. I grew up with David Bowie, Grace Jones, Boy George, and k. d. lang. I can accept the gender non-conforming. It’s when the neon hairs start demanding that we accept insanities like pregnant men or lesbians with penises that I draw the line.

One thing is for sure; reality trumps fantasy, and facts trump feelings.

pookysgirl, WC wife

What I have *never* understood is why these people want to control a conversation that they aren’t even present for in most cases. Pronouns are used in the third person, meaning the person is NOT BEING ADDRESSED DIRECTLY. I can take a lot of abuse of the English language, but formalizing this nonsense is my line in the sand.


You are the only other person I have heard of who wonders the same thing.


Ditto. I am also offended by the media constantly using they and them to refer to a single person because that media twat writing the script doesn’t know the person’s preferred pronouns.

USMC Steve

You have a right to sue the fuck out of the freak who threw you off, and to sue the fuck out of the airline for employing someone who is obviously insane.


Gender is a noun. Gender is NOT a verb. There is no such thing as “misgendering”.