SPLC Validating its own Existence.

| November 25, 2009

I look forward to SPLC’s emails. I truly do. They try so hard to justify what they do that it cracks me up. So anyway, today’s was especially fun. Let’s start with their 4 news stories.

The first one is a legitimately screwed up story that I think we covered before. “Three Accused of Arivaca Killings to Have Two Trials” go and read it if you are of a mind to do so. That one is fairly legit, but I do find it interesting that this was their big story, and yet I don’t remember reading anything about the Christian/Newsom murders that seemed to have an anti-white bias. But, so it goes with SPLC, some murders are more equal than others.

The next story is about Klansman rallying before an Old Miss game. Here is part of the story:

About a dozen hooded Ku Klux Klan members rallied briefly at the University of Mississippi before Saturday’s football game with No. 10 LSU.

The members of the Mississippi White Knights of the Ku Klux Klan spent about 10 minutes waving flags, displaying Nazi-style salutes and occasionally gesturing at a group of about 250 hecklers that included young children. They were protesting the school’s decision to drop a pep song that included “Dixie.”

Now, imagine if you will that you are enroute to a football game to watch your team beat the hell out of another team. And you look over, and these retards are standing there:
Changing Dixie

Assuming you have the cognitive abilities God gave a Styrofoam cup, is this going to encourage you to join the white supremacy movement, or to come away thinking, “I didn’t really like Dixie enough to be seen with these asshats”? I’m guessing the latter. I think it is pretty clear that the ghosts here have run their course.

The next one is about a swastika being put on the door of a human rights building in Idaho. It was taped there. That’s awfully nice of them to just tape it there, and not, say, spray paint it on the side of the building. Or burn it in the grass. Or something like that. Good thing I am not conspiratorially minded, because if I was and I saw the last line of this article, I might come away with a thought as to who did it: “Dolezal also says one positive from hate crimes is the institute gets more volunteers wanting to help end this kind of activity.” I do love that in Idaho, a “Aryan Nation” spokesman is talking about getting the band back together. Really? Um, where’d they go? Barbados on vacation?

The last one also is a big one! Just read all about it:

An ad in Carmel High School’s student newspaper promoting free music downloads was actually a promotion for Victory Forever, a Web site that features anti-Semitic and racially charged information claiming whites are in danger.

I would like to state here that I have more faith in this student than all the folks at SPLC:

Lauren Allan, 18, said the group likely wouldn’t find many converts at the high school.

“I don’t think anyone really looks at the ads, to be honest,” she said. “I don’t think anyone I know would go to the site and say, ‘Cool, I’m going to look more into this.’

Ah shit Lauren, with logic like that you are in trouble. You mean when you hang out with people all day of varying colors you start to appreciate them, and thus less likely to join an extremist group? Well, that’s can’t be true, haven’t you read about the DHS report on those of us who served with folks of all colors?

So then I turn my focus to the SPLC HateWatch Blog, that doesn’t always just feature those who Hate, but sometimes those who just merely “Don’t KowTow to the Spirit of Racial Inclusiveness as Decided by SPLC”. You know, anyone who wants to uphold our immigration laws, things like that. Anyway, SPLC reports on an FBI Report by saying:

Anti-Black Hate Crimes Rise, Data Remains Flawed

Now, SPLC didn’t see fit to actually link to the report, so I had to go look for it. And I encourage everyone else to read it as well. Here is the letter explaining the report.

Now, bear in mind the title, which tells us what SPLC found. Want to know what I found? I found the list of offenders (those who committed the crime) broken down by race:

A review of available race data reported in 2008 for the 6,927 known hate crime offenders revealed that:
? 61.1 percent were white.
? 20.2 percent were black.
? 5.9 percent were groups made up of individuals of various races (multiple races, group).
? 1.1 percent were Asian/Pacific Islander.
? 0.7 percent were American Indian/Alaskan Native.
? 11.0 percent were unknown. (Based on Table 9.)

How does that compare with the demographics of the US as a whole?

According to Wiki: Whites make up 74%, Hispanics 15, and African American, 13.4. That means that African Americans make up a larger portion of the offenders of Hate Crimes than they do in society as a whole. But how can that be? Didn’t SPLC just warn us about the rising tide of anti-black crime?

I’ll let you rhetorically answer that one as you read through the stats. One of the most revealing parts of the study for me revolved around the vast number of Anti-Muslim attacks. Because all Muslims are dirty bastards who engage in terrorism at the drop of a Lego toy, or so I am supposed to believe from the media. So, interestingly enough, look at this stat:

? 66.1 percent were targeted because of an offender’s anti-Jewish bias.
? 7.5 percent were victims because of an anti-Islamic bias.

So, if all of society is prejudiced against Muslims because we aren’t bright enough to differentiate between peaceful practitioners of a religion and asshats who blow themselves up, how come the percent of attacks against our Jewish brothers and sisters is almost 10 times greater? I don’t know. But I am sure I won’t get an answer from SPLC.

Here’s an idea, how about people just stop noticing when assholes are being assholes and giving them attention? A crime is a crime no matter who commits it, and against whom. SPLC needs to cut the shit with pulling out stats and manipulating them to make a story that fits their story. If the KKK pulled data out the way SPLC did we’d call them assholes too. Whatever happened to the content of ones character and not the color of ones skin? Enough already. Leave the math game to the FBI and stop using the figures to make a point with such a faulty line of reasoning.

Category: Politics

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Jonn Lilyea

I’m glad we have SPLC to explain those statistics for us – I read them completely differently. Imagine how confused I’d be if I’d been left to my own devices to sort those numbers out.

Brown Neck Gaitor

Blow up the picture of the 5 fat dudes in sheets and notice the creases in the Nylon Battle Flag of the Army of Northern Virginia. The one they bought early that morning.

I do hope they cut the “Made in China” tag off of the flag beforehand.

12 knuckleheads being yelled down by 250 hecklers (which probably has a higher percentage of CW Vets than that dozen)? And they lasted a whole 10 minutes? Marginalized fools.

And BTW, the Battle Flag of the Army of Northern Virginia was SQUARE! It was not made in the formula of the 1st National Flag or the Starts and Stripes. A$$!

And yes, Legacy Thief, that robe does make you look fat…

Brown Neck Gaitor

I dunno, 3 leaders, a flag bearer and a hanger on. Someone must have expected the Virginia AG to show up…

Brown Neck Gaitor

I doubted you missed it, it was just an excuse for me to go off on those morons.

A Heros Friend

I just gotta wonder…what would Leroy Jenkins do in a situation like this?

Brown Neck Gaitor

And before Jonn says it:

“TSO and BNG, you two get a room.”

Country Singer

As a Mississippi State alumnus, all I can say is, “Thank you Ole Miss for being Ole Miss. I’m sure that the rest of the SEC was happy to see that the atmosphere of your campus is just as genteel as it was in the 60’s. I’m also sure that’s what the 8 football recruits that decided not to visit your campus last weekend also felt.” Funny, I never heard Shep Smith bring any of this up…

Blue Cyclone

I think some of the folks that work the data for the SPLC must have learned their trade at the Climate Research Unit in East Anglia working on the global warning data. It doesn’t matter what the data actually means, just twist it to fit your purpose.

A Heros Friend

Blue Cyclone…I have always heard it discribed as Lies, Damn Lies, and Statistics…


and notice the creases in the Nylon Battle Flag of the Army of Northern Virginia. The one they bought early that morning.

Actually, I think that’s a vinyl float they sell at Wings on Ocean Blvd in Myrtle Beach. If you spend more than $10, you can get a box of salt water taffy and a pooka-shell necklace for a dollar.


And, when caught in your lies, depend on the media who made you to ignore the whole thing. Maybe the SPLC sends their interns over to the Climate Research Unit to learn their trade, before assembling “hate” statistics?


Sorry, guys, I have to put a caption to that photo, as soon as I stop laughing.

“Hey Jeb, what do ya think that there feller is laughing at? Is my ass showing, or is my weiner hanging out?”



Jonn Lilyea

Like I have always said groups like the SPLC need racism to exist or they wouldn’t be needed. Hell how would Al Sharpton or Jesse Jackson survive if they couldn’t fly to anywhere supposed racism is going on? Would they actually have to be preachers at church like their “titles” imply?
A crime is a crime is a crime…no matter who commits it and why. I guess that some of us are more important than others.


Today’s GR Press had an article on the “militia resurgence”. In, of all places, Alaska. Tracking a militia moron from Michigan, who moved up north to Alaska. They did admit, rather lamely, that the militia had a meeting that only 20 attended, and none signed up with the militia. The SPLC supposedly identified “at least 50 new right wing militias”. They didn’t identify any of the 50 they so easily identified. Maybe they were all like the guy the profiled, and his friend, the only two who apparently belong to this “militia”. Another “think tank” analyst claims that “at least nine people” were killed by “right wing” extremists. They did not, however touch on the 2 soldiers killed in Arkansas or the 14 killed at Ft. Hood by Islamic extremists this year.
Typical lib-speak from the AP, yet again.
In another article on the PUC awarded to A Troop, 1st Squadron, 11th Armored Cav, the AP writer wrote of one Michigan trooper who was a “right gunner of a 60mm machine gun”. Does the AP even bother to ever check any of their sources? A 60mm machine gun?

Cruz Mcneal

Really nice style and design and fantastic content, nothing at all else we require :D.