Kamala Harris proposes $25,000 down and $400 monthly towards mortgage

| June 16, 2024

However, there’s a catch. To be eligible, buyers must be the first generation in their family to buy a home. Additionally, a certain group of people will receive $400 monthly towards mortgage. Harris appears to be appealing to the African American voter.

From WokeSpy:

Eligible candidates must be the first generation in their family to buy a home to secure the $25,000 grant. In addition, a “certain tranche of folks” will receive the $400 a month to help pay their mortgage costs.

The purpose of this all is pandering, of course. Harris’ pledge is catered towards Black Americans whose support she needs to help President Joe Biden secure the White House for another four years — a demographic that Democrats are increasingly desperate to hold on to. Even 15-20% of the Black vote going toward Trump would be catastrophic for them.

And it seems to have worked — at least to the audience she was directly pandering to, which applauded her racialnomics:

Immediately, there’s a problem. If you’re looking for somewhere which will be covered by the payments, then you must search hard for a property worth no more than $92,000.

Additional reading with video and tweets:

Bottomley, S. (2024, June 13). Kamala Harris wants to give first-time homeowners $25,000… But there’s a catch. WokeSpy. Link.

Category: 2024 Election, Society

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President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

And how far back are you looking to verify this “first generation in their family to buy a home”?

As far back as the baby daddy.

What if they had 40 acres and a mule after the Civil War but then got burned out and driven off by the Democrats who were in the Klan? Not everybody can be Opal Lee.

I bought a home

What if Great great great great grand daddy owned a kingdom, but when the neighbors decided they liked it better and ransacked it, raping, pillaging, and enslaving us and when we arrived in the new world we only leased our apartments, condos, and yachts? Does that still count?


Once again:
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James Woods says:
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This is the guy whose own longtime agent dumped him for not following the party line and celebrating the deliberate destruction of America.

Good on you, Mr. Woods.


I was wondering what their bribery payment was going to be this election cycle? Putting on show trials and passing out blocks of cheese at the food banks will only get you so far.


I came up with 1,616 results on Zillow in Detroit at under $92,000.

This four bedroom, three bath beauty comes predecorated with “fuck 12” graphics inside. She should be nailing the target market with this. My only question is will The Federal reserve take over the payments once the homeowner defaults on the rest of whatever it is?



Are the pit bulls included?


Found 10 homes under 70k in the cornfields where I grew up. 3 for $29,900 with 1 being a 3 bed/3 3bath 2,676 sqft house in the cornfields where I grew up in Illinois. Lowest was a 1 bed/1 bath 676 sq ft for $21,900. County has population under 17k.


edit… 1,676 sq ft

Hack Stone

Owner has already begun rehab. Rehab for meth or cocaine addiction? Hack Stone is more than confident that the homeowner used licensed contractors and everything is up to code.


Before unions took over Detroit it had been a prosperous and vital city.

Socialism always ends looking like Detroit, to some degree or another.


That looks like it was once a very nice house, and could be again. NOT in The People’s Democratic Republic of Michigan though. Too bad too. Much like California, Oregon, NY and Washington, the hard working, right leaning or at least centrists of Michigan have their lives ruled by the votes of the Free Shit Armies of the major cities of their states.


Nice brick work! The roof must be really nice to have held up for so long. With a little paint and some new appliances it might be really nice.
Wonder what they would do to it, if it were on one of those fix it up (renovation) shows?!!?


Looks like the original wiring has already been replaced at least once, didn’t see the plumbing. Stove works! I’d say it has possibilities.


Void if you got student loan foregiveness.

Hack Stone

Hack Stone is still trying to figure out how Joe Biden is circumventing IRS regulations as to (see what Hack did there?) when a loan is “forgiven”, it is now considered income and taxes must be paid on it. Of course, since Joe Biden is bitching about people not paying their “fair share” while his son illegally declares payments to strippers as legitimate business expenses, it doesn’t seem to be an issue.


Shh, that’s how they’re getting both more votes and taxes at the same time.


Hack this was all above board. The loan was not forgiven and that was a misstatement. It is actually being paid off by secret Chinese investors. I think the plan is to pay it off with art properties, such as Hunter Biden’s spit balls. 51 Business experts from China and the Ukraine have declared it perfectly legitimate.



Vladimir Putin can snack on my oh so tasty butt crack.


My understanding is that a huge International property investing conglomerate is going to back the purchases, and if the buyers should fail to pay their taxes, or mortgage (like pocketing the $400/month) than the government will compensate the conglomerate who would then be forced to maintain the property. (You know, we the people pay the company to mow the grass, and they get to keep the property rights that revert back to their parent organization.)

This company has a real history of managing real-estate investments and development around the world…something like Evergrande Group if I heard it correctly!


Meanwhile… It’s the official progressive narrative (soon to be spouted by someone we know) for the ign’ant: Right-wing opposition to the Left’s antisemitism and support of Hamas is really a plot to oppress Jewish people:

Last edited 3 months ago by Anonymous



The Nazis get upset when people call them Nazis. But if they are proud of who they are they should not be ashamed. I think they’re just mad because the cancel people got canceled. But when you set up a guillotine in the Town square, it’s only a matter of time fore your head rolls as well.

Last edited 3 months ago by 5JC

One for Antifa:
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Applies to fascists as well.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

I grew up with the antisemites from the early 1950’s into the 1970’s working for Brink’s and the Vollunteer fire company I was a member of. My last name had a lot to do with it since it didn’t sound Jewish. Got a bloody nose in a fight with 2 kids at the same time had to be around 1955,66. I think the kid asked my religion then it turned into GQ City. Went over to Cammiles house for math tutoring and her older brother with the DA Haircut and leather motorcycle jacket and says, we don’t want any Jews here. Her Mom with her Italien accent was really embarrassed over that and it was my only time at her house. In ERFD Hose 1 clubhouse sitting at the bar and the Dave tells me that his father who was in the NYANG tells him a lot of B.S. about the Jews which Dave tells me and I ask when he served in the Military and he says he never was then I unload both barrels on him and I say, Dave, I served in the US Navy and am in the NYS National Guard and I’m Jewish, My Dad served, My 2 Uncles served and another Uncle chased Pancho Villa around down Mexico way on horseback and wound up in France during WW1. My last name again didn’t reflect my religion and back then, what kind of Jew had 5 tats on his arms and was a comp shooter. Another antisemite A-Hole Volly and also an FDNY member used to talk shit to another Volly about the Jews but also used to say, but your wife is okay. She is Jewish and he wasn’t. In the rear seat of the Armoured truck and the Brink’s driver and messenger kept their antisemite talk up not realizing what my Religion was. Our across the street neighbors were Sephardic Jews and after we moved in 1954 3 blocks north, their son joined FDNY and made Lt. a couple of years later and he was assigned to The Hornets Nest which was written… Read more »


When I saw the left-wing protesters tell those at the memorial service that they wish Hitler were still alive so that the Jews would all be dead, It was good to know they were finally coming out of the closet.


I’m sure the older asshats amongst them who were protesting the GWOT and chanting ” No blood for oil!” 20 years ago are now simping for Z-Money’s Ukraine , HAMAS and chanting ” From the river to the sea….kill the Jews ”
2 decades later, unemployed behaviour is still unemployed behaviour.


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She dumb


Why buy when you can squat for squat?


Blackrock is trying to have those laws changed because it affects their bottom line as the largest owner of single-family homes in the United States, possibly the world. They have to create enough false moral outrage first.


Eliminating private property ain’t cool any more when it hurts rich Leftists’ income:
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Last edited 3 months ago by Anonymous

It’s happening here..I’m telling you my dear… It’s
happening here.


You’re going to be so surprised when they give all the property to the large corporations. Because they can do a better job of managing it that you can. I mean maybe not that surprised. Some people will be surprised.


“Because they can do a better job of managing it that you can.”

That’s what Kelo vs. New London was all about.


The gov’t will just nationalize those corporations.


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We need to ban the word “free” from our language. Everyone with a brain knows nothing is really free and the cost is born by someone. Grifters gonna grift. Ever since Roosevelt’s “New Deal” the free shit giveaway has gotten worse.


Electrons are free. Not all of them of course but some of them.


Radicals are also free but vary in degree.


When they are excited by an alternating current, they move rather rapidly, but never seem to go very far… sort of like progressive socialists.

Wrench Turner

Ban ‘free’. Or require that every use of the word ‘free’ be followed by “tanstaafl”*.
Might make some people think about hidden costs. And who pays those hidden costs (taxes).

* there ain’t no such thing as a free lunch

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Popularized by RAH “The Moon Is A Harsh Mistress” .

More of his books should be mandatory reading in school.


Freedom’s just another word for nothin’ left to lose.


It may be “knee pads” is appealing to some black voters. The illegal and legal immigrants fit this profile of having never owned a home by a first generation too. Then you have the inner city people of most demon-crat run cities that are not black. This of course sounds like a good deal for these people. Getting $25k and $400 a month toward the mortgage makes it sound like someone cares about the poor. 1600 or 2000 homes from a community is not going to be enough to help the thousand of people that could potentially qualify. The homes in that price range are going to need some work. You’re talking abandon properties in that range, maybe a couple move in ready properties. Very few of those. Only the uneducated will fall for this scheme. And there is a lot of uneducated people in this country when it comes to buying a home. Empty lots sell for $50k+ in suburban areas of big cites. It’s only a feel good program, because it’s not possible to implement in this housing shortage era.
And Happy Fathers Day to All.


One other important factor on homes that are abandoned in the inner city and are in the correct price range to quality for the program. Someone has to pay the back taxes on the abandoned property. Who’s going to pay that, because cities don’t for give taxes.


The people that buy these houses are going to keep them The minimum amount of time and then sell them to keep the money. Which means they also shortchanged their kids, because now their kids won’t be eligible for this special program.

The whole thing isn’t stupid, it’s Kamela Harris/ Joe Biden stupid.


Wish I could afford to own the house I grew up in just not in
the current neighborhood or even State.
My dad paid $8700 for it in 1947 with a VA loan.
Current asessed value is 1.25 million.
That was a typical post WW2 type of assistance.
Kamala wants post Trump type of assistance.


My dad built our house in 1971, moved in New Year’s Day 1972. Total appraisal was $24,000. It’s now 1.3 million. $300k when we sold it in 2004.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

All these price gains aren’t increase of value of the house, but decrease in the value of the dollar.

I would like to see the look on people’s faces when they sell their house for an amazing profit then realize they are going to need that “profit” to buy another place to live because everybody else’s houses have also gotten more expensive. Or have to give part of it to the gov’t.


But you are all missing the finer points of this program:
Someone owns the mortgage on all those inner city properties. They are not making money. At $25k per property and $400/month for at least a month or two until they realize they can change the autopay function back to them, Investors now have positive income, and someone to pin the back taxes on. With the property free and clear they can now bull doze the lots and build a nice new stadium for some sports team and small businesses to sell you stuff when you root for your “favorite” team! All paid by good ole Tax Payers


Always an angle to a politician doing something. Never let a bad situation go to waste.

Last edited 3 months ago by Jimbojszz

This will really appeal to the FSA members with a certain level of melanin. Of course, it would take a bill passed by Congress to implement, since the source of funds will be our tax dollars.


Nah, Joe has a pen and a phone, just like his puppet master. We don’t need no stinking congressional approval. Worked for student loans. Damn the Supreme Court, full speed ahead!


“Worked for student loans”

Dang! Beat me again.


But how black is black enough?
Are Melanesians, Negritos and Australian Aborigines considered black?
Is someone who came over from Somalia circa.1993 eligible ?


Well, it depends upon whether they are members of the Free Shit Army or want to be. There are those who are successful and also disdain the FSA.


Just continuing to prove that LBJ was right.


Was gonna say exactly this.

And many today (leftists of course, the true revisionists..) claim he never said what he did.


Another variation on the “student” “loan” forgiveness. No doubt Fauxcahontas Warren will cast her blessing on such shenanigans.


It just occurred to me that the girl was on the right track, The idea is actually pretty sound. The delivery and execution was just off.

The more I think about it this is a much better deal than the VA loan. If anybody was serious about recruiting, they can make this a benny in place of the VA loan or in combination with. Making it a contract perk for certain MOS’s, people in their thirties struggling with high interest rates, would be all over it. If a husband and wife or husband and husband or wife and wife were to take this deal, It suddenly becomes a free house, Even a decent house.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

This $$$$ is for african americans but not for conservative blacks whom concider themselves Americans and don’t use the word african american.


Wonder how many houses these POSes could buy? And all of this is from a grubermint job…

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Hack Stone

Pretty sure that John Kerry’s net worth is well north of $25,000,000, as the compensation of being for being married to Teresa Heinz Kerry is in excess of $750,000,000, and with all of that money, he registers his yacht in Rhode Island to avoid the Massachusetts taxes.


Depends on whether she was smart enough to get a pre-nuptial agreement.


Isn’t Commisar gonna chime in and say Biden is the sanest leader since Rasputin?


I think he shot his wad yesterday. I assume he’s resting now or smoking a cigarette.




Biden is America’s sanest ruler since George III


What did she get for going down on Willie Brown?




Looks like Uncle Joe is trying to scrape up enough voters to win.



Goammmit, like always I don’t qualify. Folks, never work for a living

Green Thumb



So if my family has lived in a rent-controlled NYC apartment forever then I get 25K? Probably not worth it to give up the rent-controlled apt.