Doing something about food stamp freeloaders

| March 28, 2025 | 30 Comments

Republicans want to adjust the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) to make it consistent with what is expected of a supplemental program. This includes the requirement to work as a part of being in the program. They also want to close loopholes that allowed more people on the program who otherwise shouldn’t be on the program. Would Congress be as enthusiastic on these changes as they were with changing military retirement?

From Daily Caller:

The bill would also close loopholes that have contributed to an expansion in eligible recipients and require states to share more responsibility in contributing to the program, according to background on the bill obtained by the DCNF.

The GOP lawmakers argue imposing work requirements will end “a culture of dependency” on the popular entitlement program and allow SNAP to return to its fundamental mission of providing temporary relief to Americans in financial need. Lee told the DCNF the program was not designed to be “a permanent subsidy for able-bodied adults.”

“For decades, the federal government has grossly mismanaged SNAP, loosening eligibility requirements, allowing more recipients to be exempt from work requirements, and overseeing massive fraud and abuse,” Brecheen told the DCNF. “It’s time to return to commonsense policies that promote our American values of hard work and individual responsibility.”

“Work requirements are widely supported by the American public, save taxpayer dollars, and will strengthen the program for families who really need it,” Lee told the DCNF.

Nearly two-thirds of Americans support work requirements for individuals receiving SNAP benefits, according to a 2023 poll conducted by the Axios-Ipsos American Health Index.

Eight in ten registered Republican voters told the survey they back work requirements for SNAP or Medicaid recipients.
Brecheen and Lee’s proposal to rein in the cost of the entitlement program comes as GOP lawmakers are aiming to slash trillions in federal spending to help offset the cost of the president’s tax and spending priorities Congress is currently negotiating.

More than 42 million Americans received monthly SNAP benefits in fiscal year 2023, according to USDA data. Since the 1990s, federal SNAP spending has risen from less than $20 billion to more than $110 billion, according to information shared by Brecheen’s office.

Additional Reading:

Pack, A. (2025, March 27). Exclusive: GOP lawmakers want to do something about food stamps’ freeloader problem. Daily Caller. Link.

Category: Government Incompetence, Society

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Green Thumb

No issue with this but they need to get this right and not fuck around while doing it.

Hack Stone

But what about the children. Won’t someone think about the children?

Green Thumb

Yeah. No more cheezy poofs, soda pops and smokes.

Gotta be milk, bread and cheese.


Don’t forget the peanut butter.


Butbutbut you can’t tell people what they can and cannot eat!

Simple-you don’t want to be told what you can have? Don’t take the money. Take the money? Damn straight you’ll be told what you can spend it on.


It is always about the children until it becomes the time to suck them out of the womb. Old Bill Clinton said we needed illegals because our birth rate was declining. Guess he didn’t think about the dems killing all their babies.


They sure do love the ‘ Hoover Maneuver’

Hack Stone

If these people are truly in need of food, provide them the same Lima Beans and Toast that the Army guys are being provided as a “well balanced meal”.

Green Thumb

I like lima beans!

jeff LPH 3 63-66

Great C Rat meal, Ham & Mother F–ker. Like a lottery with the C Rat carton turned upside down when carton not individualy given to one person.


Every time we were gearing up go out to the bush each man was issued the whole case of 12 meals. Boy was the garbage can full of those H & MF’rs.


Mmmmmm. Wish I had been in your Company. I have been known to actually trade peaches for H & MF’s. I still make my own, occasionally, but they are not quite the same without that shot of GAA (Grease, Automotive and Artillery) that seemed to be included.




Mr Cool was in line at the Smart and Final, he had three carts full of the good name brand stuff. He had a snap card for each cart. People were like what the hell?? I said nice and loud “3 baby mama’s” he didn’t really look at anyone after that. You know he was dealing the food out and keeping stuff for himself. This shit needs to stop.

Green Thumb

Never heard of a Smart and Final. Is it a regional chain?


In the West, commiefornia, etc

Green Thumb

Gotcha. Will have to check one out when over that way.

tavern knight

30 years ago, I with my gf & her 2 yard apes did okay on food stamps. Our monthly allotment was $400. Nutritious food was our grub- Yeah, I was the cook. Surprised my little family too. Smokes? That was Janet’s thing, not mine. Dealing with a venous stasis ulcer (inner left leg above ankle) as an VA outpatient for 7 years wasn’t fun.

tavern knight

Btw, during those 7 yrs, I was working, mostly on my feet.

Slow Joe

The more people we pay not to work, the less people that are going to work.


Had a conference in 2022 on that: “we need to do what we can to get people on benefits….”

Needless to say: the state rep didn’t not like my comments afterwards


Maybe the amount of benefits provided was directly tied to his, mmm, re election contributions coff coff. Sorry, something got caught in my throat.


That’s what she said.

Dennis - not chevy

More than 40 years ago I got called into the Colonel’s office because she heard I was not receiving what is now SNAP. I said the kid is mine and my goodwife and I will provide. I was dismissed with the warning, “I don’t like your attitude Sergeant.”

I still say if Uncle Sammy’s not in the bed when the child’s conceived, then unless something catastrophic arises, feed your own kid yourself.

Green Thumb

At least she was concerned.


I’ve worked in food stamps for the past 8 years. It is MADDENING what they allow people to get away with:

-oh, you’re a veteran of the armed forces but sucked and got an AdSep/BCD? Cool: here’s food stamps FOREVER
-oh, you’re pregnant and live with baby daddy but ARENT TOGETHER??? Cool: here’s food stamps.
-oh, it’s you/spouse/2 adult kids but one of your kids has a baby? Cool: the entire family is exempt from ABAWD (Able Bodied Adults Without Dependants)
-oh, you’re “homeless” and only use your baby mamas house for mail? Sure, here’s 292.00 a month.

Never mind the warriors who get out on Friday and apply for FNS on Monday. Like you didn’t know 4 years from the day you signed a contract what day you were getting out…

Green Thumb

Bad Conduct Discharge = Loser.


I love how the people who oppose work requirements do so by pointing out that most recipients are working.

To which I always ask “then what is the problem of requiring what they are already doing?”

Old tanker

There is a reason that Parks Officials and Game Wardens say not to feed the wildlife. It causes the critters to stop fending for themselves and become dependent on the handouts. Works the same for far too many people too.


It’s Roman. Bread and circuses.