Daily FGS

| June 17, 2024

Glock 17

Armed man shot by police officers at Houston’s Sunnyside Park, HPD says
Houston police said an armed man was shot by their officers at the park on Saturday.

Author: Cory McCord
HOUSTON — A man was shot by police officers Saturday on the southeast side, according to the Houston Police Department.

According to HPD, it happened on Comal Street near the intersection of Bellfort and Scott, at Houston’s Sunnyside Park.

Officials said officers responded to the scene after getting reports of gunfire in the area. When they got there, they found a man with a gun and told him to drop it. When he refused, two officers opened fire when he pointed the gun at them. He was hit in the leg and was stable when he was taken to an area hospital.

0 / 1 / 0

Houston hilarity and KHOU is there.

Bikini-clad barista takes hammer to customer’s windshield after he throws coffee at her
Customer, bikini barista confrontation occurred at Taste of Heaven Espresso Tuesday in Seattle

By Pilar Arias
The owner of a Seattle bikini espresso shop is defending her decision to smash a customer’s windshield with a hammer after he threw coffee at her.

The incident at Taste of Heaven Espresso was caught on camera at 3 p.m. June 11 and shared in a now-viral social media video. Emma Lee, 23, told FOX 13 Seattle it was not the first time the customer had been disrespectful, and she wants him held accountable for his actions.

What transpired on video was the culmination of a 15-minute exchange over the price of a 32-ounce coffee and 24-ounce water, Lee said. The price tag was $22.

Lee can be heard demanding the customer leave in the surveillance video posted to her personal Instagram page.

“Nobody is gonna miss you,” the man can be heard saying.

“Do you want me to throw this on you?” she asked him.

“Give it to me,” he says, before taking the two cups back.

He then pops the lid off the water and throws it at her before doing the same with the coffee. He gets back in his car while Lee pulls out a hammer and strikes his windshield before he drives off.

No Score
Fox News

BZ bikini barista! Thanks again, Gun Bunny.

If your opponent is of choleric temper, irritate him.
Sun Tzu

Category: Feel Good Stories, Guest Link

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President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

The statements “hit in the leg” and “stable” seem to be conflicting. Seems to me someone that was hit in the leg would be UNstable and fall down.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

It used to be that Kali was called the land of Fruits and Nuts. Seems that they’ve migrated (or multiplied) north to Seattle.

The “dashing” driver needs to be put on a “Do Not Serve” list, complete (if available) with picture, name, car make and model, and license plate #. Then pass that info on to other drive through coffee shops.
The Dashing Driver may soon find it difficult to purchase his daily afternoon caffeine dosage. Anywhere.
He may even have to learn to (GASP!) make his own.
Or switch to decaf. He seems a wee tad wound up.

Tox, no comment about taking a cup of coffee to a hammer fight? I’m almost certain that is not in “The Book”. Or dumbass having two (2) cups while Ms Thang had “C” Cups? How about Home boi having a “failure to communicate”, not following the instructions of Officer(s) Friendly, and ending up without a leg to stand on? And not one peep out of you in re of the plasticized abomination displayed while you are in the heart of HMS, JMB (HBHN) Territory? You know our Beloved AW1Ed does that just to irritate those of us with a temper.

You’re slipping, musta had de-caf in your cup this morning.


Yep…I know. That’s the saddest part. “Father forgive them for they know not what they do.” (ht2 A Former Jewish Carpenter)


My Glock 19 is loosing its appeal. I always preferred my Springfield 1911. I just shoot better with a .45.


Well, the article does say Glock borrowed some design features from the HiPower.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

At that time, I hadn’t even had ONE cup.


A serious question for us?


Oh fur fuck’s sake…

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

The average IQ is raised one point.
Fish are well fed for a month. (assuming it goes down (oops, did I just say that?) over water)


El Paso radio broadcast a story shortly after the infamous MacDonalds suit: sems a fella ordered breakfast and a large coffee at a competing brand’s store, but when he pulled up to the window he was wearing only a Tshirt and a hard-on and playing with himself. Supposedly the girl at the window dumped his entire order in his lap. He drove away screaming….oddly, he didn’t sue.

John Seabee

Morning heart starting and homicide reduction fluid




Well, he didn’t get it his way… unless he’s a masochist.

Last edited 3 months ago by Anonymous
RGR 4-78

I wonder if that was an Eastwing framing hammer?


I sho’nuf lubs my 17! It was my first REAL snake gun and it killed a LOT of water moccasins, ground rattlers and an occasional copperhead.

Albeit, copperheads do tend to be private and avoid Glock 17s. That cannot be said of water mocs.