Boomer’s Sunday

| June 16, 2024

Thanks again to our Usual Suspects- couldn’t do this without y’all.


Category: Guest Post, Humor, Points-and-Laughs

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Great stuff! Good morning and a very Happy Father’s Day to all!!



Hack Stone

Dat’s a good one.


Pop! Goes the weasel…


Happy Father’s day to all. And, Thanks for the smiles this morning.


First cup is on me.

The salad needs more bacon bits, that’s where you’re going wrong.

And just so y’all will know…

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She’s like a pack of chewing gum…everybody gets at piece…

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The grim reaper stepping on a rake.
That one will be with me today while doing yardwork.


It’s cool enough to do yard work where you are? I’m jealous.


I didn’t get the one about turn signals on a BMW. People in Germany don’t use turn signals on a BMW? What am I missing?

RGR 4-78

Feral packs of bicycle riders.


What’s the difference between a Hoover and a Harley??

The position of the dirtbag…


More of a CONUS thing. For some reason(s) US Beemer drivers feel that they shouldn’t have to use a turn signal. May be your AO is different, but down here, ‘specially with those drivers from the ATL AO, do not use them. Snobs/pricks (ht2 AW1Ed). Until recently, most Beemers were made in Germany. Now they have plants in 8 countries, primarily building for that local market.

  1. Germany: Eight BMW plants are located in Germany.
  2. Mexico: There’s a plant in San Luis Potosí.
  3. USA: The Spartanburg plant produces BMW vehicles.
  4. South America: Two plants are situated in South America.
  5. South Africa: Rosslyn hosts a BMW manufacturing facility.
  6. United Kingdom: There are facilities in the UK.
  7. India: BMW has two plants in India.
  8. China: Two manufacturing sites operate in China.

A “purist” BMW driver only wants one that is assembled in Germany.


“I don’t work for you.”

That moment still angers the fuck out of me. I can’t wait for this creep to be at room temperature.

Hack Stone

The only campaign promise that he kept.

George V

I like the one with the two little boys in bib overalls- “His cornbread ain’t done in the middle.” Their stance and expressions are spot on perfect imitating a couple of old gents shooting the breeze out back by the cornfield.


I have a feeling after viewing today’s funnies, Commissar will need to go to a safe space and perhaps therapy… again.:-)

A Proud Infidel®™

How many coloring books have we made him go through?

A Proud Infidel®™

Good stuff once again!


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Or.. from TAH:
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Last edited 3 months ago by Anonymous


In my old neighborhood, a two decades ago, someone wad passing fake $200 bills with W Bush on them. “Very well done for an amateur” was the money comment.

A whole bunch of businesses got burned by that creative crook.

Not to be outdone, some genius was passing $13s.

Yes. A bunch of cashiers accepted $13s.


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Because… no joke (“sponsored by AARP”) in 2024:
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Last edited 3 months ago by Anonymous

Best way to start the week


Yes it is


Now I’m prepared for that fuckface Monday.

Happy (slightly belated) Father’s Day to the dads out there.

Please do enjoy Count Dankula, especially if you’ve been a teenager for decades.

Major Tuddy

The Patriots can’t play agains the Steelers in the Super Bowl; they are both AFC.


True, but Patriots can go against Stealers. (Get it? Patriots against Stealers in the Great Super of all Super Bowls?)