Boomer’s Sunday

| June 2, 2024

The Usual Suspects came through once again, so this is their fault.


Category: Guest Post, Humor, Points-and-Laughs

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The Sunday funnies never disappoint. Thanks for the smiles and laughs.


Saw this…


I will gladly provide the rope to help Ms Thang fulfill her fantasy.

A Card Carrying, Lifetime Member of the Club, me I am.

Some were born grumpy fuckers. Some had grumpy fucker thrust upon them. Others aged into grumpy fuckerdom over the course of decades.
You are all three.” I wear our Beloved AW1Ed’s precise analysis of me as a Badge of Honor.


You trying to relieve the swelling in my wallet, SFC D? Leading me into temptation? Dragging me, kicking and screaming, into the twenty FIRST century and do some on line shopping? Mission Accomplished! Good thing I can afford an assortment of their product AND my Class VI Supplies.


Yup. Much the same reason the E8 board looked at me and said “Nope”.

Major Tuddy

No words needed.

Skivvy Stacker

The main difference being that 18 years of age means the girl is actually an ADULT WOMAN and can do as she wants. That means a 30 year old man dating an 18 year old woman is legal.
A person trying to have sex with a child is a criminal of the worst order and deserves nothing short of death.
Would you care to dispute that?
It would be a mistake.

Major Tuddy

Still creepy, though.

Just like businesses that pay only the minimum wage – they’d go lower if they could get away with it.

We agree on adults with minors, but I would exempt long-term relationships that began when both parties were underage.

Major Tuddy

Just in time for PriDEMONth. Enjoy!


Hey, fact-checker said it all.

Skivvy Stacker

This doesn’t make any sense.
Pride in what? Being wrong about human biology?


Takin’ up the butt, apparently.


The story of the people who did that at a desk in the senate office certainly got swept away rather quickly.

Major Tuddy

Speaking of freedom…

Bubblehead Ray

Well then, don’t vote for the Democrat. Problem solved. 😜

-Follow me for more helpful tips 😎


The problem will also be solved when the subjects realize their rulers hate their fucking guts.

Anyone that believes their party cares about them is the problem.

The rulers want 2 things, money and obedience. Votes are irrelevant.


Let a trans woman with a big dick share a locker room with your daughter or wife. Then come talk to me.

Skivvy Stacker

If you happen to find that party, please let me know, and I will avoid joining it. I’m a Republican and would not want to have anything to do with such a group as the one you detest here.


Turdeau is a human buttplug.
Each day I dream of one of his ‘VIP Guests ‘ running up to him and enthusiastically recommending that he visits Alan’s Snackbar

Major Tuddy

I know a guy in London who can dump Trudeau with a single word.

Last edited 3 months ago by Major Tuddy

Disney Gay Everything and scan bangs FTW!!!


Me stop speeders? That’s unpossible!


If you mis-spell dirty words writing them on the wall in college, someone wasted over a dozen years of effort and money at school and it was probably your parents.




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Last edited 3 months ago by Anonymous