Weekend Open Thread

| May 31, 2024

One of the objectives of the sham trial against Donald Trump is to get him to lose support. It speaks volumes when even those on the left, with working knowledge on the court system, see the case as being weak and indicate that a conviction may get overturned. In the aftermath of the conviction, a site where people could donate to conservatives ended up “crashing”. Folks still intend to vote for the person they intend to vote for. Enjoy your weekend!

Category: Open thread

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Commissioner Wretched

Way to go, King! I hope you find the throne room left to your liking.


A photo phinish, CW. Pappy and you were hot on the trail, but The King of Battle…THE King of FIRST endeavored…and persevered to EARN the Coveted Title of FIRST Commentor on the Vaunted TAH Friday Weekend Open Thread. How SWEET it is!

The Throne Room is in excellent Condition, my compliments to your 26 Leaden Soldiers on their Police Call. I did find a pair of Lois’ stockings but I’ll keep those as a Trophy.

As a special treat for all of the miscreanted d’weeded AND Adoreable Deplorables, this week’s ration will include Chicken & Dumplin’s, cornbread dressing, cubed beef beast, a vast amount of chicken wings, smashed taters (with gravy), bacon infused cabbages, peach cobbler with vanilla bean ice cream, the House Wine, Sweet Iced Tea, and a full compliment of the selections from The Gun Bunny’s Class Six Stores.

Belly up, Girls and Boys, plenty for all. In addition to celebrating The Return of The King, my Baby Sister, Daughter, and Grand Daughter will be here shortly for a Grand Re-Union.


Good times a-coming!


Fixin’ to open a bottle of Guinness Extra Stout to celebrate, King

Hack Stone

You beat Hack by about 2 seconds. Does the 2 seconds rule apply to This Ain’t Hell?


Only if the butter side is up.


It counts, Hack Stone but the seconds are gonna be sloppy.


KoB in Da House!

I was sitting here at 2 o’clock thinking the weekend open thread will be here in an hour and then I started working travel and some other crap and completely forgot till about 10 minutes ago and now I’m an hour after oh well.
I’m here all you shit britches.

I doff my chapeau to KOB.

Lord honorably and gently.

Now we return to your regularly scheduled program 🖕🖕🖕




A very close sloppy second, Pappy. Had to be mere nano seconds twixt the three (3) of us. Draw you and the Engineer Troops an extry ration of Yuenglings from the reefer truck parked outside the Throne Room. Taco fixin’s are percurlating lowly in the Crocket Pot.

Commissioner Wretched


Hack Stone

Can Hack Stone get first comment for Weekend Open Thread?

Magic 8-Ball says…

Hack Stone

Shit! By the time Hack’s comment hit, there were already three Deplorables ahead of him.

Commissioner Wretched

Denied once again …



Hack Stone

Aren’t we coming up in the anniversary of the Phil Monkress thread being resurrected with a request to take down the original post, soon followed by a deluge of threatening and incoherent comments from one of his flunkies in the Reston Virginia branch of All Points Logistics? That was during the Golden Age of Stolen Valor. Back then, posers knew how to pose. Badly photoshopped “service pictures”, forged DD-214’s, sock puppets, and let’s not forget the lawsuits and death threats. It’s as if they are not even trying these days.


We haven’t had a sock puppet to play with in ages.
Today’s posers are not up down to the level of those in days of yore, albeit they are nonetheless a bunch of scumbags.


We’re way overdue for a fresh chew toy

Hack Stone

The Round Ranger, Phil Monkress, Forging Frank Viscone (sp?) and of course Daniel Bernath were the “iron sights” of Stolen Valor. Go big or go Bernath.


A master class in Divert, Obfuscate and Project. I stand in awe, Mr. Stone.


Con una chingada! Close, but no cigar.



Blue Öyster Cult – Then Came The Last Days Of May

Last edited 4 months ago by TheCloser
Commissioner Wretched

With the return of the King of Battle to the coveted, honored, never given, always earned FIRST in the WOT, I step down from the throne and offer instead some freshly minted trivia. Enjoy, fellow deplorables!

How much on-screen time does the Wicked Witch of the West actually have in 1939’s “The Wizard of Oz”?
By Commissioner Wretched
Copyright © 2024

Well, folks, summer is right around the corner! Just a few more weeks of spring, and blissful summertime will be upon us.

I could go into all the reasons I like summer, but I really don’t have to, because if you like summer too, they’re the same reasons.

So let’s go ahead and get to the trivia, shall we? (If you say “no” it’s going to be a very short column.)


Did you know …

… according to reports, 33% of online daters form relationships? Additionally, 33% do not, and 33% give up. (What does the 1% left over do?)

… the average person spends about three years of their life on the toilet? (I wouldn’t touch that line with a forklift.)
… one species of deer really takes borders seriously? In Germany and the Czech Republic, a species of deer called Ahornia will still not cross the border where the old Iron Curtain once stood. The actual border came down more than 20 years ago, but those particular red deer do not cross it anyway. (Red deer? I think I know which side they stay on.)

Commissioner Wretched

… the first actor to play the same character on two different television series did so in the early 1960s? In 1963, Petticoat Junction debuted on CBS. Actor Frank Cady (1915-2012) played the role of storekeeper Sam Drucker. The show had a spinoff series called Green Acres, which premiered in 1965. Set in the same fictional town of Hooterville, Cady portrayed the same character on that series as well. Additional trivia note: Cady is also the first actor to play the same character on three different shows, appearing as Drucker in several episodes of The Beverly Hillbillies from 1968 to 1970. All three shows were created by Paul Henning (1911-2005). (In all three shows, Mr. Drucker was the only person who made any sense.)

… almost half of the American people believe in ghosts? A 2019 survey by the online site YouGov showed that 45% of Americans polled said they believe in ghosts. More than 1/3 of those polled said they have personally felt they were in the presence of a ghost or spirit. (The others wanted to know what spirit they’d been drinking.)

… obituary writers in the newspapers have their own annual awards? With tongue planted firmly in cheek, they call the awards the “Grimmys.” (Grimmys. Get it?)

Commissioner Wretched

… a classic performance in an iconic film actually had a very brief on-screen time? In 1939, MGM released The Wizard of Oz, based on the 1900 novel by L. Frank Baum (1856-1919). Of all the wonderful performances in the film, none is more remembered than that of the Wicked Witch of the West, played to sinister perfection by Margaret Hamilton (1902-1985). Hamilton’s portrayal of the Witch is so iconic, in fact, that when people think of witches today, one of the first images that comes to mind is hers. But in all of the two hour and 20 minute running time of the movie, Hamilton’s Wicked Witch character is on screen exactly twelve minutes. There were more scenes with the Witch filmed, but the producers thought them too “terrifying” and cut them out of the final print. Additional trivia note: The original notes for the Wicked Witch called for her to be a strikingly beautiful woman. However, that created a large plot hole in the script, because it played against the idea that bad witches were ugly. The actress who was first cast in the role, Gale Sondergaard (1899-1985), saw the makeup sketches and declined the part, opening the way for Hamilton’s portrayal. (“… and your little dog, too!”)

… some companies in Japan will go to extraordinary lengths to not fire an employee? These firms have what are called “banishment rooms,” places where surplus employees are transferred. There, they are given menial or useless tasks to perform, or even nothing at all to do, until the employees become depressed or disheartened enough to quit. (I hesitated to put this one in the column, since I don’t want to give my boss any ideas.)

Hack Stone

All Points Logistics has something similar to a Banishment Room. He reassigns incompetent employees to the Reston Virginia office until he needs them to commit career self-murder by defending his lies of being a Navy SEAL on military blogs. And before you can say “Spandex”, the door will fall off of his mailbox and it’s back to bankruptcy court.

Commissioner Wretched

… the first true soda pop was created in 1807? In that year, Dr. Philip Syng Physick (1768-1837) of Philadelphia combined fruit syrup with carbonated water, resulting in the first flavored soda pop. Dr. Physick called it “Nephite Julep.” The doctor had introduced carbonated water as a treatment for gastric disorders, and a pharmacist working for him provided patients with a glass of soda each day for $1.50 a month. (A good burp does wonders, I suppose.)

… a song exists that is so relaxing, authorities don’t want you to listen to it while driving? The song is “Weightless” by Marconi Union. Studies show that people listening to it have lower blood pressure, slower heart rates and lower levels of cortisol, a stress hormone. The song can even make you drowsy, which is why it is suggested that you don’t listen to it while driving. (Do me a favor and don’t listen to it while you’re reading this column, either. Thanks.)

… animals will not eat other animals that were killed by lightning? (How do they know?)

… when you see a glass of iced tea in a television commercial, you’re not seeing true iced tea? Sure, the tea may be real, but the ice isn’t. Ice cubes used in beverage advertisements are actually clear acrylic cubes, as real ice would melt quickly under the studio lights. (Ah, the fantasy of Hollywood!)

… the U.S. military air-dropped 2.4 million Kellogg’s Pop-Tarts™ over Afghanistan in 2001? The breakfast pastries were part of humanitarian aid packages sent to the people of the war-torn nation. (Pop-Tarts? No wonder they don’t like us.)

Now … you know!


Early in 2002, we’d make occasional runs between Bagram and Kabul. We’d hit two or three checkpoints run by Northern Alliance types. We’d give then a few boxes of Pop-Tarts and be on our way. Never understood why they were so big on them. Now I know!

Hack Stone

Maybe they use them as roofing shingles?


Pop-Tarts™? –
First Flavor 8920-01-400-1687 Blueberry, rest of flavors have same NSN (Except for the last 4) and they are:
1692-Brown Sugar

Featured NSN of the day:

8920-00-149-1366 Crackers, Bacon Flavored (carried on the government books since 1975)


Best thing about summer? All them Sweet Georgia Peaches you see! I like the fruit, too.

So, I got a 33% chance of scoring the affections of OAM? I’ll take them odds. They may even get better ’cause Chimpy’s chances are in the toilet and you’ll give up.

European Deer knew where the land mines on the border were. We used to watch ’em thru the spotter scopes and they’d graze right up to the warning signs.

I had the hots for the Junction Girls, Lisa Douglas and Elly May Clampett. Frank Cady was in a buncha stuff, including stage, film, radio, and TV. He was also a WWII Vet serving in the (GO) Army Air Corps (ETO). Do you a deep dive on the Cannon Ball Locomotive one day. That Train was in an ass load of pictures too.

Don’t believe in ghosts? visiting any Battlefield will change your mind. A number of them reside in the Village that FOB Hawkins Hill is located in. Several that I’ve seen personally.

Print obits have just about priced themselves out of the market lately, haven’t they. What is it, nearly $1.00 per word after the basic 50 words? That price is really grim.

I’d like to drop the house that my personal Wicked Witch stole from me on her evil ass. Or douse her with a bucket of…something.

Surplus employees or ones that they don’t want to FUBAR things? Guess if they make ’em quit, no unemployment bennies.

A True Southerner calls all “soft drinks” a “CoColer”.

Rock on as you roll on. “Turn it up!”

Do you prefer your meat microwaved (lightning) or slow roasted (forest fire)?

Everything in Hollywierd is fake and ghey. The tea is prolly either colored water or *shudder* (the HORROR!) unsweetened.

Damn a Pop Tart. Drop them some grits, red eye gravy, country ham, and a cathead. The breakfast of Champions!

Another fine job, CW! We Thank You, Good Sir.

Last edited 4 months ago by KoB

I’m just gonna drop this here for your entertainment purposes, speaking of ghost…
My wife at the time and I were in Gettysburg, taking the audio CD tour in the car. It was an October afternoon. Kind of overcast. It was probably three or four in the afternoon.
We were driving around near the Wheatfield and the peach orchard area and had a pretty flat clear line of site, and there was probably knee-high brown grass. We looked out the middle of the field and we saw a guy in a soldier uniform, (I think it was Union ) and a woman in a full period hoop skirt dress outfit I thought it was pretty cool and I pointed it out to her and we rounded the corner for a minute as we were driving down around the edge of the wood line and I thought maybe it was a photo shoot or a proposal or something like that. And just as we were talking about it, we turned and looked back and they were gone.
We were driving like 15 or 20 miles an hour, and we had a complete vision of the entire field . There is no way they could’ve sprinted in any direction for 50,75, 100 yards and disappeared without us seeing it we looked over saw them looked away for a while and then they were just gone. 100%. We both saw it and it was clear as day.
And we saw them for probably two or three minutes . 🤔😮😳


Hey, don’t know what, but somethings afoot (see 1:39):


Building 47 on Fort McNair was built in 1903, but the fort itself is the third oldest in the Army behind West Point and Carlisle Barracks, with a history including a group of British soldiers being blown up by powder dumped down a well during the War of 1812 and of course being the site of the execution of the Lincoln assassination conspirators, including the first woman to be federally executed, Mary Surratt. There are covers in the basement that seem to lead to tunnels, though no one I know of ever explored them.

Besides CQ, I never stayed overnight, but I always heard stories of apparitions wearing the uniforms of Continental Army Soldiers being seen early in the morning at times, especially on Saturday and Sunday mornings. I always thought it was odd that they’d only be seen in and around Building 47, home of the Commander-in-Chief’s Guard and drunken shenanigans. 🤨

I was running my squad around the base one day (with a two-mile perimeter, on-base runs were easy), stopping to check out all the historical markers and do calisthenics. One of the War College staff that worked in the building that housed Surratt before her execution approached and told me there was a standing offer of a steak dinner for anyone who stayed overnight. I never took him up on it but found it interesting.

I did go on a midnight run once while on CQ. I’d asked one of my Soldiers who needed to improve his run time if he was game, and he probably thought I was joking until I woke him up at 2330. We ran around McNair, including doing circles around the Surratt building, where the motion-activated perimeter lighting added to the eeriness. It would turn off as soon as you got out of range, so there was a sense of darkness chasing you. We ended up jumping in some bushes to mess with some MPs on patrol and got back to the barracks with no issue.


Top 10(ish).


Trump said it best

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Jus’ sayin’…
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Ah yes! That means “VAFFANCULO” in Italian.


Came across this as well..




As was posted here earlier…

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Last edited 4 months ago by Anonymous

I checked with all my boys last night.
Me: Still voting Trump?
Them: Yes/Hell Yeah/Fuck Yeah/Definitely now and so on…

Analysis: 100% committed


I wasn’t never not but now I’m gonna drop my pants and furiously teabag the voting machine in front of all the polling workers.




That will send a statement. When the cops show up, tell them you felt like a teabag, and your feelings demand respect.


We’ll start a go-fund-me for bail and legal fees. I’m gonna need a front row seat at your trial. I’ll bring the Shiner.


Vote early and often.


You know Democrats…


It’s not her, butttttttt she is pissed off.


It’s not her, then don’t post it.


It makes her go “REEEEEEEEEEEEE!” post it.


There’s plenty of material to work with without resorting to bullshit. You can do better.


No kidding the truth is horrible. Lying makes you look like a Democrat.


Nice ‘stache…


Maybe chip got there first, and that’s just a teabag stain.


At least you acknowledge it’s not her – but posting it at all undermines every point you’d hope to make.


Other than that’s a really pissed off woman.


Supposedly “pro-Trump websites” are being “flooded” by deranged “Trump-supporters” calling for “riots and violent retribution” after the verdict:

Ginning up a “narrative” for a crackdown and, perhaps, confiscation of certain things? (BLM rioting, looting and doing arson is “speech,” but MAGA folk expressing objection is “racist” and the end of “democracy” outright, of course.) It’s always for “the greater good” in Democrats’ view– how ’bout that anarchotyranny, eh?

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Supposedly “pro-Trump websites” are being “flooded” by deranged “Trump-supporters” calling for “riots and violent retribution” after the verdict:”

Guarantee a dollar to a doughnut the ones calling for violence are FedBois.
As Admiral Ackbar sez, “IT’S A TRAP!”

The verdict didn’t get the desired results, so their trying to gin up the expected results.


Exactly– conservatives ain’t like Antifa.

Last edited 4 months ago by Anonymous
A Proud Infidel®™

They aren’t mindless minions like liberals are.


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The media keeps pushing the story with stories citing previous stories like the “pee” dossier did:

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Stole the top pic, and made it my FB “avatar”.
Let the fun & frivolity begin with F**kZuck FascistBook.

A Proud Infidel®™

I hereby declare myself present and Unaccountable as I award myself another Honorary First.


Epstein did NOT kill himself.


CEO and Co-CEO of a company called Next Jump also charged.
They face up to 20 years.
The Admiral faces up to 30.

— Former Vice Chief of Naval Operations Robert Burke Arrested by Feds on Bribery Charges


The company wasn’t named? Why not? Not like it was hard to find.


Ah yes now I see. The Co-founder of the company is president of another company, called BWXT, that makes nuclear reactors for the Navy. I could see where that would be bad.


Anything happening with FOIA requests,
results coming back from NPRC (or elsewhere),
and military phonies way overdue for some unwanted attention,
to be busted and exposed?

My reason for asking….
In the past 15 months,
I put in 5 FOIA requests (2 in 2023, 3 in 2024),
and as of 3 days ago, ALL 5 are in my hands.

The LONGEST of the 5 (FEB / APR 2024) took (only?) 80 days.
The SHORTEST of the 5 (JAN 2024) was in my hands in (only!) 15 days.
The most recent took 54 days.

Surely I am not the only VG reader here itching for some full blown
attention seeking military phonies and Stolen Valor turd types getting the overdue and unwanted national attention they so (richly and/or poorly) deserve.

Last edited 4 months ago by MarineDad61

Allow me to assist.


Yeah, just for your amusement. I think I’ll drop this right here..

You can’t argue with statistics and facts and algorithms and math.


It’s a sad day when Trumps popularity surpasses boobs.


Several more inches of rain since last WOT. GB Compound Housing Units are still dry, and the road repairs are holding.

A real hazard now is falling trees. Went into town for some supplies, and there was only the top of one tree across the road. On the return trip I managed to make it just as the road crews had cleared an 8″ pine from across the road – some 20-25 vehicles waiting behind it. So far, thank God, no one has been injured/killed in our general AO. Some folks just got their power back after the storm 3+ days ago.

My little crisis has resolved itself nicely – thanks for the prayers.

3May was my 2-year anniversary of my last radiation treatment. Saw the radio-oncologist this week and he is very, very happy with how I’m doing. PSAs are good, and testosterone is at the levels of a man 20-25 years younger.
God has been gracious to us.
May He be gracious to all of you this week!


Very good news, all around, Graybeard! Thanks for the update.


Texas Flood, Stevie Ray Vaughn & BB King


Five Feet High and Risin’, Johnny Cash

Either would be apropos of this past month in Texas.

Hack Stone

We need common sense Food Court legislation. People can go into shopping malls and buy cinnamon rolls with no background checks.



And we’ve got to get rid of those un-serialized ghost rolls!


How soon before ghost peppers are illegal.


When ghost peppers are outlawed…


…only outlaws will have heartburn

Last edited 4 months ago by Eggs
Hack Stone

With tweets like this, how is the Department of Defense not meeting their recruiting goals?



PTSD from finding two guys celebrating PRIDE month in the barracks shower? I’d be upset.

Last edited 4 months ago by Anonymous

Many folks are wondering if the crypto-commie Venezuelan judge will sentence Trump to jail time. I predict he will, but more importantly, I predict he will order him to home confinement somewhere, so as to prevent him from campaigning while his appeal is pending. The entire objective of this massive lawfare op was to take him out as a candidate. Hope I am wrong about this.


The good news is, you have an exceptional track record at being wrong.

And the judge, who is an American, was born in Colombia.


Oh boy.

Fake Marine, never served a day, exposed by his WIFE.
Check out the phony ribbon rack, that includes a Bronze Star with some type of device, and a Purple Heart.

A turd that could use a VG article.
Easy for anyone to verify everything at this link with the wife.
She provides contact details.

I’ll get my popcorn ready.
