Donald Trump found guilty on all counts

| May 31, 2024

The jury convicted Donald Trump of all 34 counts of falsifying business records. Each count can result in up to 4 years of prison, for a maximum of 136 years in prison. Given Donald Trump’s age, this would amount to a life sentence. Sentencing will be held on July 11, 2024, at 10:00 a.m. This is just days from the start of the Republican National Convention.

From Fox News:

Moments after the verdict was delivered by the jury, the former president spoke to reporters in the hallway outside the courtroom.

“This was a disgrace. This was a rigged trial by a conflicted judge who was corrupt as a rigged trial and disgrace. It wouldn’t give us a venue change,” Trump said. “We were at five percent or 6% in this district, in this area. This was a rigged, disgraceful trial.”

Trump said “the real verdict is going to be November 5th by the people.”

“And they know what happened here and everybody knows what happened here,” Trump said. “You have a Soros backed DA and the whole thing.”

He added: “We didn’t do anything wrong. I’m a very innocent man. And it’s okay. I’m fighting for our country. I’m fighting for our Constitution. Our whole country is being rigged right now.”

Trump said that the case was “done by the Biden administration in order to wound or hurt an opponent, a political opponent.”

“And I think it’s it’s just a disgrace. And we’ll keep fighting–we’ll fight till the end and we’ll win because our country’s gone to hell,” he said. “We don’t have the same country anymore. We have a divided mess. We’re a nation of decline, serious decline.”

Additional Reading:

Singman, B. (2024, May 30). Trump guilty on all counts in New York criminal trial. Fox News. Link.

Category: 2024 Election, Donald Trump

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Georg’s happy:
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Last edited 4 months ago by Anonymous

Gone…its all gone.

Major Tuddy

Lighten up, Francis. 🙄😑🤦🏻

I saw that same meme with dozens of other dates. January 20, 1997/2009/2013/2021.

America is a tough, resilient nation. We’ve survived worse. President Biden is old and won’t live much longer anyway.

Personally, I suspect that this meme was made by some bitter old boomer who’s all sore that the world is changing, and will continue even after his passing.

Seriously, better days are ahead. Go outside, get some fresh air, touch some grass. Maybe go on a bicycle ride or something like that. Treat yourself to Five Guys for supper.

Bubblehead Ray

I don’t think that’s going to work out like they planned.


Murphy’s Law, you know.

Bubblehead Ray

I don’t think that’s going to work out like they planned.

Bubblehead Ray

Sent to me by a friend.


But they are letting violent law breakers out constantly and consistently.


I’m sure that the little communist talking head will be here shortly talking about “what a great day in America this is”!!! STUPID!!!!!!!


The downfall of America shall continue — I dare say it may have even gained some momentum.

Leftists everywhere and their useful idiot followers rejoice.

USMC Steve

It is far past time to go kinetic.

AW1 Rod

Ready when you are.

553rd CICO

Now watch for Antifa thugs in MAGA hats. False flag events galore.


Least it means Commissar will having something to do, since that’s his crowd.


It’s almost guaranteed


yup,, Moon Bat inbound!



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If they can do it to Trump, they can do it to you. Noticing the pattern yet?

So you’re saying that if I’m credibly accused of crimes, I will be afforded the right to a speedy trial by a jury of my peers according to State law?

Is the Constitution now a bad thing?


Jawohl, comrade! (For y’all, it certainly is.)

Down south when a white woman got killed and police arrested to first aimless young black dude around, that guy got indicted, convicted by a jury of good ol’ boys and sent to prison/hung because “he must’ve done it” (whether he actually did it or not), and that was “legal” too. Same things here– at the hands of Democrats, too.

Now, you’re gonna say “they followed the legal process”… well, everything Hitler did was legal, too– “we were only following orders,” you known. Bragg got enough votes to indict and to convict and that’s all– you assume they did it because concrete evidence itself (and not anything else) drove that.


Yes, you will be afforded that. Donald Trump was not.


I’m not so sure you will be.its all different now! Congrats Dems. You won something. Not sure that you’re gonna like what you “won”!


Which crimes? The state misdemeanors past the statute of limitations? An unspecified federal crime (juror’s choice), “according to state law”?


My understanding is that the misdemeanors, when done in furtherance of influencing an election, become a felony per New York Election Law section 17-152, as detailed in the jury instructions.

And the statute of limitations was not exceeded, per Executive Orders from then-Governor Cuomo in 2020 and 2021, which the judge noted when he rejected the claim. ( Source: )

I’m no lawyer, but I do know how hard it is to get 12 people on a jury to agree that the evidence is beyond reasonable doubt. I would’ve actually put money on it going the other way, since I expected a hold out or two – as did Trump, apparently.


What was the “underlying crime” and what is “influencing an election “? Some rando on X explains:


And here’s where things get fuzzy, certainly.

I’m not a lawyer, and not trying to claim the law is crystal clear, but just that the DA presented a case with one understanding, and the jury found guilty by that standard.

It’s pretty clear there are different perspectives on whether FECA was violated. In fact, the judge said as much when he restricted Smith’s testimony – that it would become a ‘battle of experts’ each offering contradictory legal interpretations. So, the jury was tasked with determining whether he knowingly violated it -not an easy bar, in my opinion!- and they did.

I will add that if Smith is correct, I don’t understand how the FEC did find that AMI (David Pecker’s company) violated FECA by paying her off:

I loathe Trump. He’s an idiot and a conman. I have no real doubt that he slept with Stormy, and paid her hush money. But I have no idea outside of the jury’s ruling on the applicability of these laws. Since my view is that it’s really fucking hard to get 12 people to prove something beyond a reasonable doubt, I’m willing to give them a bit of latitude.

Having said all that, though, I can also say that if he was wrongly convicted of these, I hope he gets justice and the people responsible for misusing the law face consequences.


Federal Employees Compensation Act??

I don’t think Trump was even accused of violating that.

“It’s pretty clear there are different perspectives on whether FECA was violated.”

There may be different perspectives, but there is NO indictment or conviction anywhere. Perspective same-same opinion; not relevant here.

“the jury was tasked with determining whether he knowingly violated it”

When he wasn’t even charged with violating it? Why not “task” the jury to try him for burglary while they are at it?


The Federal Election Campaign Act is also called FECA:

Trump wasn’t charged with that (sorry, my mistake – again, I’m not a lawyer), but the defense wanted to have Smith testify that he didn’t violate the law here. And the judge felt that would get into dueling expert witnesses. Whether that’s the right call or not, I can’t say.

What is odd to me, as a non-lawyer, even if I recognize there are differences in the details, is that the FEC -of which Smith is a former chair- said that the payments from AMI violated FEC rules. So why are hush-money payments to one person a violation, but to another not?

All of which is to say I don’t see the fact that he couldn’t testify to that aspect of things a ‘slam dunk’. In all likelihood, the prosecution could’ve then called in the current FEC chair to say they felt the payments to McDougal were problematic.


“Trump wasn’t charged with that…”

Of course not. You cannot try someone in a state court for violating a Federal law. Also, they would have had to prove Trump violated that law. Instead, the indictment assumed he was guilty of violating that law to get around that inconvenient necessity.



“per New York Election Law section 17-152”

Only says the alleged offense is a misdemeanor; nothing about promotion to felony.

In any case, the statute of limitations for misdemeanors in NY state is 2 years, several years before (election was 2016) Covid and any extension of statutes of limitations. Felonies other than rape, etc. must be commenced within 5 years.
( section 2 c).

I am not a lawyer, either, but I don’t think Federal laws are enforced in State courts.

Have those jury instructions been released? Maybe now the jury has a chance to read them.


Here are the jury instructions:

They certainly had a chance to read them in court, in addition to hearing them read.

As for the statute of limitations, you’re correct that it is typically 5 years for a felony, but was extended, as I mentioned above, in 2020 and 2021 by then-Governor Cuomo, thus allowing them to just fit in under the deadline.

And, again, law is not my strong suit — the charges (‘falsifying business records’) occur in either the second degree (a misdemeanor) or the first degree, the latter of which is a felony. That happens when the falsification is done with intent to commit or conceal another crime, in this case, NY State Law 17-152.

You can certainly argue it’s a stretch, but it doesn’t violate the letter of the law.


“They certainly had a chance to read them in court,”

Not from what I have read.

“intent to commit or conceal another crime”

Something the prosecution didn’t bother to even attempt to prove. Instead, they just declared that Trump had committed that crime.


Good …..he deserved it.

*runs* 😝

Now that we have that out-of-the-way, This is 100% Necessary.

I don’t mean to be conspiracy theorist, but I think this is part of the plan for them to completely stripped down. Show their ass spin around show their ass again do a backflip and show their ass. The Democrats the deep state, the liberals progressives, the socialists, and communists.
I think this is part of the greater long-term for DS plan to strip clean everything expose it with the brightest light possible so that we can get the cancer surgery the whole thing burn it down and fix it and start over.


They have now opened Pandoras box. Let us hope the conservative DA’s take the ball and run with it. Murder has no statute of limitations, Obama and holder murdered Brian Terry. Hillary bought a fake dossier to change an election etc etc etc.


Cheers! Criminal politicians should be charged.

Corruption is rampant.

Unfortunately, most mechanisms of political corruption are legal.

Because a corrupt congress determines what is or is not illegal.
And refuses to even introduce bills that deal with the modern era of political corruption.

And a corrupt Supreme Court interprets the meaning of previously passed corruption laws such that they have continuously narrowed the legal definitions to the extent that they are meaningless in actual practice.


I’m with you commissary! Like when Ted Stevens was dealt with.

In 2008 Senator Ted Stevens (R) was indicted for fraud by a Federal Grand Jury. He was found guilty at trial of making false statements. He was only the 5th Senator in US history to be convicted by a jury. Barack Obama called for him to resign. Stevens claimed prosecutor misconduct. He did not resign and ended up losing his Senate race. He went down proclaiming his innocence.

In 2009 an FBI employee blew the whistle and presented evidence that FBI agents had conspired to withhold exculpatory evidence. Eventually his case was thrown out for prosecutor misconduct because he was innocent all along. Stevens died not long after. If Stevens hadn’t been framed by the FBI and stayed in office we would never had Obama Care.

Let’s not forget that magnet of corruption Bob McDonell.

n 2014 Gov Bob McDonell (R), of Virginia was indicted by a Federal Grand Jury on corruption charges of selling his office. He was the first governor of Virginia to ever be indicted on Federal Charges. Because he was under indictment he could not run again in 2014 and was forced to leave office. The trial put their personal life on full display. In 2015 and he was found guilty. He was sentenced to two years in prison.

In 2016 the Supreme Court of the United States agreed to hear the case on appeal. A unanimous opinion overturned the case stating he had been convicted for essentially doing his job. The DOJ refused to retry the case but it cost McDonell the governorship and $27,000,000. Because the FBI framed him we were able to flip Virginia Blue and it has stayed that way ever since.

But the worst was Eric Greitens. He was totally a bad man.

Hack Stone

Point of Order, in the Commonwealth of Virginia, you can serve only one term as Governor. One and done, then it is off to your next career as a talking head on the Sunday morning talk shows.


I think you serve more than one term but they can’t be back to back.


Nope, Hack is correct. Although you can be Lt Gov as many times as you get elected too. Which is kind of odd. Who would want to be #2 forever?

Hack Stone

We’ve always considered Phil Monkress as a #2.

Green Thumb


Phil Monkress = Manhole Inspector.


How much does it pay?

Legally, I mean.


Fair enough, I was mid-rant. Normally they move on to the Federal level or try to.


In 2013 Time magazine named him one of the 100 most influential people in the world. That was too high of a target on the radar to miss.

In February of 2018 Governor Eric Grietens (R) of Missouri was indicted by a Grand Jury for felony invasion of privacy offenses. These were based upon photos that did not exist, no evidence and no witnesses. Just the word of some hair dresser.

Because of the seriousness of the charges the Congress of Missouri called for his resignation in early May. Grietens agreed and resigned. Later an FBI Agent was also found to have perjured himself and this was concealed from the defense. The charges were then dropped. Grietens political career was over.

If the FBI hadn’t of framed him he might have ended up as President! There is no way to allow that to happen in the justice system.

Then there was the worst of all time. We had to do four cases because he had so much money.

President Trump (you can stop me if you have heard this one before).

I fully invite fact checking.

Every single word I wrote above is the truth (except the Va Gov running again). It is a pattern of corruption. It is disgusting, and anyone who supports it is corrupt as hell, including you. We have moved way past coincidence and the only people who would believe this isn’t active lawfare are simps, stooges and collaborators.

Last edited 4 months ago by 5JC
Green Thumb

Let’s give him 20 years for hush money for sex!

Think that is fair?


Of course. Dildohead was trained to believe so by the Berkeley Marxists… errrrrr… “professors.”

Guy’s celebrating the downfall of this country from his Oakland slum as we speak with no forethought whatsoever given to what this really all means going forward.


Trump was monumentally corrupt.

The fact that he was committing crimes as part of his election campaign was just a drop in the bucket of his rampant corruption.

Unfortunately, most of his corruption in office was either legal, or not enforced because it was up to congress to hold him accountable for it.

He violated the Emoluments clause his entire time in office.

In total US taxpayers paid Trump at least $2.5 million and foreign officials paid at least $8 million to Trump for use of his facilities during official visits.

This does not include the estimated millions a year he received from foreign governments that were renting empty and unused space at Trump properties during his entire term.

Foreign officials and dignitaries constantly stayed at Trump properties to please Trump. In fact they felt that had to stay at his properties to avoiding pissing Trump off during visits.

He frequently held official events at his properties and billed the American people.

He rarely used Camp David and instead elected to use his resort facilities so he could charge the American people his inflated places to house all official staff, and dignitaries, and his security details.

He stayed at his properties in the UK during foreign Trips. Again facilitating public wealth transfers to himself.

And gain, the fact that Foreign countries were renting space in Trump properties while not using them as a mechanism to make monthly cash transfers to Trump.

The Saudi’s Bailed out Kushner and a Ivanka to the tune of $2,000,000,0000. Trump gave the Saudi’s everything they wanted during his time in office.


$10 million out of a net worth of $7 Billion? From a guy that has business interests all around the world? I would tell you how stupid you sound but… You wouldn’t understand.

Of course Trump worked with the Saudis. He was trying to make the Abraham Accords then FJB completely f***** it up.

Last edited 4 months ago by 5JC

“most of his corruption in office was either legal…”
I’d just like to point out that if it’s legal, it’s not corruption…
Now, moving on. Out of all those “corruption” examples you give, why were there no indictments? If it’s so blatant, why no investigation? As always, I’ll wait.


But he thinks Biden and his family are shiny clean! Biden shows his corruption to our face and the. Laughs.

Now that presidents can be indicted, let’s see the cases come in on Obama (“I Don’t need Congress as long as I have a phone and a pen”), Clinton (statistically, you’re more likely to be killed by a Clinton then by a scary black rifle), Bush and the current POS sitting in the Oval Office.

Now that you can be charged and prosecuted before the jury, and the legal experts even know what the crime was. Then found guilty for committing a crime-less crime. That had no victims. But you can beat the shit out of a LEO and be free to go.


It’s good to be a Democrat, comrade!


They think it is!!!! Let’s see how happy they are later


How that usually goes.


Easy with the facts there D, we don’t want him to run off into the woods all scared like last time.


The reason is because he just makes this shit up or reads it in Huffpo or The D-rat Underground.


” As always, I’ll wait.”

Heh. As in “Waiting for Godot”.


Trump became President so people JUST so diplomats would stay at his hotels. Office rental fees will sway policy in the Middle East? The House of Saud has more money than the rest of the world. No fucking way you can be that dumb. I notice you’re oblivious the Quid pro Joe and Hunter flying on AF2 to ink deals in Ukraine, China, and elsewhere as Joe just happens to be the administration’s lead man in those countries as well. No? I mean you’re against corruption, right? Oh, with Joe its (D)ifferent.

Last edited 4 months ago by HT3

Ummmm?????? I’m thinking that he CAN be THAT DUMB!!!!


Committing crimes, same crimes as Bill Clinton that weren’t against the law back then either.

The “victims” in Trumps case all MADE $ from their dealings and say they will do business with him again.

If the hush money was election interference, I’m curious of whose campaign was gonna be hurt by Trump’s LAWYER, paying off some skanky Ho? I would think it would affect HIS campaign!!!

But you run on back to MSNBC and get the next word salad and then run back here so that you can educate all of the backward hicks here!

Your a fraud and a disgrace!!!

Green Thumb

You still did not address the question.


“In fact they felt…”

All that and a mind reader too!


That’s what clinton got for paying off Paula Jones, wasn’t it??? Well, wasn’t it???


Including Democrats?


Of course not. They’re (D)ifferent…

As NYC descends into an apocalyptic hellscape of violence, rape, and murder, the words of a perjurer and professional cumbucket can convict the leading candidate and the next President of paying for legal services. What??? The irony of the whole matter is the DemoKKKrats are interfering with the current election by charging Trump with interfering with the 2016 election. The same election in the Clinton campaign was busted for by buying/paying for the Steele Dossier while trying to interfere with that election. Its all ridiculous farce of case and even leftist legal experts know this will be overturned. I know the Commissar is running victory laps in his pinko panties, but I know he’ll be MIA when Trump wins. The bar has been set, and going forward every candidate and anyone in their inner circle will now be prosecuted for every and any thing their opponent can pick. The Democrats set the precedent, and they will burn at the stake. when Trump returns on Jan 2025, my first target is Garland and Bragg for 2024 election interference, and the 51 “intel” professionals & the media types for Hunter Biden laptop hoax in 2020. This is the they want to play it from now on the GAME ON.


I think New Yawk Shitty is headed toward Snake Plisken territory. Thankfully, I will never spend a minute there again.


F*ck that place– and my family’s from there– I’ll say.


“Criminal politicians should be charged”.

You’re partially correct. ALL politicians suspected of criminal acts should be investigated, charged if necessary, and tried in a fair court. Not just the politicians you don’t like or that you view as a threat to your political favorite. You’re among the screaming hordes claiming Trump will destroy democracy, all the while wiping your ass with the constitution of the United States to accomplish your goals. You swore an oath as an officer. It obviously meant nothing to you. Selective justice is not justice, it’s retribution. GO ahead, celebrate this “court’s” decision. What you should be doing is mourning the demise of the American justice system, which has descended into nothing but a political machine. Now go play with your antifa buddies.


The useful idiots wl be the first done away with once they are no longer needed. I guess that is ignorant bliss!!

Congratulations commies! Can’t wait for you all to reap what you sewed!


That’s what those people forget; nobody likes idiots, so when you are no longer useful,…..


I’m voting for the innocent man…TRUMP. The guilty one is in the WH now. Let’s show FJB the door Nov 5th.


Can’t wait for the day that career grifter and lying scumbag is stinking up a box six feet under. Won’t be but a year or three before we see that courtesy of nature and the good lord.


Here’s my surprised face:


Live: Trump holds press conference after trial conviction


Democrats done lost folk (c’mon, Lars, tell us this guy’s a MAGA white supremacist):

Last edited 4 months ago by Anonymous

He is one rando on X evidence of anything?

And you don’t need to be a racist to vote for Trump or join his cult.

You just have to be stupid or easily brainwashed by dumb shit being posted on X.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

Good afternoon my Conservative friend Commissar and welcome back with your socialist shtick act. Very good, your act is like a sore pecker, you can’t beat it. My BP always stays the same when your on the blog.


 one rando on X”… Is that one of the new talking points? I’ve seen you use it multiple times the last few days, and have seen it elsewhere too. Amazing the hive “mind” you all share..


That one came down from Party HQ as a bullet point in the Party Line. Every good commie has to repeat the Party Line.


The “rando on X” makes far more salient points than you ever have.


You should go back to a 4th grade grammar class.

Trump has to be the leader of the biggest “cult” in history.

You’re a fraud!!!!


Even media Trump-haters think it was a bad move for Democrats.


House Democrat urges gov Hochul to pardon Trump for good of the country:


RFK, Jr. now on Democrats’ case for going there with the lawfare BS:

Last edited 4 months ago by Anonymous

Even former IL Democrat gov Rod Blagojevich (jailed for corruption) slams Democrats for destroying rule of law:

Last edited 4 months ago by Anonymous

Democrats deny they helped Trump and insist “convicted felon” will dissuade voters and that he’s polling higher now don’t mean diddley:

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Last edited 3 months ago by Anonymous

Even a senior CNN legal analyst doesn’t approve and says “a guilty verdict doesn’t make it all pure and right”:


USA Today opinion piece says case should never have been brought at all:


Marco Rubio now on Biden and Demorats about all this:


RFK, Jr.’s keeping up the “banana republic” criticism:


She had better hurry before it gets reversed by a real court, if they can stop laughing long enough.


Trump is lying when he says he was not allowed to testify in the trial.

He could testify but he didn’t want to. Defendants always have a right to testify in their own defense. Few choose to do so. Guilty ones almost never choose to do so.

When the Trump organization was criminally charged as a corporate entity for financial fraud…Trump was subpoenaed. He could not refuse to testify because it was his corporate personhood on Trial, not himself. During his “testimony” he pled the fifth more than 440 times.

His CFO was also convicted of perjury for lying to protect Trump.

The Trump organization, Trump’s corporate personhood, was convicted of years of financial fraud and dissolved.

In a separate case Trump was found to have fraudulently used his charities to settle business debts, make personal payments, tax shelters, and fund his campaign. Instead of being charged for these crimes he agreed to a civil settlement of a fine of $2 million and no longer being allowed to run or be on the board of a charity in the state of New York.

Trump does not testify because Trump is a career criminal.

Last edited 4 months ago by Commissar



I might steal this. Thanks.


What’s to steal? — it’s literally right off your LinkedIn page, dude.


It wasn’t before, but it is now.


Beavis would be better:
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A Proud Infidel®™

IMHO Beavis has truckloads more brains and common sense than Commissar Moonbat does.


He is now for sure. I totally get it, it was the only way to stop him.


They can’t beat on the merits of their offer, so get him legally… totally not a d*ck move. /sarc

Last edited 3 months ago by Anonymous

Been a lawyer long?


Identify as a leftist at UCB and you are automatically guaranteed a degree, so…. yeah, probably a little while.


He has zero qualms or skills as a lawer. No diploma no bar membership.


That should say quals not qualms. But the commie cuttlefish has no qualms either.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

Allen Dershowitz liberal Dem.Lawyer on Newsmax online this morning says that Pres. Trump should fire his lawyers.


Next guy in court?


Well, that’s how we do things now! The Ds will never do it and the Rs are to chicken shit and afraid of missing out on their table scraps.


Exactly, the R’s need to grow a pair, and quickly..


Look at him! What did he get from her?


Easy answer, multiple BJ’s at the Resolute Desk and cigars with a unique aroma.


Uh, the picture is of Paula Jones, not Monica Lewinsky.


Paula got paid better.


I don’t know. Monica seems to have made something of a career out of her relationship with “the big guy” (was he, really? We know he was ‘bent’ (Peyronie’s disease poster boy), but was he ‘big’? ). HBO special(?), line of ‘designer’ handbags, kneepads, etc. And what price do you put on the fame and glory?


She was gonna get the fame (or infamy, YMMV) anyway, she might as well get the glory and the money too.


“When given a lemon….”. I actually have some sympathy for her. She was definitely playing out of her league.


In court next week?


“I have a little list, of those who won’t be missed…”

“Ko-Ko” Clinton








There has been more than 10,000 people charged with falsifying business records in the state of New York in the last ten years.

Ten thousand people.

Those of you claiming this is not a crime, or nobody else is charged for this, or this is just politically motivated are just buying into bullshit excuses for Trump’s criminal activity.

Jail and prison time are common sentences for falsifying business records.

This judge has made it clear he doesn’t want to send Trump to jail.

Fines and probation is the most likely outcome.

Especially since Trump is still technically a first offender. Despite a career of criminal activity. Most of which was revealed by document leaks and witness statements after the statutes of limitations.

However, taking responsibility for a crime impacts sentencing.

If Trump continues to spend the next five weeks attacking the system, saying the trial was rigged, attacking witnesses, attacking the jury, attacking the DA, attacking the state of New York, attacking court officials and their families….

I don’t see how the judge does not give him at least some jail time. Especially given thousands of those convicted for the same statutes have been sent to jail or prison in New York.


Again, the point most of us keep flogging you with is that this case had absolutely nothing to do with prosecuting a crime, real, perceived, or imaginary, and everything to do with keeping Trump out of the Whitehouse. You’re so blinded by your hatred of Trump that you refuse to see that the prosecutor and judge were so far beyond biased that their acts were malicious retribution against a President they didn’t like, and the entire case from start to finish was blatant election interference. Their case was based on Trump attempting to sway an election. If the State of New York prosecutor and judge do exactly the same thing the defendant is accused of, then their collective asses should be sitting right next to him in court.


Guy raised $34 million overnight. I don’t think this is gonna have the outcome the marxists thought it would…


Praying for 4 more years. I hope that many people out there that wanted a Democrat have found buyers remorse.

SOME, will blindly follow anything and everything fed to them by anyone with D behind their name and the corrupt MSM. Almost like a cult, or something!


Now it is $52 million.


Color me fascinated. What is the source of your numbers? If you don’t post anything I’m gonna go ahead and call you for talking out of your ass. I’m doing it now to save internet space.

Last edited 4 months ago by 5JC
A Proud Infidel®™

I can’t wait to hear his head explode when DJT gets reelected, I will SO savor that moment. Yes, I think every time they persecute Donald Trump his support grows because they see just what a filthy third world whorehouse our government has become.

Last edited 4 months ago by A Proud Infidel®™

Simpsons taught me over 30 years ago that if you want something to go away (the giant advertising mascots that came to life and began destroying Springfield) you had to IGNORE them to make them go away. Remember the jingle? “Just don’t look! Just don’t look!” And they all dropped dead.

The Dems done fucked up bad.


Source? He don’t need no steenkin’ sources.


During “Slick Willie’s” impeachment investigation there was testimony before Congress from a number of people who did prison time for lying under oath about having sex.

It’s called “selective prosecution”.


They will be afraid but it is my experience that when the people ask questions that are not in their own best interest they should simply be told to keep their minds on their labor and leave matters of the state to the state. (see below)

Ladies & Gentlemen, we are now vassals.

Are you not full up?

Prepare“, or die.

Last edited 4 months ago by Roh-Dog

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Sam’s Garden Accessories out in The Sooner State has still got a goodly selection of Freedom Seeds at reasonable prices…MPS is promoting #10 cans of long term storage stuff. As for me…We’re putting The Band back together…”Join under The Flag…with yore musket and your bag…we gotta break ties with the despots to be free…”
comment image


I would be happy to make my way South to join the New Rebs. Just help us take out our trash afterwards 😁
You should be home in time for dinner.


Be Proud to have you. Welcome South Brother. We’ll leave the light on for you, take your trash out, AND cook the dinner.


Cheers! We need to restore sanity, law, order and actual justice to our nations.
Next time it won’t be Blue on Gray, it will be the Marxist-Pedo LGBTNKVD vs Normies who are done with their shit!


Excellent viewpoint found here:

Read it, Commissar. You might learn a thing or two about the reality of this whole mess.


First, he’s digging through the dictionary to find what this word “reality” you’ve used means.

Last edited 4 months ago by Deckie

He tends to reject others’ reality and substute his own, at that.


Read it, Commissar. You might learn a thing or two about the reality of this whole mess… Anything over 2 paragraphs he’s liable to get “severe lip cramp”.


“severe lip cramp”

Well done, sir. Brought tears to my eyes.


“When ignorance is bliss, ’tis folly to be wise”.

Commissar is a very happy guy; why would he ruin it with so-called “facts”?

AW1 Rod

I usually try to give everyone the benefit of the doubt, but I’m sorry, Lars. You are simply too fucking stupid to grasp just how fucking stupid you are.


I am so much smarter than you serfs that I went BALLS DEEP FOR BERNIE once!


Old tanker

I’m only surprised the jury found guilty on all 34. Of course the media has been on a 48 hour celebration since the verdict. In order to support biden, I expect the judge to sentence Trump to prison on at least a few of the charges in order to prevent him from campaigning or going into office after the election.

Even the blue media has said prison time is not normal for first time offenders in cases like this but now they have the option of sealing the election without having to find new ballots in the middle of the night.

It doesn’t matter if the convictions are reversed as the appeal has to go to the NY Court of Appeals and or Supreme Court. I expect the judges to drag their feet on hearing the appeal until after the election. Just to keep him out of office.


I have never seen a routine appeal in a high population state that did not take over a year to be decided and the decision to become final. Usually there are multiple delays and time extensions granted. Just preparation of the trial transcript will likely take at least two or three months. I once conducted a trial that ran for six weeks. There was an appeal to the intermediate appellate court. It took four months to get the transcript and the required clerk’s record so that the parties’ attorney could start their briefs. Plus, post-trial proceedings took another two months. Any reversal of this verdict/judgment will not occur until long after the election in five months.


So I guess that old saw “Justice delayed is justice denied” doesn’t apply after the initial conviction process? We are entitled to a “speedy trial”, not necessarily “speedy justice”.


Some death penalty appeals, such as those in Commiefornia, have been pending for over ten years.


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🦘🦘 Hippity Hoppity, Bye Bye Democracy

Last edited 3 months ago by RCAF-CHAIRBORNE

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