Daily FGS

| June 1, 2024

Kel-Tec SU-16

16-year-old fatally shot during robbery attempt in south Fort Worth, police say

A 16-year-old was shot and killed while attempting to rob someone at gunpoint Wednesday night in south Fort Worth, police said.

Officers responded to the 9200 block of St. Martin Road around 8:45 p.m. They found the teen lying on the ground with gunshot wounds to the upper body. The person responsible for the shooting told police the juvenile had a handgun and tried to rob them. There was a struggle over the gun, and the gun went off, the victim told police.

The teen, who has been identified as Matthew Henry Crawford, by the Tarrant County Medical Examiner’s Office, died in the emergency room of John Peter Smith Hospital from a gunshot wound to the chest.

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Fort Worth Star-Telegram

A promising career as a thug cut short, sad.

Fun With Tasers or “Hey that’s my fence!”

Thanks to our own Gun Bunny and Old Tanker for the links.

Show me the man and I’ll find you the crime.
Lavrentiy Pavlovich Beria

Category: Feel Good Stories, Guest Link

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Not very many other places to put this, but this will make you feel good if you’re a tank freak and a video game freak or neither of the above.
Anybody wanna jump on board?!?

Where’s KoB, I know Artie isn’t Tank, but he can retrain his MOS

“ A group of friends have made an authentic tank simulator using a racing wheel, VR headset, and a hydraulic cylinder to play World Of Tanks.”



Chimpy, we Gun Bunnies generally referred to tanks as “targets”, tho it is nice to have some mobile Arty Platforms. I have never played a video game oddly enough. I did sell an ass load of them back in the early days when you could still make a dollar or two off of electronic gadgets.

I guess the South Fort Worth Choir will be looking for another tenor with the demise of this budding career choir leader.

What fence? There was a fence? Damn…who knew?

Beria surely was grinning over the last few months, wasn’t he?

Still leaning toward the Ruger 10/22 for squirrels and sech.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

But that KelTec looks to be .223, not 22LR.


Chippy, this is the kinda tank I need…

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WarPig BBQ’s M1A1-model barbecue smoker. Dennis Butterworth of Houston, Texas, who heads the competitive barbecue team, served in tank crews in the U.S. Army. (Dennis Butterworth/WarPig BBQ)

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Sixteen years old…..
Hopefully he didn’t leave any of his thug & stoopid genes behind in a baby mama to continue another generation.
I love it when the trash assists in taking itself out.

Army-Air Force Guy

Anti-gunners will, of course, count this as a “child killed with a gun” in their year-end statistics.

Well, there are sperm repositories all over nowadays, from ages that disgust most of us. Sixteen is about prime to utilize the younger ones with minimal repercussions, while anything older deserves a poorly maintained woodchipper. Too many teenaged mothers, far too few worthy teenage fathers. I take it personal, because I became a father at 19. My 25-year-old daughter’s mother is at the house right now, waiting for me to get home. She was 18 when the oldest was born, and we have three teenagers there waiting to annoy me in addition to the smart only son who jumped ship as soon as he turned 18. For the record, neither adult child has made us grandparents yet…

As to those minimal repercussions, potential baby mama has already moved on, while baby itself is set up for the next round of Thug Life 101.

As for his age, I’ll quote Joseph Heller’s Catch-22, “Well, he died. You don’t get any older than that.”

John Seabee

Lil Din do Nuffin won’t be doin dat again