Easy Calls

| May 17, 2024


The Los Angeles County Supervisors stepped on their collective appendages.

The Board declared April 30th (presumably next year) as a day of appreciation for ‘actress’ and wannabe terrorist activist Jane Fonda.

That date ring a big bell? That is also the anniversary of the fall of Saigon in 1975.

Vietnamese lawmakers, including California State Sen. Janet Nguyen and Assemblyman Tri Ta, have called on officials to cancel the new recognition.

April 30, known as Black April to the community, remains a solemn day for many of 2.3 million Vietnamese Americans in the U.S.

Nguyen and Ta, whose families were affected by the Fall of Saigon on April 30, 1975, expressed frustration over the county’s disregard for the Vietnamese community’s collective trauma. The date honors the sacrifices made of some 250,000 South Vietnamese and 60,000 American soldiers.

Fonda, dubbed “Hanoi Jane” by Vietnam veterans and refugees, faced criticism for her actions during the war, including traveling to North Vietnam, being interviewed for communist broadcasts, and posing for photos with North Vietnamese soldiers and anti-aircraft guns that were used to target American pilots. Fonda has since apologized for the images, claiming that she was against the war but not American troops.

Correction: she has expressed regrets for the pictures taken of her but has never to my knowledge actually apologized. Far as I can tell, the purple haired twunt is sorry she got caught. Only.

Constance Farrell, a spokesperson for Supervisor Lindsey Horvath, said April 30 was initially selected as it coincided with a regular meeting in which the board typically issues proclamations honoring individuals and organizations. NextShark

Tone deaf. Clueless. 2,300,000 million Vietnamese in the US and they pick one of the darker days in their history. Guess we know how much attention they pay to their constituents – or are there no Vietnamese in Los Angeles? Oh, and they are still going to honor her in April – just not on the 30th.

A Florida fella named Jimmy Klass got a shock – after 64 years here retiring and being told his monthly Social Security check would be coming soon, he got a follow-up letter from the SSA saying “nope, not a citizen, no money.”

Klass was born in Canada. His mom was Canadian and his father was American, born and raised in New York. The family moved to the U.S. in 1959, and Klass has lived in the country ever since — believing he was a dual citizen.

He told the news station his roots were never questioned when he secured critical pieces of ID, including his Social Security card, driver’s license and voter registration card. He was approved to serve as a marine in the U.S. military* and later worked for the New Jersey state police. He says his citizenship status was never questioned.

But he never received a dime and instead got a letter disputing his right to retirement benefits.

Upon learning his status, Klass formally applied for U.S. citizenship, but was denied due to a lack of evidence that his father was present in the country for 10 years prior to his birth, according to Action News. Klass has since sought out the help of an immigration attorney and genealogist to help him in his fight for citizenship — and to get the benefits he thinks he’s owed.  MoneyWise

* he was accepted but due to subsequent employment did not serve  WSVN

Give him his damn money.  You can guarandamntee if he was a few pennies short on any income tax filing the government would be instantly reaching so far up his ass they could swing on his tonsils.  They are giving kazillions to illegals, right? How about to someone who, you know, actually paid into the system?


Category: "Teh Stoopid", "Your Tax Dollars At Work", Government Incompetence

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A Proud Infidel®™

“Hanoi Jane” only “apologizes” because of money, it’s obvious to me that commie twunt was never sorry about what she did, I wonder how many times she gave head to General Giap while in North Vietnam?


Bitch has only regret and apology about the whole North Vietnam trip which was being photographed on the AA Gun which she implies she was “set up”, because she says it “wasn’t who she was”. You can watch a typical narcissist type non-apology here if you like as well as her either made up encounter with a Vietnam vet or a Vietnam vet poser:


She has no other regrets or apologies to make about her time in North Vietnam.


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Last edited 5 months ago by Anonymous

She was Ho’s ho


She missed-out on gettin’ busy with Che.


Ted Cruz better check his status as well, his story isn’t too far off Klass.


Won’t be a problem for our “betters”. They’ve made money hand over fist with their knowledge of all things financial.

Martha Stewart still unavailable for comment.


Feed Jane Fonda to the Whales

Does he have his 40 quarters paid into social security? How many of the 35 years that SSA uses to calculate the benefit does he have?

Amateur Historian

“Feed Jane Fonda to the Whales”

Please don’t pollute our oceans with garbage. It’ll make our sea life (including whales) sick. 😉


<bos’n pipe: call to attention>
All hand stand by for a message on the 1MC
Fuck Jane Fonda. That is all


Hope she resides in the same part of hell with lbj and mcnamara.

Skivvy Stacker

Fuck Jane Fonda
Nope, not even with your dick.


Way back in 93 when I was a new Pvt just out of AIT, I was assigned to Ft Carson. We had a PL who would go on to become our XO, he was prior enlisted SF. He drove this beater of a pickup with a faded bumper sticker on his truck that read something akin to “Kill Jane Fonda, that traitorous bitch” We all thought it was hilarious, because Infantry. Well, one day he pulls in to the parking lot and it’s not on his bumper any more. Seems the Div commander was behind him and saw it, and despite the General being a Vietnam vet,he didn’t like it,so the Div commander followed him and when he got to wherever he was going, pulled up and made him remove it. Funny thing, the XO had this sticker on his bumper so damn long, that the sun had actually burned in a ghost image of the words, so if you were close enough, you could still read it.
To this day, this story always comes to my mind when I hear any mention of that traitorous bitch, and I think “damn, I wish I had that bumper sticker”.


I try not to wish pain and suffering on anyone but in her case
I’ll make an exception.


It’s like an insurance company…they’re happy to take your premium money your whole life, but make a claim and….

Besides they need that money to pay the “disability” payments to the 400lb 30 year old who can’t waddle 3 blocks down the street to pick up their daily ration of Whoppers with cheese without stopping four times to catch their breath.

BlueCord Dad

Phuc her…

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Ahhh….to be the lucky one who gets the beer concession at her funeral….

That lucky one won’t need no Social Security $.


Bud Light could make out like a fat rat if they apologized to America for Dylan Mulvaney and offered a special concession deal in support of that there.


Bud Light would still taste like watered down goat piss, even with an apology


True, but drunk frat boys would drink it again.


I would like to get on the waiting list.

Prior Service

1. I thought she had cancer. Why hasn’t that kicked in hard yet?
2. How sad it took the Vietnamese community to point out the problem here, even in CA.

RGR 4-78

A well dressed, purple haired, lying hag.


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Folk at Kent State invited her to the 50th Anniversary of May 4th observation despite objections (these least of which being she wasn’t even there back then and didn’t do her ‘Nam bit until ’72). Total left-fest.

The big COVID-o-rama in 2020 canceled it. 🙂

Last edited 5 months ago by Anonymous

When she kicks, first keg on me.

And I feel for my former neighbors when I lived in SoCal. About 75 percent Vietnamese immigrants. Nicest people you’d ever want to meet, but zero tolerance for commies.