ATF blows Biden claims out of the water

| April 25, 2024

The BATFE (commonly called ATF) recently released an interesting report on gun dealers linked to crime.

I’ve mentioned before how Biden is pursuing the firearms industry and them evull gun dealers, right?

The ATF’s report found just 136 cases of illegal firearm trafficking tied to a federal firearms licensee (FFL) over a five year period. That’s just 1.6 percent of all 9,700 cases. To put that into more specific perspective, there were 134,516 federal firearms licensees (FFLs) at the end of 2021. That equates to just 0.1 percent of all FFLs being implicated in allegedly illegal firearm trafficking before President Joe Biden instituted his whole-of-government crackdown on the firearm industry.

.1% .001 of the licensees. I know for a fact there are more Senators and Congressmen under investigation – Corey Bush alone is worth more than that. (Quick update, recent data from her campaign reports that her husband has made $123,000 of taxpayer funds as her “security head”since January 2022 and is still getting payments.) But back to the ATF report:

Conversely, illegal straw purchases and private sales accounted for 80 percent of all cases. Stolen firearms represented another 25 percent of cases of illegally-trafficked firearms.

“The data analyzed in this report indicates that a shift in the types of trafficking channels used over the course of the last two decades has occurred,” the report summary states. “Corrupt FFL investigations represented almost 9% of trafficking investigations in the 2000 report, but now represent less than two percent of trafficking investigations.”

The ATF’s “zero-tolerance” policy resulted in 157 federal firearms licenses revoked in 2023 following an inspection. That was up from 88 licenses revoked in 2022 and five in the last six months of 2021. Reports show that 165 FFLs were able to maintain their licenses following a revocation hearing in 2023. That was up from 83 in 2022 and just one in the last six months of 2021. Another 88 FFLs voluntarily surrendered their licenses in 2023, rather than endure the costly and painstaking process of clearing a business’s name due to what are many times minor clerical errors. That was up from 69 in 2022 and 24 in the last six months of 2021.

What’s more, ATF has “named-and-shamed” businesses that saw their licenses revoked or that ceased operations. That’s an overtly political maneuver to satisfy gun control advocates who clamor to falsely smear business owners as “bad apples” when many times it is clerical errors in records that caused them to run afoul of inspections.

One would think a better use of agents’ time would be to look at who actually facilitates many of these illegal guns’ movements.  (For some reason, the words “Fast and the Furious” keep going through my mind… and no, I don’t mean the movie series.)

The ATF’s own data shows that the firearm industry isn’t the source of “crime guns.” The source is criminals – as NSSF has said all along. Falsely blaming the firearm industry for a lack of willingness to address crime puts our communities at risk and squanders the trust Americans place in ATF to execute their mission without political favor. NSSF

Yes, I am aware the NSSF is as unbiased as the NRA. But the report comes from BATFE.


Another quick item to watch – though Mexico knows that PLCAA forbids suing gun manufacturers over illegal use of their guns by criminals ‘way downstream of the industry supply chain, they are suing multiple makers saying “US governments are forbidden to, but since we are not a US entity we are not.” (I suspect this a cartel backed suit since they have well established supply chains for illegal guns.) It is at the Supreme Court as we speak.

Category: Guns

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ATF=booze,butts and barrels.

USMC Steve

And don’t forget the E part. Add booms to that, for booze, butts, barrels and booms.


I’ll just stick this right here…

comment image?w=500&ssl=1

Old tanker

Really doesn’t matter now what the stats WERE. Due to the changes in the law, named the Safe America law IIRC from the other year, the AFT has now changed the rule for declaring a person a dealer by now announcing that anyone who sells a firearm and makes a profit (amount is immaterial) is now a dealer and must comply with all the rules including background checks.

Not to sound like a broken record, a you tube channel “Armed Attorneys” has broken it down Barney style. This also includes being held responsible if a gun you sold and was later resold by another ends up in a crime because they trace it back to the original owner.

USMC Steve

Which is already being challenged by several pro gun groups with access to really capable lawyers.


So, criminals don’t go to gun stores, do paperwork or show ID to get guns? Shocking.


FFL holders, and the Responsible Parties (RPs) for large companies like the one I work for, will usually err on the side of caution. For example, until a year or so ago, self-prohibits could be overridden by a manager after a short interview with the customer (for 21.a.) or with proper documentation for certain other questions. Around the same time the form changed, RPs were advised that while they could still permit a self-prohibit to complete a form again, they are urged not to. So, enter Bass Pro or Cabelas, answer a question wrong, and you won’t be buying from those stores anytime soon. The systems are linked, too, and early on we had to turn away some customers who’d prohibited themselves at the Cabelas down the road and were told to just hit us up.

I can imagine that there are some shady dealers out there. Even those on the up-and-up have to keep a hand in the day-to-day business of gun sales. A bad employee or two could cost the license. We have checks and balances that include a final check after the required initial and second checks, before the gun leaves the store. I’ve caught misspellings and other smaller things that are easily corrected, but nothing major. Each week one of the RPs does a health check of 4473s and other paperwork, to include randomly inspecting firearm attributes.

Straw purchases are preventable to an extent, but we can’t be expected to be mind readers. One guy on the gun line almost shut a sale down a couple of days ago because the customer was buying two identical handguns. He engaged the customer in casual conversation, during which he found out that one was intended for the home and the other for the office. No problem.

But yeah, criminals aren’t going to go through a licensed dealer if they can help it. Naive Cousin Cassandra will buy them a gun, they’ll get one off the streets, or they’ll break into vehicles until they find that truck gun.


Said no criminal…ever

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How does an FFL holder prevent a straw purchase? If one has a girlfriend with no record and she purchases a handgun for her felon boyfriend, how would the seller know?


Like this?

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I admit nothing…call my lawer…

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A Proud Infidel®™

Outlawing guns will have even less success than outlawing drugs, FENTANYL kills far more Americans than guns do!


True, but liberals don’t like guns…

Ooh, and Mexico, along with the ATF can piss up a rope!


Just in… Army relieves ADA Bn Cdr in Germany after 6 months (my bet’s on poor zipper control that fast):

Last edited 5 months ago by Anonymous

In the Viet of the Nam, my first battalion commander was relieved after only three months. There was a dickhead involved, but it was his incompetence and abusive personality rather than his sex drive. There was supposedly a $3,000 bounty on him. His CSM was the only person in the battalion who could abide his bullshit.


Having been an air defender in Germany, it sure could be that. Could still be both, equally, too. Sadly.