Daily FGS

| February 24, 2024

Remington 1100

Woman shoots man in knee outside of Frayser home, police say

by: Lawrencia Grose
MEMPHIS, Tenn. — Memphis Police are investigating a shooting that took place outside of a home in Frayser overnight.

The incident happened in the 2700 block of Crackelrose Drive. When officers arrived, they found a man outside with a gunshot wound to the knee.

Reports state that the victim and a woman, the mother of his children, had got into a verbal argument over infidelity.

The woman claimed she put his belongings outside for him to pick them up.

When the man arrived, he began talking to the front door camera. He then broke it and used it to smash open a window at the back of the house, police say.

The woman allegedly grabbed a gasoline container and threw it at the man. After he rinsed his eyes with the outside water hose, he entered the home and reportedly began assaulting her.

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The curb-side belongings were too subtle, or the face-full of gasoline?

Suspect shot while breaking into historic masonic lodge

By Meghan McKinzie and Nathan Vickers
ST. LOUIS, Mo. (First Alert 4) -A caretaker at a historic masonic lodge in the Central West End shot and killed someone who had broken into the building Wednesday, according to police.

Sgt. Charles Wall with SLMPD said the suspect had broken into the Tuscan Masonic Temple on Westminster Pl. near Kings highway around 4:30 am, setting off the building’s security alarms. Wall said a man living above the lodge woke up, found a gun and went searching through the building.

When the man saw the intruder, he shot him. Wall said police would approach the death as a shooting investigation, but it would be up to the Circuit Attorney to determine whether the shooting was justified under Missouri’s Castle Doctrine, which allows a defendant to use deadly force when they reasonably believe it is necessary in instances of a home invasion.

“No matter what, the facts will be presented to the Circuit Attorney,’” Wall said. “Whether they bring charges is their purview.”

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First Alert 4

A St. Louis prosecutor? ‘Lawer’ up buddy.

A wise man can play the part of a clown, but a clown can’t play the part of a wise man.
Malcolm X

Category: Feel Good Stories, Guest Link

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The 1100 derived from the Model 58, according to the article, being gas-operated instead of recoil operated. We had a few Sportsman 58s come in as part of that big collection last year, but all have been sold since.

Incidentally, my first shotgun was a Sportsman 48, based on the Model 11. It has a Poly-Choke, and despite it’s three-round capacity and 28″ barrel, I thought it looked cool as an 18-year-old. I still have it, but it’s well-broken in as I used to put hundreds of rounds of various shot loads through it, not to mention what its previous owner(s) did with it.

Sounds to me like kneecap man got his comeuppance. Same with the brick stealer. What concerns me is that the caretaker “found” a gun and went searching. It seems like it would fall under Castle Doctrine, but if he “found” the gun and went looking, shooting on sight, a prosecutor might have a solid basis on which to file charges. “He heard a noise, procured a firearm that did not belong to him, and then searched for the ‘victim’ with malicious intent to seriously wound or kill him. Had the suspect simply locked his door, call 911 and relied on the well-trained and highly ethical officers of our police department, like Ofc. Hendren and Ofc. Alix (RIP)–masters of proper gun handling–the ‘victim’ would still be alive, enjoying the fruits of his Masterful Masonic Moment.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Shot through he knee.
That’s gonna put a limp in his gimp.
Better than a
“shot through the heart,
but it’s too late,
you give love a bad name…”

Walp, if Ms Thang hada throwed a match to him after the gasoline soaking, he’d of been a hunka, hunka, burning love. She does kneed some range time.

I found that I have a firearm in every room of the house.

If one is wise, one will realize that we are living in clown world. Prepare

“… they think of good old classic wood on black.” As it should be!


I found that I have a firearm in every room of the house.

This is the way.

Sometimes they are indeed ‘found’ ’round here.
That’s where that went” often uttered in this house.


The list of cats I like just increased to two.

Hack Stone

Gives new meaning to “taking a knee”.

Old tanker

He really kneeded to listen to her the first time. Now he can’t trip the light fantastic with his new squeeze.


Bus’ta cap.

Kneecapped. She must be Irish.

Skivvy Stacker

Good thing I’m heading in for an eye exam on the 11th.
I thought that was Crackhoes Drive…

Set next to that story it WOULD make sense.