Stupid people of the week

| January 20, 2024

Her father’s ‘oxygen machine making a beeping sound’ led to this woman’s arrest on Christmas morning

“Peace on Earth. Goodwill…” Not in this case!

A woman and her father in Florida were awake very early on Christmas morning, but they weren’t opening presents under the tree.

The dad — who is 73 and apparently not in the best of health — called police to report “an argument about the oxygen machine making a beeping sound.”

An officer arrived and “was greeted by the defendant at the end of the driveway.”

Her arrest report said she told the officer they “got into an argument over his oxygen machine and due to the way her father was speaking to her.”

The report also said she admitted, “She slapped him in the face.”

Her father, the victim, agreed they “argued, and then the defendant punched him in the left side of his head.”
Christina Marina Granados was arrested at about 5 a.m. and charged with battery on a person over 65, which is a felony.

She didn’t have to listen to the oxygen machine beeping during the 32-and-a-half hours she spent in jail until her release in lieu of $1,000 bond.

Granados is also under orders not to have contact with her father, so she may not be celebrating with him when she turns 50 this coming Monday, Jan. 8.

Source; KOMO News

FAA launches recruitment campaign for workers with ‘severe intellectual’ disabilities, psychiatric problems and physical issues to hit woke DEI targets

The Federal Aviation Administration is looking for recruits with ‘severe intellectual’ disabilities as it tries to hit woke DEI targets.

The agency is hunting people with psychiatric issues and other mental and physical conditions in its latest diversity drive.

The FAA, which includes jobs such as air traffic controllers, are keen to employ those with hearing and vision impairments, missing limbs, partial and complete paralysis.

Such a broad recruitment is all part of what the FAA term its ‘Diversity and Inclusion’ hiring plan.

The FAA, overseen by Secretary Pete Buttigieg’s Department of Transportation, is responsible for regulating civil aviation and currently employs around 47,000 people, while John P. Benison is charged with implementing the agency’s DEI plan.

Benison, whose official title is as Assistant Administrator, Office of Civil Rights, ‘is responsible for assuring equal opportunity, and diversity precepts within the FAA’ with his officer overseeing all ‘civil rights, equal opportunity, and diversity matters.’

The FAA states on its website how individuals with ‘severe’ mental and physical disabilities represent an under-represented segment of the federal workforce.

The agency ‘actively supports diversity through various associations, programs, coalitions, and initiatives, emphasizing the importance of its diverse workforce.’

‘Diversity is integral to achieving FAA’s mission of ensuring safe and efficient travel across our nation and beyond,’ the FAA states.

However, there has been renewed attention on the FAA and the airline industry as a whole following an incident earlier this month when a plug door on a Boeing 737 Max 9 malfunctioned during an Alaska Airlines flight.

The FAA responded by grounding all 737 MAX 9 planes, conducting extensive inspections, and increasing oversight of Boeing’s production line.

Following the shocking incident, some public figures including Elon Musk suggested that diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives may be responsible for compromising safety in the airline industry.

‘It will take an airplane crashing and killing hundreds of people for them to change this crazy policy of DIE,’ Musk wrote on his X platform on Tuesday, rearranging the abbreviation for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI).

The FAA says that it thoroughly seeks and vets qualified candidates from various sources for a range of positions.

The agency employs tens of thousands of people in diverse roles, with rigorous qualifications varying by position.

‘Because diversity is so critical, FAA actively supports and engages in a variety of associations, programs, coalitions and initiatives to support and accommodate employees from diverse communities and backgrounds. Our people are our strength, and we take great care in investing in and valuing them as such,’ the FAA states.

Dr. Stanley Goldfarb, chairman of Do No Harm, a group advocating for health care protection, expressed the belief that both the aviation and health care industries share a responsibility for safety.

But he cautioned against lowering standards for entry into these fields, asserting that people with disabilities who can successfully perform tasks should not face discrimination.

‘The aviation industry has a responsibility for traveler safety just as the health care industry has a responsibility for patient safety. These responsibilities outweigh other factors when considering applicants to work in those fields. People with disabilities who can successfully complete the task should never face discrimination,’ Goldfarb told Fox News.

The FAA’s website outlines its ‘On-the-Spot hiring process,’ allowing some managers to hire disabled individuals and veterans, provided the necessary documentation is submitted.

‘The FAA employs tens of thousands of people for a wide range of positions, from administrative roles to oversight and execution of critical safety functions. Like many large employers, the agency proactively seeks qualified candidates from as many sources as possible, all of whom must meet rigorous qualifications that of course will vary by position,’ the FAA said.

Source; Daily Mail

Florida man throws beer can, shoots AR-15 because of speeding driver in his neighborhood: sheriff

A Florida man was arrested after throwing a beer at a vehicle he believed was going too fast in his neighborhood, subsequently leading him to shoot his AR-15 rifle, according to officials.

Eric Proctor told investigators that he threw a beer can at a vehicle because the driver was speeding in the neighborhood and that he then confronted the driver about speeding, Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd said in a video posted to social media.

Proctor said he was going to grab his AR-15 and returned to fire his gun, Judd said.

“He went to his house, and he comes out with his rifle, and the dude shoots three times,” Judd said. “Once in the air and twice on the ground.”

Deputies said Proctor denied the allegations against him, but Judd revealed neighborhood video footage showing a man believed to be Proctor in the act.

Proctor is facing felony charges of aggravated assault and is being held in the county jail.

“If you’re that stirred up, just call us,” Judd said. “We’ll deal with it, and you won’t end up in jail charged with a felony.”

Source; Yahoo! News

Category: "Teh Stoopid", Crime, Police, WTF?

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Old tanker

If you get featured in one of Sheriff Judd’s press conferences you are certainly screwed. I like watching him discuss the many idiots and plain old felons his agency catches.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

Too bad we don’t have Sheriff Judd down here in Palm Beach County, The one we have here is anti 2A. according to the NRA.


Then there is the local youth, out on probation for a homicide he committed at age 14, who was found to have helped a friend dispose of a body because of the ankle monitor he was wearing. The trace of his ankle monitor led to the body.


Damn kids!


Just a thought-
How does the FAA define psychiatric problems? Is a diagnosis of say, PTSD, from a VA doc a psychiatric problem they will now overlook?

On the one hand, having a PTSD diagnosis no longer be a bar to certain jobs may be something I can get behind. On the other, does this signal a change in VA compensation based on the “permanent-ness” of a PTSD diagnosis, and therefore disability payment?

I’d lean toward believing the latter. This sounds like the test balloon for reclassifying the permanent and total disability and individual unemployability categories based on this diagnosis. Not out of some recognition that PTSD should only rarely be considered a lifelong disability, but as a way to cut payments to warfighters who genuinely struggle.


That was my thought, too, OAM, when I sent this in earlier this past week. After all…the less we spend on treating Warriors with a for sure “Service Related Problem” the more that can be spent on elective trans surgeries.

Lots of times Flu-ruh-duh man is a woman.


Florida Man strikes again!


Boeing announced a new FAA version of its workhorse jet, the 737-short.


Hahaha!!!!! Nice one!!!!!!


Duck is recovering in the basement. (back story here)

Not eating yet but seems in good spirits… for a duck.


My contender for SPotW, whoever caused the YCSO to release this vidya (8+ months ago, but still):