Judge denies motion to dismiss charges, Daniel Penny to stand trial

| January 19, 2024

As you guys remember, Daniel Penny is a Marine veteran who had Jordan Neely in a choke-hold. Jordan Neely subsequently died. Police said that Neely was not threatening anyone “in particular”. However, Penny argued that Neely made statements regarding the willingness to kill, to serve a life sentence, and to die. Many on that train thanked Penny for his actions. The judge in this case denied a motion to dismiss this trial. Penny must return to court in late March.

From The Post Millennial:

“The three main threats that he repeated over and over were ‘I’m going to kill you,’ ‘I’m prepared to go to jail for life,’ and ‘I’m willing to die’,” Penny said.

Penny said it was “a scary situation,” and that he was “scared for himself,” but that considering the women and children on the train, he “couldn’t just sit still.”

“Some people say that I was holding onto Mr. Neely for 15 minutes. This is not true,” Penny said. “The whole interaction was less than five minutes. People say I was trying to choke him to death, which is also not true. I was trying to restrain him.”

Many on the train that day thanked Penny for his actions, with witnesses saying the incident was “absolutely traumatizing” and that they were terrified of Neely, who was making threats against passengers. He had been screaming that he was going to kill a passenger, witnesses say.

The Post Millennial provides additional information.

Category: SJW Idiocy, Veterans in the news

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It’s New Yawk. Go figure. They’re complete trash and I hope the entire state dies in a horrific fire. And this guy walks from Jury Nullification.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

I like the Jury Nullification idea.
I’ve always heard of the concept, but never seen it done.
It would be interesting to see it in play.

Or we could make the Jury Pool up from the passengers that were on the train.

Saint Floyd of Fentanyl was unavailable for comment.

BlueCord Dad



If the races were reversed, Penny would never had been charged.

An example must be made. You cannot fight back against the narrative.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

Thanks, I was going to say the same thing


The Proggy powers want to imprison anyone who fights back.


You can’t “take the law into your own hands” with self defense; you must let government (who’d prefer, as in Uvalde) to wait under the shooter ran our of ammo for fear of their posteriors getting shot instead! /sarc

Last edited 7 months ago by Anonymous

Unfortunately (my opinion only) the “/SARC” is no longer required. However, you are correct by today’s standards! I keep saying that at some point, common sense has to take over. I also keep waiting!


They would be wise to remember:

The most terrifying force of death, comes from the hands of Men who wanted to be left Alone. They try, so very hard, to mind their own business and provide for themselves and those they love. They resist every impulse to fight back, knowing the forced and permanent change of life that will come from it. They know, that the moment they fight back their lives as they have lived them, are over.

The moment the Men who wanted to be left alone are forced to fight back, it is a form of suicide. They are literally killing off who they used to be. Which is why, when forced to take up violence, these Men who wanted to be left alone, fight with unholy vengeance against those who murdered their former lives. They fight with raw hate, and a drive that cannot be fathomed by those who are merely play-acting at politics and terror.

TRUE TERROR will arrive at these people’s door, and they will cry, scream, and beg for mercy…but it will fall upon the deaf ears of the Men who just wanted to be left alone.

Skivvy Stacker

Neely’s family didn’t give half a shit about him until he died, then they got Benjamin Crump to act as their mouth piece, and started looking for the big money pay out. The ghetto lottery.


The DA is an idiot they’ll never get a murder conviction. Penny has raised 3 million in his legal defense fund. I would really be surprised if he gets convicted of anything.

This would be a good case for Gerry Spence It is too bad he is ancient and retired. It was always fun to watch him annihilate stupid DA’s.


I’m astounded that the left didn’t find some way to seize Penny’s legal defense fund.


As soon as it hit 300k the family filed their lawsuit. They might win a civil trial but I doubt it. I always find it so odd when people that haven’t talked to their family members in years s suddenly love them millions of dollars when they’re killed by somebody with money. Let’s face it, the reason he was homeless was because nobody in his family would take him in. That’s how much they loved him.


Last edited 7 months ago by 5JC

Jordan Neely has been cured of his criminality. What’s the problem?

Amateur Historian

There are a couple of men in this country, including Penny, who should receive a presidential pardon from the new administration when it takes over. The other is Derrick Chauvin, but for him, his pardon should be kept secret. Do not want a repeat of the summer of love.

Forest Bondurant

IIRC, even the coroner in Chauvin’s case testified his findings couldnt conclude St. Floyd suffered from strangulation, which in my mind should have influenced the burden of proof “beyond a reasonable doubt”. The jury convicted him anyway. Pathetic.


Chauvin was convicted by the news media before trial ever started and the current “average citizen” has no idea and no care of how legal proceedings should conclude. They only care about what “feels good”!


The POTUS cannot pardon someone charged with state crimes. Only the governor of the state can pardon those charged or convicted of violations of that state’s penal code.

Amateur Historian

So an innocent man is in prison with people who have already tried to kill him, to the disgusting applause of the media? So much for the principle of letting 100 guilty men go free rather than having 1 innocent man suffering behind bars.


Funny thing, from my very distant perspective, all of the videos that I saw, never showed anyone kneeling on ST. Floyd’s “NECK”!

Not to mention the expert testimony that he (Floyd) had ODd past the point that even NARCAN would have saved him.

My opinion is that Chauvin was a sacrificial lamb to appease the masses. I don’t know the man. Never met him, but how can he be in prison for using a technique that was taught, trained and accepted, AND,,,, the suspect had ODd past saving??

What do we now do when we find ourselves on trial?

BTW, on a separate issue, I hear COVID is again on the rise. I may start wearing a mask voluntarily!


Chauvin was convicted of “policing while white”.. change my mind..

Forest Bondurant

Taking that a step further, there was forensic testimony that Floyd didnt suffer any neck trauma.


Exactly. And good luck getting that bitch Hochul to consider clemency, let alone a pardon. At this point, I just laugh when I read crime stories from New York. They’re the people Mencken had in mind when he made his quote about democracy.


I guess someone in Minneapolis better call somebody in Somalia, to find out what to do and how to handle it!