Biden: Ineffective Houthi Strikes to Continue

| January 19, 2024

Biden says US strikes against Houthi rebels will continue

By Zeke Miller and Aamer Madhani
Editor’s note: This story was updated at 6:30 p.m. EST with additional information.

U.S. forces on Thursday conducted a fifth strike against Iranian-backed Houthi rebel military sites in Yemen as President Joe Biden acknowledged that the American and British bombardment had yet to stop the militants’ attacks on vessels in the Red Sea that have disrupted global shipping.

The latest strikes destroyed two Houthi anti-ship missiles that “were aimed into the southern Red Sea and prepared to launch,” U.S. Central Command said in a statement posted to X, formerly known as Twitter. They were conducted by Navy F/A-18 fighter aircraft, the Pentagon said.

Biden said the U.S. would continue the strikes, even though so far they have not stopped the Houthis from continuing to harass commercial and military vessels.

“When you say working, are they stopping the Houthis, no. Are they going to continue, yes,” Biden said in an exchange with reporters before departing the White House for a domestic policy speech in North Carolina.

Military Times

This isn’t working so let’s continue risking lives and wasting treasure instead of actually stopping the threat. So glad our DEI-SECDEF has decided to return to work to advise the President in navigating these dangerous waters.

Category: Biden, YGBSM!!

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Regional war coming up.

New wars always help the incumbent…usually.

Amateur Historian

Bush Sr. has entered the chat.

Skivvy Stacker

I never thought I’d see our nation with such a limp dick.


I guess you missed the Carter administration. It’s almost like Jimmy Carter taught FJB everything he knows.

Amateur Historian

In addition to leaving FJB some notes on Prime Ministers Neville Chamberlain and Édouard Daladier.

Old tanker

I’m curious. Outside of an actual invasion and boots on the ground to “pacify” Yemen, what do you think would be an effective way to eliminate the houthi’s ability to impact the waterway?

Quite frankly, I am thinking we really don’t want to do the invasion bit again.


Strikes on launch facilities. Strikes on C&C centers. Strikes on anything that threatens shipping. A completely excessive and brutal use of force.


That’s the issue. There is no easy way. Saudi Arabia bombed them for a decade with American planes, bombs, Intel and American trained pilots. This is gonna grow to bombing Iran and boots on the ground.

Prior Service

Even the best middle eastern military is still just a middle eastern military.

Major Tuddy

With the obvious exception of the IDF, yes.


-Color revolution.
-Support the Houthi’s opposition with lawyers, guns, and money.
-Have the same (or others that work cheap) guerrilla it up, destroying critical infrastructure and ambush logistics tails.
-Worldwide pandemic that predominately kills people with a uniquely Yemeni DNA sequence.
-Continue to catch weapons with our Navy’s boats and respond in-kind.

That last one is most likely because that fat idiot playing SECDEF needs to pay off his handlers.


Something like this coupled with coordinated convoy escorts. Two ABs can protect quite a lot of ships. Plus it would be good Target practice for them. It would save a fortune on war games.


Now, add in the proxy war karma that is going to haunt America for generations.

Ain’t nothing stopping Russia sending high end SAMs or anti ship missiles or EW to the Houthis. Or Iran.

Payback is coming.


Nothing would be stopping them if they actually had any left. They have expended 75% of their high-tech munitions in the Ukraine. Whatever they have left they are saving in case NATO invades.

NATO will not actually invade, but Putin doesn’t know that.

RGR 4-78

Do you think at some point, when Russia is sufficiently weakened the ChiComs will invade parts of Russia in a land grab of their own?


That is the trillion-dollar question. Outer Manchuria. The Russians took it but they never developed it. It would have to be at exactly the right moment. China is very patient though.

I’m willing to bet there’s trillions of dollars in rare earth materials in there. So maybe.

RGR 4-78

Thank you for the insight.


We all know it’s going to happen. It’s just a matter of when.


“Biden: Ineffective” Coulda stopped your headline right there. No matter what the subject is, that one (1) word describes the (s)elected prezzy sniffy creepy perfectly.

As pointed out by others, there is no easy answer. We (the US) have made a habit of half assing our way thru “war/police action/nation building” whatever term fits the narrative for so long now that it is the only thing they know how to do. We’re looking at the beginnings of WWIII whether we want to are not. Most of us being of the Old School, and seeing the results of half assing things, feel that we should go in full force and just wipe these sumbitches off the map, including the mad mullahs. “War means fighting and fighting means killing!” (Bedford Forrest) “…make that other son of a bitch die for his country.” (Georgie Patton) Doing so would be all warm and fuzzy but would also condemn the US (BFD) and give the other foreign enemies a good opening to further world conflict with us being distracted by the latest “conflict”. The winners are the Global MIC. (“Beware…” Ike)

You want worldwide trade and commerce? Fine, let the world wide ship owners/governments foot the bill. For way yonder too long everyone has depended on the US Navy to carry the load. OK, we’ll do it and send them all a bill. The Egyptians(?) haven’t done a whole to handle all of this with their boots on the ground, do we need to spill more American Blood in that sh*thole? Can you say Vietnam? Afghanistan? Iraq?

Maybe the best way is to really become the Satan we are accused of being and just nuke the site (Iran) from orbit. And THEN tell the rest of the world to piss up a rope or they will suffer the same fate. How long will these pirates be around if their source of war making supplies is no longer around?


The idea of nuking Iran has been kicked around a lot in the last 40 years. Clancy even used a potential nuke strike as a plot device in the Sum of All Fears, that Hollywood went Hollywood on and changed the villains around so no Iranians were harmed during the filming.

However that would be the end of US supremacy in the world.

Last edited 7 months ago by 5JC

Yeah, he made the bad guys neo-nazis or some like that, right?


It should be noted that the United States Navy carries the bulk of everything security and defense related at the sea, there are some up and comers.


Shooting down a missle is a defensive act. Destroying the site where the missle came from is a strike.

Slow Joe

What are we striking in Yemen exactly?
The Houthis are land owners, they got bases, which give us targets to strike.
Why don’t we bomb the shit out of their little camps?


Get some!
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