How is Iraq lost?

| January 22, 2007

I read a Joe “do my hair plugs look straight to you” Biden quote by Rob at Flopping Aces this morning;

I have reached the tentative conclusion that a significant portion of this administration, maybe even including the vice president, believes Iraq is lost,” Biden said. “They have no answer to deal with how badly they have screwed it up. I am not being facetious now. Therefore, the best thing to do is keep it from totally collapsing on your watch and hand it off to the next guy — literally, not figuratively.” Joseph Biden 

A Washington Post/ABC poll comes up with the conclusion that;

The poll also finds that the public trusts congressional Democrats over Bush to deal with the conflict by a margin of 60 percent to 33 percent.

Somehow, it’s become a foregone conclusion in discussing the war in Iraq that we’ve lost it and Democrats will somehow save us.

How did that happen? We’ve been killing these numbnut jihadists in droves for years. Yeah, it’s cost a few thousand Americans in doing so, but that’s the cost of doing the business of fighting chickenshit cowards.

Speaking of chickenshit cowards, who was it that moaned that we needed to stop killing Iraqis on the “Highway of Death” (known to rational people as Highway 1) back in 1991? When we had Hussein’s Army on the run and bottlenecked on Highway 1 scurrying their their famished thread-worn asses back to Basra, the media and the Left put up a hue and cry that our aircraft were making the highway slick with the blood of surrendering, unarmed Iraqi soldiers (who, by the way, had, until recently, been raping and pillaging a surrendering and unarmed Kuwaiti population).

So the Republican administration surrendered to the Democrat Congress’ protests and ceased the destruction.

But I can attest (along with Crotchety Old Bastard who was on my flank the day the Gulf War ended and we both ended up alongside Highway 1) Highway 1 was no “Highway of Death”. There were very few dead. The US aviators had taken out the the first few vehicles on the highway and the last few vehicles, effectively stopping traffic. Then as the Iraqis fled the highway on foot, the aircraft destroyed the parked vehicles. So many vehicles it took days for US engineers to make the highway passable again. But the Iraqis fled on foot to Basra. Not dead.

But because the media took a few grisly pictures of some mangled corpses, Highway 1 became the “Highway of Death” and our aviators became inhuman killing machines who were stopped from their grim task of murdering unarmed soldiers by the courageous Democrats and the media.

Total Bullshit (note the capital B).

And those Iraqi soldiers who escaped to Basra were re-armed, turned around and turned loose on the Shi’ite civilian population. Crotchety Old Bastard and I saw the results of that, too, when we were sent deep into Iraq to shield the Shi’ites from the marauding Iraqi Army in March and April.

So why did I recount all of that? To remind people that Democrats don’t know shit from shinola when it comes to warfare. I don’t think Democrats even know how to say the word “victory” let alone define victory. Look at the back-clapping they’ve done for “their” wars – Haiti, Bosnia, Kosovo, East Timor, etc.

They take great pleasure in the US military’s failures – most of which they’ve caused with their infantile, political tantrums and their incessant meddling in the business of real men – merely for political gain and their personal wealth.

I guaren-damn-tee that if the Democrats sat quietly for just one year, we’d wipe out terrorism in our time, but their hand-wringing apologies, their finger-pointing, their rush to surrender is what’s getting our troops killed in Iraq. If they has just kept their criticism to themselves until after the war was over, it’d be over.

But they support the troops.


Greyhawk at Mudville Gazette asks and then answers;

What exactly is this plan that most Americans “want to work“?

In the meantime, I’d like to know what the Democrats plan since they can’t seem to drag their sorry-asses into line for the “surge”. If Americans think the Democrats can do better, what are Americans basing this on?  What have the Democrats presented as an alternative? Besides cutting and running, of course.

And from the Guardian, via Hot Air;

One of the things that I have found hard to deal with is the people who have called me to pass their condolences then gone on to tell me that the war in Iraq is wrong and that we should pull the troops out.

Of course war is wrong, but they are also wrong: we should not pull the troops out. If we had pulled the troops out last week, my son would still be alive but that is not the right thing to do.

If you want to take them out, fine, no British soldiers will be killed, but who will go in? It’s as if the British public are saying ‘We know there are going to be deaths in that country to restore democracy but we don’t want our boys dying – send somebody else’s.’

But what do you do? Sit and watch our high definition televisions and not give a shit? If you say that, then what was my son’s life for. Then you are saying he died in vain.

Category: Terror War

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