Thoughts on Hillary’s voters

| January 21, 2007

Just the usual crapola in the news today, but it got me thinking (what I do best, despite my wife’s complaints about the odor). Hillary will probably walk away with her party’s nomination for the very simplest reason; Democrats hate to put any actual thought into their political decisions (if they did they’d be Republicans) and Hillary is the perfect superficial candidate for the intellectually vacant.

She’s really as vacuous as that Barack Obama. Neither have done or said anything of note since they’ve won their respective offices, yet the Media is collectively peeing itself a little everytime it mentions either’s name. 

She’s been on both sides of nearly every issue (except abortion which Democrats are avoiding at the moment) at one time or another, so it’s fairly easy to ‘google’ a reason to support her. Everyone supposedly knows what issues she support (pick an issue, any issue), and everyone wonders what Bill will do in the White House when he’s not the one everyone is watching (personally, I imagine it’ll be a more grotesque version of Tom Cruise’s tidy whitey dance from “Risky Business”).

I’m sure she can talk Al Gore into being her straightman VP again – that’ll make it even easier to attract the intellectually barren who’ve already pulled the lever twice for Clinton/Gore – and they won’t have to pull off the stickers from the bumpers of their 16-year-old Volvos.

And since she’s already been the co-President, we know we can expect more of the same antics of their cabinet members, too. They had a hard enough time finding the first iteration who wasn’t tainted by scandal and corruption, you don’t think they’ll change the nominees do ya? I wonder if they’ll appoint Sandy Berger to the National Archivist job this time around.

And maybe they can finally get us out of the dirty war we’re involved in over in the Balkans like they promised they’d do before the 1996 election.

They can even borrow their campaign slogan from the Seinfeld’s character George Costanza; “I like stuff I don’t have to think about”.

Now, I see that Clinton water-carrier and professional toady Bill “No, Really – I’m Hispanic” Richardson has tossed his hat in the ring. I suspect he thinks his portly visage will cut a fine figure alongside Hillary as her runningmate.

Category: Politics

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