A student is told that ‘strait’ is ‘offensive’

| January 15, 2024

A teacher handed out a worksheet to the students. The worksheet was a “Social Identity Wheel” that contained the following categories: racial, ethnic, gender, social economic status, physical, emotional or developmental disabilities, and sexual orientation. One of the students that wrote down “straight” was told to pick another term. The teacher described “straight” as “offensive.” The student’s mother confronted the school about this event.

From The Daily Fetched:

“When filling out a Social Identity Wheel, he [her son] was told that if he identifies as straight, he needed to pick a term that was less offensive,” the mom wrote in a Sept. 24, 2023 email.

“It is completely inappropriate to dictate what terms a student can and cannot use to identify themselves with,” the mom wrote in a Sept. 24, 2023 email.

The school responded to the mother’s emails, thanking him for her feedback, but Golash denied that he specifically targeted her son.

“I did not tell anyone what words they should use to identify themselves,” Golash wrote.

“In fact, I stated explicitly that I was not going to tell them how they should identify except to explain the difference between race, ethnicity and nationality.”

However, Golash admitted telling the entire class why he prefers not to use the term “straight.”

“Because I think language has power and that it shapes the culture that we live in, I did say to the class, in response to a student, that I do not use the term ‘straight’ because it implies that to not be straight is to be ‘crooked’ which could have a negative connotation,” the teacher wrote.

The Daily Fetched Has Additional Information Here.

Category: "Teh Stoopid", LGBTQWERTY, Liberals suck, SJW Idiocy, Society

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Would fuck you be more acceptable or less offensive?

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

“He” might just like it

Last edited 8 months ago by 5JC
Hack Stone

Would “Normal” be acceptable?


This is the problem most parents have with Public Schools in 2024. It’s not the other kids. It’s the whack job activist teachers.


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Green Thumb


Old tanker

I’m kind of skeptical of the story here. No state, county, school or class, or even grade level is identified in the story. Virtually anything that would differentiate the story from any number of emotional trigger stories flooding the internet is missing. There is, of course, no source listed either unless “the daily far fetched” is some kind of print or digital publication. A quick internet search fails to identify either case.

I’m all for spreading information on the web but the fiction far far outnumbers the even remotely factually based stories. It seems both sides (hell multiple sides) enjoy spreading “short stories” provided either to trigger (I am beginning to hate that term) a purely emotional response from the majority of folks who lack the interest or ability to use critical thought, or to just gain “likes” to support their weak personal identity.

WTF indeed.


Believe Snopes pretty much defines this sort of story as “glurge”


Well how about reading it from the source?


Gives the name of the school and everything else you were looking for.

Old tanker

Seattle, why am I not surprised.


“that I do not use the term ‘straight’ because it implies that to not be straight is to be ‘crooked’ which could have a negative connotation,” … That’s kinda the point… FAG…

“Because I think language has power and that it shapes the culture that we live in,”.. The only accurate thing he said.. which is why we need to reclaim our language, and quit letting these mentally ill pedo’s redefine it..


I dunno. The Strait of Magellan looks pretty crooked on a map.
Teacher probably couldn’t find it anyway.


You know, as time goes on I begin to be what I was not before. I’m beginning to hate the woke, the race baiting, the bigotry of everyone for white Americans. And of course more. Stay off my yard. Leave us alone.

A Proud Infidel®️™️

Does that shit excuse of a so-called “Teacher” try to be a piss-headed brainless fucksock, or does it come to him/her/it naturally?


George Strait just shakes his head. He didn’t know he was offensive to some people.


One does not simply refer to George Strait as anything other than “Mr. Strait” or “King George”.


I wonder how many teenage children of Woke parents have been kicked out of the house when they came out as straight?

Amateur Historian

I came here because I thought they were saying that the Strait of Gibraltar or Magellan are now considered offensive. I now figured out it was a typo.


Was Viper Attack Helicopter an option?